Sunday, August 30, 2015

Me saame hakkama

Daaaaaaaaaaammn, this song! It's been on repeat for the last hour. So good! I used to hate the band when they first ame out but I've loved them for a while now. Yessss! Perfect pop songs.


So I was listening to Cher Lloyd's Want You Back and I was reminded of this incident that happened when I still lived in Ireland.
So I was working in McDonald's. On drive-through. There was this guy who was always driving and had his friends beside him and at the back of the car. The driver dude asked for my phone number quite a few times. But everytime he did his friends would laugh like hyenas so I thought he was just joking and taking the piss, so I ignored him.
And then one time he drives up to the drive-through window where I'm at. This time he was in the car with a girl next to him. He had this victorious look on his face and said something like, "Look, I've got a girl with me. Remember how I asked for your number?". I did but I didn't wanna get into this whole business so I lied and said, "I have so many customers during the day everyday so I don't really remember you". He said, "Well yeah, will you give me your number now?". I dunno what the situation was with him and the girl but like... I said, "You've already got a girl in your car. Why do you need my number for?". And then he drove off...
Like what if he was on a date with the girl. How embarrassing for her when he asked for my number. Like if you seriously want my number then don't have your monkey friends laugh at the whole thing. How was I supposed to know he was serious!?

And then there was this asshole. On drive-through again. He asked for my number. I said no. He said, "I didn't want it anyway!". And I was like, "Well, why'd you ask for it then!?"

Men are weird!

Monday, August 24, 2015

How it happened and what to learn from it

So I dunno what life lessons to learn from today. Shit happened.
Our neighbour's cat got into pantry today, got stuck in there, eat our chargrilled meat and broke the blender.
How it happened and what to learn from it:
*I left the front door open cause my mother's always saying how it smells inside and insists on keeping the door open. Lesson? I did what I was told, like what the fuck!?
*Went to the shop and bought crisps and chocolate. Came home and shared my shit with the brother. He had gone to the pantry to get canned fish and left the pantry door open. That's how the cat got in there. Lesson? No good deed goes unpunished cause I was the one who got the bollocking from the mother.
*I was the one who closed the pantry door after the brother had left it open. Lesson? Trust your gut. I knew I sould check the pantry for cats when I closed the door but I didn't.
*The blender broke. The cat was creeping around the shelves and knocked the bender off the shelf, it broke. Lesson? I had gone on and on about smoothies to my mother for ages. And now I can't get any cause the damn blender broke. Was it a lesson for my mother or for me? I don't get it. Am I not allowed to drink smoothies? Was it a reminder for my mum to buy smoothie ingridients?

Ughhhhhh, I'm always keeping doors closed from now on. If mother wants them open she has to open them herself!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Now I want smoothies all the time

So for about a week I've been yammering about red nail polish to my mother. Today when I didn't tell her about it she finally bought me one:

It's not the exact tone I wanted but it's better than nothing. I wanted full coverage but it's sort of see through. I'm very grateful for it though. :)

Anyway, yesterday we had a great bbq evening. Mother and embit were like, "what a glorious evening". And call me cynical or a party pooper but I was like, "don't gloat just yet, the evening isn't over". And sure enough things turned to shit. They had a fight. Luckily I wasn't there when it happened but I could feel the tension later. Ugh. Anyway, things should be back to normal by now.

Then I've been talking to mum about smoothies and blenders. I told her she can buy me a blender for my b-day. Like...a few weeks back I went to visit Helgi, a woman who lives two stories beneath us in town, for some reason and she was making a smoothie at the time and she let me taste it. It tasted heavenly. Now I want smoothies all the time.


