Saturday, February 24, 2018

Weird country, weird people

Also, have been wondering for a while. You know how americans say america is so great and it's so damn honorable being an american. Okay, cool.
Why do you need guns though? Why do you feel the need to to kill another american or feel threatened by another american at all times to have guns?
Weird country, weird people.

Also, because of the school shootings there... Why do people say when one of those sickos murders a bunch of kids that the person is mentally ill or not right in the head or whatever along those lines. Why is mental illnes only valid when shit like this happens? When you don't go out to murder someone you just have "attitude problems" which you need to "get over" and just "be positive" in general and "choose to be healthy". Why is mental illnes only valid when it makes the person hurt other people? Why is it non existent to people when the illness hurts one person or when the illnes makes the person hurt only themselves. Why is it a choice then but when it's mass murder it's sickness? Fuck, people are stupid!

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