Friday, December 31, 2010

Salads and fish

Cooking done.
Salads and fish mostly.
Ugh, who seriously eats a pepper and olive salad? It's gross. Olives taste like a bitter medicine.
I'll be eating the carrot and pineapple salad.
And obviously! potato salad.

My younger brother was complaining earlier for not having a tree and fireworks.
Well, I wouldn't mind a tree actually.
And fireworks is nice and all but I'm not the biggest fan of the loud bangs so it's good the family doesn't have any of that stuff.

Oh and it might be a bit mean but I hope we won't have any guests cause I want it to be family only night.

Yeahh...I've been playing Mystery Case Files: Huntsville and Ravenhearst
Excellent games!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Go to sleep for Pete's sake!

So I bought a few plates for gifts.
I planned on washing them today before wrapping cause they're a bit dirty.
Yeah, everyone's still awake and in the kitchen!
Go to sleep for Pete's sake!
I don't wanna wash the dishes at night.


Aargghhh, I'm going mad!!
I'm so itchy all over the body!
There's no hives or anything, just itchy skin.
I think it's either the antidepressants or showering (too hot water drying the skin or the shower gel).
And my stepmother said it could be nerves.

Ahh, I hate it so much.
Everytime my skin has to stretch a bit it gets mad itchy.
Especially on my lower back.

Or maybe it's cause I've put on weight.

Whatever the cause it's driving me insane!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Magical strawberry jam

Well, it's very close to perfection when eating strawberries on a nice, hot sunny summer day, but it's downright magical eating fresh strawberry jam in winter.

Monday, December 27, 2010

I get into the flow of things...

Okay, I think I'm too used to being dependant on other people.
I want my own job and a place to live.
And I continue to think I never should have come back to my homecountry cause now I can't freaking travel!!!
And the town I live  in now is the smallest fucking town in the whole world.
There is absolutely nothing going on here, nowhere to go, no one to meet.

And I don't share this point of view with anyone who has it: at first you gotta do a job that you don't like and work your way up to the top.
Yeah, that is bullshit. I will not do a job that I hate. Ever again!
Cause it'll stressme out so much that I end up being more on sick leave than actually working.
So whatever it is I'll do next, it'll be something I like.
And it will be either in Viljandi or Tartu, I'm never moving to the capital, Tallinn.

I'm a bit nervous though, cause I dunno what my anxiety will be like once I start to work but I'm sure that once I get into the flow of things I'll be fine.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Class

Plus, just watched Klass (The Class) Elu Pärast (Life After) last episode.
And it was good.
Dang, these new young actors are good.
Anyway, I love the way it ended.
My favourite episodes were the first one, sixth and the last one, seventh.
Super good stuff.

Meie, Ellujäänud 1/7
Ma Ei Sure Teie Kiuste 2/7
Kadunud Laste Varjud 3/7
Mina Ja Nemad 4/7
Trööst 5/7
Tingimisi Vabadusekaotus 6/7
Kohtumõistmine 7/7

Seriously, stop being a fucking idiot and park someplace else!!!!!!

Aargghh, stop revving your damn car!!!!
I swear, nobody gives a crap that you're stuck in snow.
You've been stuck at the same place before in puddles and mud.
Seriously, stop being a fucking idiot and park someplace else!!!!!!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

I'm so Estonian.

Eating black pudding and sauerkraut.
I'm so Estonian.
Plus, posting on Sims forum for the first time in ages and reading my own blog entries.
I'm so interesting! LOL
Oh the good old time swhen I had pregnancy scare....

The downside of the holidays

The downside of the holidays - shops close too early.
Damn, should have learned from last year. Or the year before.
I think I even made a blog entry about it.
One of the previous years I forgot to buy food before the holidays and had to survive on gas station toast and pot noodles for a few days.
It's not as bad this year cause we have food but I really wanted something sweet from the shop and remembered they close early today.

Friday, December 24, 2010

I hate my father. Period.

I hate my father. Period.

