Wednesday, December 28, 2011

No fuckin jinx now!

Well, for a while now I haven't been posting much. I guess the reason is I have nothing to bitch about and I'm feeling better. No fuckin jinx now!
The holidays were nice. We actually had a erm... Yule dinner and a guest. It was very nice cause I could eat. And yep, my weight keeps rising and rising... I'm nearly 70 kilos now :D
Yeah, I cannot remember a time we have celebrated Yule like that before so...was great.

Tomorrow I gotta go to town to get my disability benefit done. I'm 80% incapable of working so I guess my anxiety really is bad. In general nad during some certain moments.

Oh and I sent a job link to my friend and she got a call back. Hopefully she will get the job. And hopefully I will find something suitable for myself aswell.

Oh and I've been thinking...I don't think the medical biology course isn't for me. I've still received messages from teachers and stuff and it actually sounds very interesting. Will try out for it again next year.

Friday, December 23, 2011

looks like riverdance

Mu borther's jumpstyle dancing looks like riverdance. :D

We just got in from looking for our christmas tree. Found a little one but I'm sure mother and her man will go for a search of one tomorrow morning. I want my tree.

Monday, December 19, 2011

wanna dance and sing

Best damn song!!!
Been listening to it all day, wanna dance and sing! Too bad I can't do either...

bed them all

Okay...I have about 6 lads pending. Hopefully I can bed them all.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Glee Extraordinary Christmas review

Cory has really improved as a singer.

And that's pretty much it. Have nothing negative to say.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I want spring!
I cannot wait for the winter to be over. I know it hasn't even properly begun yet but meh....

Anyways, I quit my job and will break things off with the gay lover. Have a few other things brewing...ladies and men. We'll see how it ends. The bad thing about women is that they're too manly. I like a sweet feminine woman. If I want manly I get a man. Femininity is what attracts me in women.

Friday, December 09, 2011

News from lovelife front

Spilled milk. Broken laptop keyboard. Use now. Onscreen keyboard.

News from lovelife front: onenightstander turns out gay/bi with a girfriend. Competing in who will get laid first.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Glee Hold On To Sixteen review

Woah! A teacher fills pupils' cups with alcohol in the middle of the day!?

Oooohhh, Sasquatch got dumped!!! :D :D :D

Finn is still the reigning cheese king.

What crappy performances at the sectionals. If anyone then the first group should win.

Sunday, December 04, 2011

less than a minute

Well, just had my shortest intercourse ever. I think I wouldn't be telling lies if I said it lasted less than a minute.
It was very wham-bam-bye!

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Lovely little asshole

Talking about rimming


New job - check
New date - check

New job is sort of...not so good but I'm glad I didn't get major anxiety.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

job interview tomorrow

Squee! I have  a job interview tomorrow!


Glee I Kissed A Girl review

Oh woah woah waah, why does Finn have to be so cheesy!?

Perfect - Darren Criss continues to be good though.

Lol at Vladimir Putin in Sue's Booty Call book.

Oh fuck!!! This is the gay suicide episode?! Finn is made out to be a real douchebag character, I cannot get over it. It's not his fucking place to push the thing. Santana never pushed him when he thought he was the father of Quinn's baby or when he was between Quinn and Rachel. This "caring" character he's made out to be is actually... well a douchebag.
Oh man, when he said "Love you, Santana" I burst out laughing. What an eejit!

Jolene - didn't they say the characters don't randomly go into a song on the show?! That it's always performed?!

I Kissed A Girl - That Sugar girl looks nice. How unfortunate for to have had to hold onto the Sasquatch and for Naya to have the Sasquatch's fat hands on her hips!?

Hahaha, how ridiculous was Santana's mum's reaction!? Even my mother who hates everybody doesn't take me seriously when I tell her my next lover is going to be a woman. She just says "don't be stupid". I really think she doesn't believe me and she wouldn't do so even if I was with a woman. Rather this than kick me out without reasoning.

And what the fuck is Quinn talking about!? She is still in high school and has nothing. Why have another baby!?

