Wednesday, June 28, 2017

I need a new place so bad!!!!

Well, Ilme's at it again. She has lost her cooking cloths or shits. She was looking for them in the morning. I left to to see my therapist. Came back and asked her if she found her things. She said, "No cause you've thrown them out." Bitch! Seriously!? She didn't even ask me if I've seen them or touched them, she just came to the conclusion that they're missing therefore I threw them out. I have absolutely no business with her fucking cloths. I've only used them a couple of times but not lately. And they're gone since today. I definitely didn't use them anytime recently. Never ever. Even if I had used them recently, why in the world would I throw them out!?
It's like the time when she thought the forks were bent and accused me of opening jars with them. And then she fucking claimed she has seen me do it!!!! Bitch, I dunno what you think you saw cause I've never, not once in my life have I ever opened a fucking jar with a fucking fork!!!
Jesus what a senile cunt!
Anyway, when she told me I've thrown her shit out, I told her I don't wanna hear her stupid stories again. Seriously, she literally makes up random shit and claims that to be the reality and the truth.
And for the record, she threw out my honey. I confronted her about it and she admitted to it. She said she thought the jar was empty. Okay, even if it was empty, which it wasn't, then you don't get to decide whether something should be thrown out I bought with my money.
Fuck! I need a new place so bad!!!!

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