Wednesday, March 29, 2017

health wise and also money and comfort wise

Okay, today was... a day.
I actually went over to the big car shop boss and asked him if he decides to decline the cleaning company's offer whether I could still work in the shop for another cleaning company. He told me to leave my name and number. I did. Just in case.
I told my supervisor that I feel like health wise I wanna stay in the car shop. I didn't tell her I left my name and number with the boss.
Like I feel a little like I betrayed the cleaning company but I mean, I am working for myself. So I wanna work where I can and want. Just hope if I get transfered those people are as normal as my current cleaning company's people. I have no problem whatsoever with my job company but I don't wanna clean another object cause of my anxiety. Gotta do what most suitable for me, health wise and also money and comfort wise.
I just hope nobody gets mad at me and that it doesn't come back to bite me in the ass somehow.

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