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Conversation with a friend

Conversation with a friend. Unfortunately the anxiety won't let me walk alone outside, I have to either bike or go with someone else.


This is what I've been dealing with

This is what I've been dealing with the last few days. Not that I mind. We have six of them and their all cute.

especially sasquatchy

Kevin McHale and Jenna Sasquatch

Okay, is it me or does that Jenna bitch look especially sasquatchy in the pic?! At least everyone sees what I see now.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Glee Mash Off review

Okay, the first song... crappy much!?

What the fuck are the credits doing 10 mins into the show?!

The Big Gay ran to the rescue! How predictable.

I agree with the "bitchy" Santana. Finn can fuck off. It's okay to make fun of those eejits. I'm really not in the mood for any more gay stuff. It's forever and ever sickening. Although I'd rather be Ryan Murphy's lover for a single shag (I'd just shit on his dick) rather than live in a town run by Burt.

The Santana business was a bit of a surprise though. And I'm glad she slapped Finn. He's a doofus character.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

love our baby dogs our baby dogs.
They're super cute, soft, light and... cute.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Am I bitter, vindictive or even justified?

Okay, I'm such a loser. Some people who haven't been the nicest to me have added me to their friend list on Facebook. And here I am feeling bad not friending them. Am I bitter, vindictive or even justified?

Friday, November 11, 2011

I'm so dead

I'm so dead. Walked from one end of the town to the other and my hip is like basically dislocated and my foot is...dead. I'm soooooo dead.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Glee The First Time review

S-E-X and Kevin McHale? Yes, please!

*shudder* Uptown Girl... over produced much?!

What kinda school is it where teachers tell pupils about their sex life?!

And... does Rachel know Finn did it with Santana.... wasn't it like in the first seasons? A drama queen like Rachel would definitely kick up a drama over such thing.

Wow, what a suitable scenewith Mike and his dad. Fits in so damn well. Yet another parent randomly kicking up a fuss in school.

Sex and Jenna Sasquatch? No thanks!

Oh dear....this bowing down to the ground to gays again. Thank god Kurt and Blaine had a fight!
Although I must say, the song that was playing when they were dancing is the song I've searched for a looooooooooooooooong time, years and years. Thelma Houston - Don't Leave Me This Way ftw!

Naya Rivera I liked. Me likes her a lot. Very very much. And the America number. Best theatrical number in Glee history.

Although the "sex scene" with Blaine and Kurt was kinda... gross. Sorry but anal is gross and if they did oral they didn't really lose their virginity.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

totally disgusting inhumane human unit

I don't know why I even started to expect from a person who has killed their own child to save the lives of children of another one.
And yeah, nature works this way: say a woman has three kids at once, you gotta kill the third one cause women only have two nipples.
Blah.... totally idiotic.
I mean I told my mother and her man about a hundred times not to kill the pups and they just won't listen.
They're a totally disgusting inhumane human unit.

Next week so.

Our dog's giving birth. Three pups so far.
So I'm missing my appointment with the psychiatrist today.
Missed it last week cause she was out of the country and the week before cause I was moving.
Next week so.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Our very pregnant dog

Our very pregnant dog. Staying inside.

Pill fail

Ugh, have to go back to town cause I forgot my tablets. Pill fail.

she might give birth any day now.

At my mother's place. Will have to be here til Tuesday. Have to babysit our dog cause she might give birth any day now. Gahh, I hope I'm not home alone when it happens.
She is quite big now anyway. And our little dog is throwing up all the time for some reason.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Glee Pot O' Gold review

Ugh, stereotypes.

And I don't get why Quinn is so adamant to get her baby back. All this time she didn't even think about her and now all this hullabaloo. Hello, logic!?

Burt is definitely the worst character on the whole show. Disgusting human being. I hope there won't be much of him in the following episodes.

Boy, am I glad Glee has got less irritating!

