Saturday, March 23, 2013

some random homosexual parade doesn't do anymore harm than a world full of heterosex

So there's this gay marriage hullabaloo going on in my country.
My thoughts? ...Ehh... I don't even know. When I want to I can be very passionate about gay things. But for some reason I'm not at this moment. Probably because I think marriage is stupid even between heterosexuals. Seriously, why would anyone wanna get married? What good has your country done to you that you feel you have to "prove" to the country that you can make babies, "love" and be able to pay a mortgage!? It seems extremely old fashioned, narrow minded and stupid to me.
Hmm... I just got a feeling I have blogged about it before.
Anyways, let's say I support marriage. Well, then I don't care who gets married. Actually now that I think of it, I'll support (gay) marriage when they legalize trial marriage like in Wicca. That can be between a man and a woman so I don't see a reason why it cannot be legit.

Oh and it bothers me when people say gay people shouldn't have parades and shit. Oh dear lordess! How much heterosexual shit is there in everyone's life!? The world is so overly (hetero) sexual it's disgusting! The media is all about (hetero) sex. So some random homosexual parade doesn't do anymore harm than a world full of heterosex.
My two cents on the subject.

edit: I also don't understand it when people say homosexuals shouldn't be able to adopt children cause they would get picked on. I doubt it would be the homosexual parents picking on their child, it would be the intolerant people and their children doing it.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

where does that leave me?

Ugghhhh, I really need new friends. And I hate to think I can find them only when I go out drinking or to a church party. Where are all the normal people!? I'm not ready to start a family just yet so.... where does that leave me? I want normal single girls. Someone I can get together with, go shopping with or just hang out without them rushing off to do their baby stuff. Argh!

Gotta have something positive in this entry so here ya go:

Saturday, March 16, 2013

major headache situation going on

Ouch! Have a major headache situation going on. Thinking it might be migraine after all. None of the painkillers work.

Plus, it's our pup's birthday. He's two now. Happy bday, Jossu!


Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Oh dear. What a horrible night I had. My head was aching so badly. I went and bought the pills the neurologist prescribed to me. Hopefully I can sleep tonight.
And my anxiety is so bad. I just cannot shop for food at all. Blah.


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Bitch and the son of a bitch

I'm totally molesting our dogs! They're so cute and fluffy. I even put up with their lethal farts. I like cuddling and kissing them.
I'm totally not replacing men with dogs. Dogs are waaaay better!

Saturday, March 09, 2013

I love you

Said my stepmother. Then I.

Other than that, been battling headaches again. And where the hell are my periods!?

Friday, March 08, 2013

Glee Girls (and Boys) on Film review

For starters I gotta say I was immensely bored so I watched like... I watched it for a couple of minutes then did something else then came back again for a few minutes etc.

I gotta say though, I really like Heather's singing.

Boring Blaine song alert!

Okay the girls' mash-up.... The Sasquatch has got some fat armpits. Gross!

Oh dear lord!!!! Why in the world are the Glee kids there when Will is seeing Emma!?

Yeah, I don't give two shits about Marley, Jake and Ryder.

Aaaaand it's over. I totally started watching it in the morning and finished it just now. Think I'm gonna stop reviewing the show cause it's so mindlessly boring for me.

Thursday, March 07, 2013

making my shit boil

Blah...all this talk about nuclear war is making my shit boil! Who the hell do those people think they are launching shit like that!? Yous don't live on this planet alone you shitwheels!
Why don't they battle it out like in the old times, you know with swords and steeds. Kill your politicians, presidents and the army. Why do civilians, animals and nature have to suffer!?
And then Kevin goes and shags that Korean whore!??!

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

I want a burger!

Mmmmmm....have had mcchicken sandwich for breakfast for two days in a row. Not complaining. Been loving it. :D

And now, I'm about to have this:

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

This and that

Went to the neurologist today. With my headaches. She said there's nothing she can do cause my pains aren't brain related, they're nerve aches. She prescribed some pills for me. Two kinds. One's the kind that supposedly works for anxiety aswell. I already talked to me psychiatrist about it aswell and she gave me a go. The pills are a bit pricey though, approximately 20 euros. The prescriptions last 60 days so I still have time. Maybe next month.
Oh and I didn't get the dispatcher job. They said they reserved me. It just means when one of the new ones isn't good enough they'll call me. But I won't be waiting for their call, I'm already looking for a new job. I applied for a janitor position, or cleaning service position or whatever fancy name they have. Just to get some extra money quickly.
And! I had McDonald's for breakfast today. Chicken sandwhich. Was yummy. Plus fries and BBQ dip. Yummy! Maybe I'll go and waste some more money on fast food tomorrow. It's just so good.

Monday, March 04, 2013

Just hanging out on my blog's dashboard

Just hanging out on my blog's dashboard. I think I had a virus on my laptop cause I couldn't sign on to anything. So yeah...I was really paranoid about not being able to rant on my blog. Luckily, yesterday, I downloaded this antivirus thingy so I should be clear now. But yeah, I'm so happy I can sign in to my blog so I'm just hanging out here.... :)