Saturday, February 24, 2018

"Go get a job, you crook!"

Well, it's Estonia's 100th birthday.
Was gonna go out and see people swimming but it's -17C and I feel like I'm about to get pneumonia, freaking cancer and AIDS by just thinking about it. Who in their right mind gets naked in this cold and goes into freezing water!?

Ugj, and I've been slacking when it comes to blogging. So in short, I have crazy itches, probably have mentioned it before. Apparently it's still some allergy. Am taking pills for it.

But just in case I'm also taking these herbal pills and drinking herbal teas to cleanse my body/liver. Just to support it a little.

The floors at work have been fucking crazy! So hard to clean and my hands, fingers, palms, wrists, forearms, elbows and shoulders have been killing me. Bought an essential oil to mix with the emollient cream and apply on the joints.

Um, mum's birthday will be in a couple of months. A while ago at a place I clean, there's also a beauty clinic type of thing. Got talking to the woman there. Wanna do permanent eyelashes for mum for her birthday. Will see how it goes. If it works and looks nice, I might do it for myself too :)

Oh my two cactuses. The little one was sent back to my mum's place to recover, hopefully. The bigger one is still in town with me. I have been looking for little cactus pots so I could plant one of it's babies in spring. Maybe I even get to fertilize it and get flowers.

Oh and last week I think it was, I was out in town with mum. Walked to the bus station, she was about to go home. On our way there we walked past a group of three gypsies. Mum said to me, "Hopefully they won't talk to us". She then went inside to make sure where the bus was stopping. I was waiting for her outside. And sure enough on the gypsies came over and asked for 50 cents. I told her straight away I didn't wanna, I didn't have. Cut her off.
Then she wnet on to ask another woman for money. The gypsy was smoking a cigarette and the woman said, "You're asking for money while you can afford cigarettes?" Good question.
The mum came back out and asked if I was bothered. I said yes.
Then we sat and chatted. And again, another gypsy approached us. I saw her wanting to talk to my mum. I covered my mum's eyes/face with my hands and told the gypsy not to talk to her, she was not interested and didn't wanna give her any money. The gypsy quipped back that I would never get married/a man.
Okay bitch. First. I have 80% level of disability, I only have the partial ability to work, yet I work three jobs that are not even part time and I'm on benefits. Why the fuck do I have to give you my money that comes so hard to me!? You are perfectly fine to work yourself and yet you spend your days at the fucking bus station asking people for their hard earned money. And then when we refuse to give it to you, for all the rightful reasons, you "curse" us!? Go fuck yourself, you cunt! So fucking lazy and ungreatful!
Yeah, the bitch walked off and I yelled, "Go get a job, you crook!" Yeah you say I won't get a man which doesn't even depend on you, but I say you won't get money and you won't cause you asked me and it depends on me. And fuck anyone who says this is racist or xenophobic, they play their own gypsy card by "cursing" you. Like it fucking matters! Besides in this day and age, I might be a lesbian. Get with the times, gypsy!

Anyway, that day mum was in town cause she wanted to buy Lauri's girlfriend a birthday gift. We walked into a shop and I was the cutest hoodie, sweater. I told her to buy it. She did. But I also bought it for myself too. lol It was just too cute not to buy. I just won't go to my my mum's place in it, just so I won't make the girlfriend feel bad. I don't care but she's young and she might.

Oh and on monday I have a test day at the post office. Sounds like a lovely kind of work. Sorting the mail. But on regular actual work days I have to be there at 4:30 in the morning. I would literally have to get up at three ir something at night. Normally I haven't even gone to sleep at that time. Oh well.

I guess I'll leave it at that. There's a little cute somehting something I wanna talk about but will put it in another blog entry.

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