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

wanna get drunk and bed random men

 I wanna get drunk, bitches!
Boo, my pills. I wanna get drunk and bed random men. It'd be like Christmas morning with loadsa gifts for kids.

stop taking pills and drink

Blah, anxiety.
I wanna stop taking pills and drink.

had a few pathetic go's

Yesterday was my first sort of public event.Well, my flatmates had a friend over and we played cards, smoked hookah and sang. Well, I didn't sing but the other two girls did. Mostly Avril Lavigne songs, on the guitar. And well, I didn't really smoke either, had a few pathetic go's.
And I went on a date the other day. Don't think anything will come out of it but it's okay. I have another lad already.We'll see how that goes.


Sunday, October 30, 2011

What's there left to watch!?

Boo hoo, I've seen all of the episodes of all the eight seasons of Home Improvement. And I've seen every single episode of all the eight seasons of That 70s Show. What's there left to watch!?

Friday, October 28, 2011

Everyone's dumped me

Why is no one calling me to meet up? I feel sooooo mindlessly bored and drowsy without any action.
Where's the lad I was supposed to go on a date with? Where's the girl I went to school with and was supposed to meet up with!? Everyone's dumped me. Waaahhh!
I'm totally thinking of riding to my mother's place to work outside, rake leaves and shit.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

living in an ant hill

Looking out the window and seeing all these blocks of flats makes me feel like I'm living in an ant hill.

the seventh should be good

Three days of shock, another three of upside down pic and the seventh should be good.
According to mother.


Friday, October 21, 2011

Got a place in Tartu

Well, folks. Got a place in Tartu. Hopefully this time for longer than three days .I will put the job hunting on hold for a while to get used to living at a new place first.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Good woman

I'm dead. As of yesterday.'s been so hard to ride my bike against the wind. Went to see a place to rent yesterday and today. I really want the place I saw yesterday. It was cheap,homey and nice. Should know by the end of the month. Oh and when I got off the bike and sat on the ground to rest today, a car pulled up and a woman came out and asked if I was okay. She thought I had crashed. Good woman.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Blah, this weekend!

Blah, this weekend! I need to make phone calls and shit. Oh and I just turned down the babysitter offer. Feel so bad.

Looking for a job now.

Looking for a job now. I so hope I can do it. I might have a job interview type of thing tomorrow. For babysitting. I wanna be a janitor or work in a garden though. Just some place where I get to be outside or have a moment to myself and don't have to serve anyone. Well... I have to get a job in order to live in Tartu. And when I live in Tartu I'm happy cause it's my hometown and I'm independant, sort of. Plus, I can get to my doctor easily. Can't ride a bike to Tartu in snow.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

can yous at least make an effor

Oh dear, and people think Rebecca Black and Justin Bieber are bad. Got nothing against boybands but can yous at least make an effort to make the boys sound like they can sing or make the song sound listenable.
And I don't know the lyrics but I swear I heard the blond one sing "checking pics of your butt".

Friday, October 07, 2011

Rant over. Back to studying.

Today's the day when I finally sat down to do some biology. And out of all days, my mother is on my back with cleaning today.
I've tried to get her to revise with me and she never has time.
Okay, I'm totally living for my family at the minute. If it was up to me I wouldn't be living at all.So she can shut up about me not doing what she wants. Fine, I live for you, the last few moments I've had but I'm gonna live my way.
Fuck it's only a couple of applesn on the ground I "need" to pick up. They're not bothering anyone. Plus she wants me to weed her flowerbed. Yeah, I'll do it when I have time.
Rant over. Back to studying.

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Glee Asian F review

I bet Curt's gonna win the president thingy.
And while they said they don't want all things Curt to be gay g-g-gay g-g-gay, they still continue with the gay parade. I've so had enough of Kurt and Blaine.

Yeah, that's about it.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

I'm so damn tolerant

Think our dog is preggers again.
Plus, I'm so damn tolerant - watching a film with Polish dubbing.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Bug on a chain

Al (hands gift to Trudy): Happy anniversary, Gertrude.
Trudy: Oh, thank you, Albert.
Trudy: (opens gift) I always wanted one of these!
Tim: A cockroach on a chain!
Trudy: No, it's a scorpion. It's my birthsign.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

men keep righting my anti-men beliefs with their stupidity

Was talking to my mother when her man butted in and told me to get out of the room with my business.
Yeah, dude, no one allowed you to speak so shut your fucking man face!
Plus, I just love how men keep righting my anti-men beliefs with their stupidity.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dog's won't win

So I had our dogs up in my room the other day. One of them was riding around my carpet on her ass, scratching it and the other one was laying on my bed farting, ruining the harmony in my room.
I want a cat.