I don't mind and you don't matter

So I've been going through this one peron's blog all day.
Google Alert sent it to me cause the blog has Kevin McHale in it.
Anyway, this blog belongs to a gay male if I understood correctly.
And in the midst of all the half naked boys' pictures I found this one quote and it's brilliant.
It's by Dr. Seuss and it goes like this: "If you don't like me, remember that it's mind over matter. I don't mind and you don't matter"
How clever! I mean it's horribly self-centered and all but...meh.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It was all magic, fairies and shit.

Oh wow, I had the most incredible dream.
It was all magic, fairies and shit.
The only thing I can remember very well was that there was no night and day, just when it was "night time" this specific music, noise, sound could be heard.
Oh and there was this big kingdom and loadsa ships.
Everyone went to find some spirits or something. There were three spirits, two "grown women" and one "young boy".
Ahh, the dialogues were so clear and all.

Too bad I can t remember that much and speifically.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Now, I just need a story - plot, characters, details, names , places, ideas.

I gotta get back in touch with the writer in me.
To do that I have decided to take part in a novel writing contest.
Now, I just need a story - plot, characters, details, names , places, ideas.
I've got nothing.
I don't really get how they measure the length or how I know how much I've written.

Plis, some awesome person has favourited me on this writing website.

I might just up and do something

Added some GIFs on my GIF blog.
Erm...if anyone who reads my blog wants some GIFs, let me know.
I might just up and do something.

looking at her beauty makes me so happy

Okay, I Googled for something.
I cannot remember what it was, but I came across this pretty lady, Candice Swanepoel.
She is so stunningly beautiful.
Her face is okay but it's the body that's a winner.

I don't mean it in a sexual way at all but she is so gorgeous that looking at her beauty makes me so happy.
It's like I'm not jealous or care for the clothes she wears, it's just her body.
Beautiful bodies are meant to be shown because it's like an art of its own - you don't see amazingness like that everyday. Unless, you're Candice or one of the likes of her.

Anyway, I thought I'd upload some pics of her cause she would make my blog look so lovely.
Oh and the pics can be found on Google in HD and HQ.

Gah, so pretty.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

if I actually went along then I'd stay there

One of my brothers is 11 and he wanted to buy some rocket things that are sold to people from12 and up.
At first my brother was going on for ages about me buying the things for him.
I said no cause I don't wanna be responsible if something went wrong.
Anyway, now he got the rockets somehow and he was asking me for matches.
He found a matchbox near a candle in my room.
I took most of the macthes out and said he can have only one or two.
Yeah, he got a bit huffy and didn't take the couple of matches.
Oh well.

And speaking of those kinda things, I was given a candle for my bday.
And I don't know what kind of insanely clever person attaches flammable decorations onto a candle.
Yeah, around 3 o'clock last night the flame went all whoosshh and massive (for a candle).
I put the whole thing into the sink and tried putting out the fire with a fork, water only made it worse.

Yeah... I might go out now...been indoors for quite a few days.

Yeah and my father's going to Tartu in a week or so and asked if I wanted to go with him.
Yeahhh...if I actually went along then I'd stay there.
I just cannot stand travelling!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wooo, my old lady is a racy one!

Being ill has it's advantages.
I got into Sims again.
Wooo, my old lady is a racy one! :D

Plus, I think I'm getting into a boyfriend mood myself.
What's happening to me?!
Oh well, I've been kind of single for about 4 months so...
I kind of planned having about a hundred one night stands before my next boyfriend but oh well.
I technically don't have a bf yet so I have time to sleep around.
Well, there is kind of someone who doesn't seem to bad but dunno...


Okay, I must have complained about it before but I don't care.
How on earth do you get rid of the damn IE on your computer!?
It just pops up at random times and when you close the window it pops up another one asking for shit and when you close that it pops up the first window and when you go to close that one again it pops up the second window again and the thing is NEVERENDING!!!!
I can't do anything cause of this shit.

And I dunno where the computer makers hid IE cause I cannot find it in my programmes list.
It's probably hidden in the "annoying computer shit" list and unfortunately for me I have no idea where the list is, it's probably hidden aswell.

What kind of a normal person uses IE anyway?
I have Windows 7 and then they put some ancient IE on it.
And it's not even working properly cause it pops up when I don't wanna do anything with it.
Who the fuck benefits from it?