Thursday, August 20, 2015


Desperate times call for desperate measures. The brother has nothing sweet to snack on so he's eating sugar.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

The devil is back

Went for a little car ride with mum and Lembit. Yeah, didn't feel my best but I almost lasted the whole way. Ugh, I so wish I could go on roadtrips and shit. Then I could go to dad's place and to Latvia with the fam.


we all know him

I got a feel before (yes it's tumblr talk) and I posted about it on my tumblr instead of here. How could I!?
Anyway the feels were brought on by listening to Vivaldi. Oh man, I heard some really great violin shredding pieces. Didn't know Vivaldi had it in him. Yeah, tomorrow when I wake up I've got to play the violin. I just have to find my shoulder rest first. I hope Lauri didn't do anything to it. Asked him, he said no but we all know him.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

so good

Listening to Hilary Hahn. Almost made me cry. She's just so good and the violin sounds so good. I shouldn't have stopped playing and should have practiced more and harder. Maybe I'll play tomorrow. I've lost the shoulder rest though, thinking my brother has done something with it. Ahhh, I wanna sound good when I play.
Plus 5SOS announced their album drop. It's called Sounds Good, Feels good. I'm giddy for that aswell. And when I think of Hilary and the album title, I feel depressed. Cause nothing I make sounds good or feels good. Violin wise.
I just cut my nails short today... so it's a sign I have to pick up the violin again.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

a pretty solid day

Had a pretty solid day. Evelin came over. Went swimming twice. Jossu finally learned how to swim and jump off the deck. He was whimpering a lot though, probably was a bit nervous and scared.
Yeah and I thought I might celebrate my birthday this year since it's pretty big. I'd like a few things for my bday, like maybe a blender to make smoothies, a new keyboard for my laptop, new runners/shoes, underpants. Yeah not that many things. I gotta have the chocolate-banana cake though. Or the yellow or orange one. Yeah

Monday, August 10, 2015

slipping under

Mm, it feels so great to have taken a shower and slipping under fresh bed-linen.

Saturday, August 08, 2015

Why did you ask for it then?

Ahh man, I love it when I turn a guy down and he turns out to be an asshole. It gives me this crazy satisfaction.
Hahahaa, made my day!
Like this one time when I still worked in McDonald's, on drive through, this guy asked for my number and I said no. He then was like, "I don't want it anyway". And I was like, "Why did you ask for it then?". Oh, some men are just pathetic. :D

Friday, August 07, 2015

Ahh it felt nice

Father was just over with the fam. And we drove to Poka and back. I didn't get anxiety, although I got a bit scared when the car went a bit faster. Ahh it felt nice to be in the moving car with the family.

I just hope I can be arsed to weed today. :)

Thursday, August 06, 2015

good enough excuses

So mother went to Finland yesterday and I'm procrastinating. I hate it, feel so guilty. Plus it's finally like super hot and humid out. A proper summer weather. Don't know why I mentioned that. Probably trying to find good enough excuses not to weed the garden. Ugh, I just really cannot be arsed.

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

why be so angry!?

Ugh I cannot wait til the mother's Finland trip is over. She's so irritated and annoying beforehand. Like I could understand if the trip was something serious but it's just a holiday thing, why be so angry!?

Monday, August 03, 2015

stupid and desperate men

It baffles me how stupid and desperate men are. Like, seriously, you would pay for sex? Ugh... And not to be totally men hating, why do women take advantage of the fact? I would never ask money for sex. And it's disgusting to see men offer me money. Like no... if I like you I'll do it for free, if I don't like you no amount of money will get you in my bed. I just hate all the money business when it comes to sex.

On the same note... some "relatives" were over the other day. A young man and his gf, Kaidi. After they were gone, I was on my mum's bed transferring her phone images onto the memory card. In comes Lembit and is like "So... Diana's just laying on the bed, hacking. Kaidi's a famous lingerie model". Ughhhh, I'm so over peope commenting on my fat. I know. Do I wanna be a lingerie model? No. I was simply transferring the pics cause the mother will be going to Finland on wednesday with Lembit and she needs more space on her phone or something like that, to take pics. Just because I'm not a skinny lingerie model doesn't mean I'm trash or spending my life away!

Everyone and everything was super nice

Had this family friend from Germany visit us today. The family had 5 children! Everyone and everything was super nice. Even the weather. Makes me wanna live abroad again. Damn my crappy health.

Saturday, August 01, 2015

goddamn bastards

Some fuckheads think waaaaay too highly of themselves.
Why should I want a randomer!? I don't want his goddamn bastards.