Glee I Am Unicorn review

Well, this show doesn't make Kurt Hummel Hurt Hummel Homo, it makes the whole cast and crew and the fans of it homo.

Why in the world would the woman come back to the girl she adopted from?! I can't imagine my stepmother going back to the teenager who gave birth to my brother and be like, "Here's your kid back". Ridiculous and inconsiderate. Who is she to tell that she wants the real mother to be the kid's life? Plus,why in the world is she giving orders about how Quinn looks!?

Rachel and her mum singing... Boring song alert!

Okay, another doofus. Where does Will take the right to give out to Quinn like that and call her a train wreck!?

Pfft... Quinn's baby'smother saying everything has to go by her terms. So she's allowed to walk into everyone's life and ruin it and when they decide to see their baby it's wrong?!

Kurt's song is super boring aswell, but Chris's well good.
What was funny about the whole Romeo and Juleit part!?

Oh jaysas, howare you supposed to have a conversation with someone if they only talk about one thing, Rachel's mum?! Ugh, serisouly, who the fuck does she think she is ordering people around!

Okay, now you gotta be like everyone else or dress like everyone else wants you to dress to joing Glee club?

Glee has nothing to do with arts so stop saying that already.

Blaine's audition... what is it with the boring songs!?

That was the end? Okay then.

Friday, September 23, 2011

The three days

Well,here are a few picsfrom my college days. The three days:

My dorm room, my bed's the one with stuff on it.

The table near my bed, with a drawing on the wall

The press

Drawing on the press

The ever so beautiful hallway to the bathroom

And the cherry on top: the kitchen

He blushed and walked out the room

I just made my mother's man blush. He was asking me about vibrators... I don't know where he was going with it and I just kept saying I don't have the need for one. And then he kept asking me the same question all over and over and I kept saying the same thing over and over. It all ended with me saying I don't care much for men, I just like their dicks. He blushed and walked out the room.

Wow, what a terrible night I had.I mean dreams.

Wow, what a terrible night I had.I mean dreams.
First there was an apocalypse dream. There was a storm coming and we (me and my mother's family) keptrunning away from it.I remember I was praying to Earth that it would calm down and leave us alive or kill us quickly but not let us see any of the natural disasters.
Then the next dream I was back in our Tartu appartment.I went for a walk in my undies and had really longhair andwas trying to hide my revealing outfit with it. Anyway, I stopped at this random house ause I wanted to meet new people. And apparently there lived some dude who I didn't know personally but I just knewhe was a nice guy. When I saw him I left and just asI was about to arrive home some random dude off the street had commented on my outfit. And you could tell he was a sleazebag. We didn't talk much, I invited  him inside and we got it on. And apparently when I was on top I had fallen asleep and woken up next to him.I didn'tremember it but he told me.
We were on the attic and there was saw dust all over the place.

It was super weird. Kept me awake all night.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Glee The Purple Piano Project review

Okay, Will and the woman, Rachel&Finn - sucking up to fans much?!

The geometry teacher - sucking up to non-fans much!?

Why is the Sasquatch always rubbing Mike's shoulders?

Plus, Mercedes dating Sam, that little scene was so unnecessary at the end of the previous episode, plus it's even more unnecessary to bring it up now.

What kinda normal man would discuss the green-red-light-business with his boss and enemy?!

I thought Sugar was rather good. And why make Artie say that retarded line!? Like anyone who doesn't want/like singing or can't do it, is a rubbish person.

Ugh, enough of the "hit it"s!

Oh god, and we continue with the gay overload! Why make these two fuckers act like the only normal human beings on the show!? Ryan Murphy at his gayest!

Yeah I get it that bad attention is better than none but Glee ain't the only one who benefits, I get more blog hits. In your face!