Ozzy Osbourne owns all Bieber haters

So I bet the Bieber haters are over the moon when Ozzy said "Who the fuck is Justin Bieber?"
They probably think he put the kid in his place.
Well, the only person Ozzy put in place was a Justin hater.
If you're such a rock and roller then how the fuck do you know who Justin Bieber is and I'm not gonna even talk about hating him or having an opinion about him?!
Seriously, like this one fuck said on Slipknot's video that everyone should go and press the dislike button n Justin's birthday which is on the 14th of March or something.
How on Earth do you know something like that?!
Like, I'm not a hater but I have no idea about his birthday or anything else about him.
People are just pathetic self haters who read up about stuff that irritates them.

If you seriously don't like something don't learn every single fucking minute detail about it!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Way to go, fucks!

Okay, I'm super pissed off right now.
All this Christmas gibberish.
Everyone's being a selfish greedy bastard.
Wooohooo, that's what Christmas is all about! It's so amazing to see everyone in their true and sincere Christmas spirit.
Way to go, fucks!
Hope you get a deep anal from Santa.

Actually, shut the fuck up!

What the fuck are yous looking at? Say something!

Actually, shut the fuck up!

Like, I'm totally stuck at the minute cause I don't know the code for the nav bar.
And I opened the fucking thread on the 8th of NOVEMBER!!!!!!!
Over a FUCKING MONTH ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And that piece if shit is gabbing about some shitty 48 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????
Gaaaaarrrhhhhghhhghg, I swear, I'll quit administrating the damn forum cause of those cheesedicks!!!!!!!!!!!
I've fucking had enough of this shit!

that's what you get when you get jiggy with your co-workers

LOL, Glee got closed down cause of some illnesses.
Well... I'm definitely not the person to rub it in someone's face but... that's what you get when you get jiggy with your co-workers.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

What the fuck are yous looking at? Say something!

What the fuck are yous looking at? Say something!

So frustrated. CSS, suck it!

I hate coding!
Why can't creating a theme for forum be simple?
What's with the CSS codes and shit?!
I've been doing the same damn thing for the whole damn week with no results whatsoever.
And I've been waiting for an answer to my question for...a long time.
I feel so frustrated.
How the hell can I do the damn thing if I don't know the damn code!?
I fu-cking ha-te co-ding!!!!
CSS, suck it!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Be a fucking american, get bent and die in an american manner.

Gah. So here I am on a help forum trying to find css and other codes to finish the holiday theme for my forum when I come across this ignorant american eejit.
I didn't take part in the conversation and didn't want to say anything in that thread cause the last reply to it was made in august.

Anyway, this is how it went:

Hahaaa, what an eejit! He is a graphic designer and so "helpful" and "competent"! :D
The whole thing!

Friday, December 10, 2010

out of ideas and uninspired

Huh, I have to make a holiday skin for my forum and I'm so out of ideas and uninspired.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Snow storm ftw!

Woo! What wonderful weather!
Snow storm for the win!

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

A Very Glee Christmas Review

Okay, I thought I might have a chance to be extra bitchy again cause I don't particulary like what Christmas has become cause of Christianity so I'll jump on the a-potential-to-be-bitchy wagon and watch Glee.

I'll be writing this as I watch the episode.

First off.
Didn't Kevin say somewhere that his mother kept friend requesting him on Facebook and he denied it?
The scene rang a little I-have-heard-of-it jingle bell!

*the streaming video needs to buffer. Off to make breakfast*

And what's with the panda hat?

Are there any more of those things in the show? Probably, and it's probably stuff most people don't know about.

Ooh, what a great class. Seems to be one of the most normal classes in that school. I bet by the end of the episode they'll be all caroling together and they've realised that Glee is cool and noble or some shit like that.

Should a show aimed at little kids be talking about whether Santa exists or not? And I think I can see a moral coming out of it - you have to believe in magic or goodwill and Christmas is all about that or 'some shit like that".

