Wednesday, March 29, 2017

you bitch tooth

Just got back from the dentist. Man, I was trembling soooooo much. Anxiety was through the roof. I kept apologizing for shaking so much. It was very visible and I struggled to keep my mouth open cause my body was jerking all kindsa ways and I had no control over it. Fuck!
And it turns out, the tooth isn't a wisdom tooth. It's a necessary one so I'm gonna do the whole 350 euro treatment to it. Fun times. :D I don't even know if I have a job in June when I have to go there next so...dunno if I even have the money at that time. This will be my first root canal.
Also I was prescribed antibiotics. Okay, you bitch tooth. You better not start inflaming or aching again. I got a little treatment to it today to stop the pain but I probably have to buy the antibiotics too. Have no clue how I'm gonna take them cause they fucking kill me. Ughhhhhh.
Anyway, I'm starving now but not allowed to eat. Think I'll just try to sleep a little. I'm too scared though cause I just know I will get the pain again.

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