Well... that wasn't as negative as usually.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I give up.

Are you happy now!? Is this what you wanted?!
Well, whatever, you fuck, you win. I give up.

she can finally call herself an actress

Wooo, Glee is back on tonight so I'll be bitching for the season to come.

Other than that, just seen Bloodworth. I must say I was expecting a mindless girlie movie, seeing as Hilary Duff is in it but it turned out to be pretty good. Well, I can't see what the point of it was, nor was it an interesting story but nothing really disappointed me and Hilary actually surprised me. Judging by this film she can finally call herself an actress.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

an oak and a chestnut tree

Thought I'd make a blog entry about it.. me and my brother planted 4 trees today, me - an oak and a chestnut tree and my brother - an oak and a chestnut tree.Will see in spring whether they survived the planting and winter. And just a reminder for myself... mine are the ones near the apple trees and the brother's are the ones beside the field. Right so.

Other than that I've been avoiding my brother cause he seemed to have some sort of a stomach bug. Think I got it myself aswell but I've been drinking plenty of flu teas so I'm good I think.

I don'tmean to jinx it like... but I've been feeling not so bad recently.I mean I did have anxiety today and I was very tempted to take the Valium drops butI didn't. Looks like the antipsychotic I'm taking is the right medicine for me.

Tomorrow's gonna be a bit busy.I'm gonna have to ring the college and tell them I'm not taking the course, then ring my doctor for a prescription and her "doctor number" which I need for the disability application thingy, then I have to ring the social welfare regarding the application and then finally, have to ring the school I used to go to for biology/geography/chemistry classes for cause I still plan to take leaving exams next spring so... I gotta actually study now and read the books I got from the school. Yeah, bitches, that was one sentence!

Oh and I just realised... well my mother pointed it out that one of my dreams has come true - being in college. Yeah, it was... physically for three days and sort of theoretically about a fortnight but still. I said already that I'm very pleased I could be called a student but yeah.... I've been to college. Next year hopefully longer.

Oh and my mother wants me to find a place and a job in Tartu cause I cannot travel by car and there'sno way I'll get to town on a bike in winter so... have to find a place for three months. I think I could do the living in Tartu cause after all I call it my hometown but the working bit... that's what I'm worried about. Yahh, haveto find one that doesn't require any human interaction,maybe then I could do it.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Don't care whether it's sweet or savoury

Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I soooooo want to snack on something. Some artificial shit.
We only have dried grapes and plums. Yeah...I'm chewing one of them at the moment. I want my unhealthy stuff. Don't care whether it's sweet or savoury.

Friday, September 16, 2011

If you really knew me, you'd know what you should do right now

I don't think women are as clear with their signals as men. On a job site, for instance, if a man hold up a stop sign he means, "Hey, stop there!".

If a woman holds up a stop sign, if she designed this, it'd say "If you really knew me, you'd know what you should do right now".

- Tim Taylor

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A positive entry

So I inadvertently went on to bash christianity in my earlier post.
I am not sorry nor do I wanna take back anything I said but I in the light of becoming more positive I wanna make this a positive post to even out the negative energy sent out before.
Thought I was gonna post some pics but cannot find them. Oh well.

Am I supposed to be like fucking mythical aswell?

Watching ghost videos. Seriously, what is up with all this madhouse business? A madhouse is no different than a regular hospital. A mad person is no different than one with cancer or cough. Such a stupid stereotype. Am I supposed to be like fucking mythical aswell? Seriously, things in madhouse are not as they are made to seem. If someone is being in psychosis then they're given pills and tied to a bed and they get better very quickly. It's not a place where these properly psychotic people roam around and are like terribly tortured and once they so conviniently commit suicide in the hospital (which is like totally doable since nobody looks after the patients and special tools, ie guns, ropes, electrocution chairs, L-pills and knifes are left out so the maddies can pick their own way to kill themselves), their poor souls get stuck in the place and start haunting the hospital years to come and triy to hurt everyone who comes near the place. What a load of bollocks!
Also anything to do with paganism or witches is supposed to be evil and mystical aswell. Anything negative is automatically evil. Christianity sucks monkey balls. It fails to give a rational reasoning to anything and marks anything unknown evil.
To me... a ghost story would be evil when someone says they are a religious family and have bibles at home. No wonder those bitches get "demonic spirits" in their house. It's cause they're so damn stupid and fucking knobs. I'd scare them myself.

