Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ryan Murphy's gay, I don't like classification but I do love MCF

Okay, I just found out that Ryan Murphy's gay.
That explains the horrid Kurt siding.
And that makes me even more sure about my opinion on the subject.
Promoting gay rights in such way is intolerant towards non gay people.
And that proves my another point that Glee people - cast, crew, fans - really do think they're better than everyone else (definitely the reason why they're bedding each other... cause they're like..."super perfecter" than anyone else). If being gay really isn't as big of a deal as those Glee people say then why favour them so much?! Who gives a rat's arse really who you're shagging or how you're doing it?!
I really cannot stand this stupid classification - when people say they're fucking...gleeks, monsters and moonchildren, trekkies..whatevers. Why the fuck do such insignificant people act like they're fucking god? It's like a stupid religion or cult. How does it make a person different when they like Gaga, Glee or Star Trek? How is it possible that liking those three is such a big deal that it makes you so special that you have to fucking give a name to the "speciality"? you grow two dicks? Does it make your brain three sizes bigger? What?! It's just a fucking preferance! And everybody in the world has preferences and the normal ones don't classify themselves by those things. Generally I wouldn't give a crap what everybody calls themselves, cause that's also a preference to call yourself something but when someone is acting like they're
god and calls their followers the name it's like, "Shut the fuck up about your monsters, Lady Gaga!"

Okay...I lost my train of thought - was cooking.

Anyway, that!

Plus how is it possible that yesterday when I went out for a walk it was -3 degrees out and it's -18 tonight? I don't recall moving to the north pole within the last 24 hours!

And to end on a positive note - I praise Bigfish games. I love MCF!!!

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