So a Jew was made to give a gift. Just for the sake of someone who celebrates Christmas. Wrong!
Why not do a "Christmas" episode for the sake of all the people who don't celebrate Christmas? Why favour the ones who celebrate it? And to bring in the episode where the dude kissed Kurt - why favour gays? Why put the people in their place when their views differ from yours, especially when the show is..apparently... about embracing your difference? Oh and why are they so desperate to get Artie walking? Why can't they be happy for him being in a wheelchair? That's who he is, why change it? Glee fail.

Boring Rachel solo. And was the Broadway line brought in cause of Lea's past?

Arghh... A dog robot for Sue?! I used to be scared of those when I was a kid. Ugh!

It's probably a classic but I don't like Baby It's Cold Outside. They're totally singing over one another and I don't understand what either of them is saying.

Finn is at his cheese business again.

Ugh and Last Christmas is so over-rated and -played. Horrible song.

Er...that was it?

Okay then. Dind't even get the chance to bitch properly.
It was quite nothing so I don't have much more to say.

On a personal note, I'm after a virgin. Ha! :D
Don't think it's too suitable at 25 but...we'll see.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Just seen the cast of Glee perfom on X Factor

Oh well, it's not actually too big of a problem that I won't be in Ireland when they'll be there next year.
I mean... ugh, I'll just paste a link to one of my earlier posts: pretty women singing

The only good things about the performance were the witnessing of Cory Monteith's developement as a singer and Naya's cute fringe.
Gah, and it's so unbelievable how devastatingly can an annoying girlfriend affect a sexy man's sex appeal, for example:
Oooohhh, sexy Keviiiuuuugghhhh.....
Interesting choice of headwear. Ughhhhhh, green's my fave colour! What a slaughter!

Errr.... no comment whatsoever. Ever!
How are you supposed to perv over the guy when he's all tainted by this...ball of gleeful goo.
She comes across as this damn goody goody two shoes and it's really nauseating.
Seriously, we have a saying over here, "tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are"
And if Kevin can be judged by this little missy then he's mega gross.

Plus, just seen Bee Movie as well.
That one was totally bordering zoophilia!


Well, thanks to a user on my forum, SiretOlen who introduced me to VLC player and Photoscape I've been making GIFs a lot.
It takes quite a bit of time since I watermark my work.
I mean nobody will want to use or steal them anyway but what's mine is watermarked mine. ;)
Have a look! ;)

(Quasimodo and birdie)

(Kids Spinnin Around)

Plus, I feel so happy when people do something about their lives that makes it better.
Like this one girl on my forum really decided to help herself and seek professional help.

Spent most of the day in a haze.
Then watched Cheaper By The Dozen 1 and 2.
Made me feel a bit better.

Oh and I decided I want to start playing the piano.
Was gonna buy one I don't think my father's family really want the big thing in the house. Making noise.
Ugh, but the piano sounds so lovely!
The violin's not going too well.
I just cannot keep my bow moving straight and I can't tell the difference when playing low notes...erm..between/off the stickers. I know what the stickered notes are supposed to sound like so...just have to get used to the other ones.


Friday, December 03, 2010

Must get away from the internet for the time being cause everything is hurting my eyes... and heart

Okay, I'm glad I'm not in England right now, cause I'd be in jail for murder by now.
Must get away from the internet for the time being cause everything is hurting my eyes... and heart.


Ugghhhhhh. DAMN.IT.
Like it's not fucking enough that the damn bitch is riding him! She just fucking needs to ruin every fucking sighting of him with her...herness.
She fucking needs to stay at home for once or just not fucking appear where he appears.
Nobody wants to see her.

No gross pics this time please!

I should be in England about now.

No gross pics this time please!

Thursday, December 02, 2010

And Hilary Hahn is the goddess

Gah, I really don't like this central heating business.
It takes me forever to get my violin in tune and after playing for about 5 minutes it's out of tune again.
Where the hell am I supposed to keep my violin to protect it from this stupid dry air?!

And Hilary Hahn is the goddess.
So inspiring and soothing.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

About Glee characters graduating

I hope Artie will be left back a year as many times as possible!
Kevin McHale cannot disappear from the limelight.
Who am I gonna perv over then?!