Yeah... tried applying for a job - gardener. Would have loved it but it's a lil too far away. I also wanted to get a job as a farm hand but you have to be able to drive a yeah.

Monday, September 12, 2011

our local alien

Our local crop circle:

And our local alien who made the circle:

This is the last pic I took with Donna.

This is when mother and her man went totake her to her new home. She crawled onto my lap and didn't wanna go at all.

Here's a scarecrow me and mum made. We have the sea buckthorns there and boy do the birds love thir berries.

And onto more spiritual things. Here's my religious shit:

Love the box. Bought it at local fair.The wooden platter thingy is... will be something that represents the goddess. I have actually coloured it already and the chakra stones, I will glue them on to the platter.

Here's my BOS. Still empty.

And I found a pic of my two tattoos so posted them on here aswell:

Saturday, September 10, 2011

I don't know what to do when I do

What to do? What to do? I haven't finishedmy course just yet and I don't know what to do when I do.
Today most likely will be the last day anything needs mowing so... I'll be doing fuck all again. I'd have stuff to do for the forum but I wanna take a proper break from it. Ugh.

I kinda have themes but no context

Okay, I thought of taking part in writing contets. I haven't written since I don't know when. I kinda have themes but no context.

Friday, September 09, 2011

Thursday, September 08, 2011

I'm absolutely thrilled over the fact that I have been a student

Well, I'll always be a three day old biomdeical laboratory scientist.
Yep, quit my course. Too much pathology and too many organs.
Will go for hydrobiology, environment protection or biology next year.
But I'm absolutely thrilled over the fact that I have been a student.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

college's been on for two days. And I've got a beautiful bruised and battered neck to show

So college's been on for two days. And I've got a beautiful bruised and battered neck to show.
Yeah, I know it's a form of self harm but whatever. It's been quite a ride, emotional and anxious.
Today was 8 hours long and I managed to stay at all of the lectures. Well, I fled once, said I was gonna go to toilet.
We had to do a bit of self introducing and I said never mind if I run out of the classroom all of a sudden, I'm only going to calm down cause I have bad anxiety.
I still don't have internet in my dorm room so...
I just got back to my mother's house. Man, it's so cozy and warm in here, I don't wanna go back to the dorm. I mean it would do if I didn't feel as strange and lonely in there. And the course sounds cool aswell if I didn't have my anxiety, it's very hard to concentrate on the lecture when my mind is preoccupied feeling weird feelings all over the body. Hence I've been self harming, pinching and scratching my neck, it's covered with bruises and scratches.
Had to ride in rain when coming back to mum's, hopefully I didn't catch a cold.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

seen a lot of this kinda commotion in the garden

Okay, I've lost a followe. Bye and thanks for stopping by.
I've tried playing the violin but since I've been feeling slightly better I've stopped breaking my fingernails and it's hard to play.

Also seen a lot of this kinda commotion in the garden:

Gis a bite of that aaaaapplleeee!!!

Here's one more pic of me with the "mum haircut"

And two before pics:

big fat head

Anxiety is sticking it's big fat head in my life at the minute.

My mum cut my hair

Plus, I'm applying for the disability benefit. Had to do a few tests with a psychologist. Again, she thought I wasn't Estonian and had brought Russian tests. Ugh.. plus she said I have an accent. I do not have an accent, I'm like... fucking one hundred percent Estonian!

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Oh, please please please.... let my study, body!

Oh Goddess. I soooooooo hope I can study! My anxiety just needs to pull back  a bit. That's all I can think of at the minute.
Been cleaning out my closet for a couple of days now, getting ready to move out. Oh, please please please.... let my study, body!
I looked at my syllabus and I'm a bit worried about chemistry. Hopefully they don't expect us to remember anything from secondary school cause I don't.

