Saturday, April 16, 2011


Okay, it's been about a month now that I haven't been able to eat. What the fuck!?I just don't know why I feel sick. I take pills, I feel sick. I don't take pills, I feel sick. I eat, feel sick. I don't eat, feel sick. I go out, feel sick. I don't go out, feel sick. I do stuff, feel sick. I don't do anything, feel sick.
Seriously, I'm so not fucking going back to last year!
I wanna beat someone/something up so bad! How dare my body to feel sick so long? What the fuck have I done to deserve to feel like fucking shit for so long? Seriously, I don't have to fucking please this shitty body if it makes me feel like crap for so long. It's unforgivable.
Like, my stepmother said I have to ask for forgiveness from my body for causing it distress. Like, what the fuck?????!!! It's my fucking body and it fucking does what I want it to do. And if my stomach decides to be a bitch on me I'm not fucking accepting it as a part of my body. It can fucking get the fuck out of my body, fucking fuck itself and then fucking come back around and fucking kneeeeeel before me for ten fucking years (that's how long it's been causing me trouble) and fucking apologise and pleaaad for forgiveness and then I fucking punch the crap out of it and ridicule it and make it the most hated thing in the whole damn world so it feels like shit for the rest of its life and it will FUCKING OBEY ME and feel fucking good. UNDERSTOOD, YOU SHITTY PIECE OF A STOMACH!!!!???

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