Oh well... heh, this looks nice though:

I'm also about to finish my goddess symbol thingy so when I'm completely done with it I can meditate and hopefully things will pick up.


Friday, September 02, 2011

Bum Palace

So, I went to the orientation thingy today. The college orientation. I wasn't there til the very end cause I was worried about getting back. Thought I'd be too tired by the end of it all. So I left pretty soon after it started.
I did take Valium drops but I was calm enough. Although the rooms were very stuffy and warm so I sneaked out a couple of time for fresh air.
When I had the test to get into college I met this girl and todayI found out we're on the same course. Her name's Kelli.
I also got a place in the dorm. Well... the place looks very much like prison or something like it. Very... minimalistic and gross. But I'm gonna have to live there. Should move there on Monday and I'll definitely post pics of that Bum Palace.
And I continue to be worried about my anxiety. Please, please, please, let me study!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I'm seriously done being your host

College is getting closer and closer. I sooooo hope the anxiety won't butt in. Okay, miss, you've been in my life all of my time here on the planet and for the last two years you've majorly affected my life on al levels and dragged me to the bottom of all lows. I think it's only fair that you back off now and let me live my life. I'm seriously done being your host so please leave this body and let it thrive for once and for all.

Monday, August 29, 2011

She is woman

Aawww, Lady B's expecting!
She's so wonderful and everything I'd ever like to be.
She is woman.

And at the same time Gaga dresses up as a bum man and scares the living hell out of Brit and puts her damn feet on the piano. Bravo, Gaga, bravo... congrats on... achieving... whatever you wanted to achieve. Go home now! Will someone in Hollywood please punch her for me.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Ah. This has happened to me on many occasions. Hurting is never discussed though, just anger.

Oh man, this picture is so me. This is how I see the world.

Ahahahaa....this is so good.

Successful easy way out

If I ever sent letters I'd sed this to a lot of things/people/situations/subjects-objects

Well, some need a mouse to make art.

Well, my sign would read "Love to let" much win in this pic!

That's what it's all about - balance, harmony

Totally my motto when it comes to work

Well, it sounds nice at first but then you start thinking about it and it turns kinda....well..
1) Seeing is not something you do with agenda, you just do it, naturally. Looking is something you do deliberately. So... what matters is your attitude, how you look at it no matter what the subject looks like.

Ahahahaa, this si too good!

True, true. It's called thriving.

Even truer. Plus, gotta love my bike.


So, there was some fuckwad who complained about Kevin McHale being an ablebodied dude portraying a disabled person. Well, I got pissed off when readin about someone giving out bout the K but I know where he's coming from. Like, Glee is shit and portrayes shit for views but also...this pic for example. It irritates me. It's supposed to be like arsty or whatever but anyone who knows anything about playing the violin can see she is holding the bow at a wrong place on the violin, the angle is off, plus the hand on the violin is in a very awkward position. You cannot play it like that. So this pic is a major fail.

Well, if we're looking at life like that then I feel like I'm a critic watching a preview.

Hahaha, I bet the pigeon snatched the book from a politician or a doctor.

Clever, but what about fighting fire with fire? Or is that too conservative these days?

Ahahaha, the best of the best!

Well, going back to the fighting fire with fire business. So basically, hating or not tolerating a certain race or sexuality is wrong. But not tolerating or hating the intolerance or hatred of a sexuality or race is fair and noble?! Paradoxical!

Simple and cute.

Depending on the fear, this could be the key to a happy life. In my case,it would. But, being scared seems a little safer at the minute.

Well, well... let's see. An apple doesn't get the chance to pick where it grows on the tree or when it falls off.
If the tree doesn't have enough water and nutrients, it drops fruit. If the fruit is ripe, the tree drops the fruit. Basically, the one's on the ground are either the best or just drop outs from the "society". In this case Pete Wents says if life gets you down you're rotten, fucked up by worms (I guess men then) and easy and not worth loving. But if you're born into high society you're the shit and getting a girl like that is such a glory to your ego as a man. Well said, Pete!