Friday, April 30, 2010

Tonight we feast

Today was an interesting day.
I went baby clothes shopping.
The clothes are so small and super super super-cute.
I got so broody for a few minutes I felt like I was shopping for myself.
The clothes are for my friend's baby.
I'd post pictures but I don't want to ruin the surprise since my friend has an access to my blog.
Well, I wasn't gonna actually tell her anything, but I had to cause I needed to be sure of the address.

And the baby clothes shop was looking for a part time worker so I will get my CV done tomorrow and bring it over. If my calculations are right, it'll only be a 100 euro per week, but it'll do. I might get another part time job. Just to keep things away from routine.

Oh and yeah, I'm back talking about TMI-y stuff.
Well, my periods kinda funny.
Did a test about a week ago, was negative.
When I get my medical card I'll pay my lady doctor a visit.

Oh, Colette caught me starkers the other day.
My room's right next to the bathroom, so I find it obvious that I skip in there naked.
I wasn't expecting anyone to be in the hallway.
She just wen, "Oww, my eyes!!!"

Last night, I watched The Core with the girls.
Brilliant film.

Well, it's not funny now, but I when I turned up the volume, the volume icon appeared on the screen.
Right at the same time as a location name in the film.
The volume thingy hid the location.
I was like, "Oh sorry, it said something like...San Fransisco something something", being all informative and helpful toward the girls.
Then Katriona went, "No, it actually said Salt Flats - Utah."
Well, I only saw the S from under the volume icon and San Fransisco was the first thing that came to my mind.
A disaster film is exactly my kinda film. Even Armageddon would do if it wasn't that stupid.
There weren't any major mistakes in the film for me, although we got the Earth encyclopedia out and apparently the mantle is solid. In the film it was liquid.

And some other nights me and K watched The Creep and Dead End.
Yeah, they're not the scariest films, they're just gross.
The Creep made me feel so queasy I had to stop watching it.

Today, me and K went to Xtra-vision.
I made an account there, so I can rent films when I feel like it.
Today we got Year One, 2012 and The Soloist.
I've seen Year One (since it's on my PC) and I love it.

I quite like Jack Black. He's a funny one.
I also like Nacho Libre. I have that one on my PC as well.
My favourite part of the film is when Jack's character does Marlak and goes, "Tonight we feast" and then pulls all of his arrows out of the holder.
What a whackadoo! :D

Oh and I'm still very much watching That '70s Show.
Alrighty, I'm off to check what the girls' sims are up to in my game.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

"Big" and "love" films

Wow, so I've been mailing for a few positions in films.
I'm super freaked out about it.
Nothing has been confirmed yet, but I'm excited anyway.
I'm watching all sorts of films to find out how people act in certain scenes.
I so hope I'll get something, even just for the experience.

I got a taximan to do a special deal for me.
He can take me to the studios and back home for a special  price.

Yeah...I'm still waiting to hear from the love film.
And just today I sent an email for a position in a "big" film where the male lead is "well known".
I got a mail back asking if I had any experience.
Dang. Why don't I?

Fingers crossed anyway.

I damn near killed my computer yesterday.
Was PMSing and the yoke was being so damn slow.
Mmhh...yeah, I'm so nervous about the films at the minute.

I'm so nervous that I....I'll go and take a shower now. :D



What's up with my cooking today?
All  of my potatoes are half cooked.

"BF" was over yesterday.
Had a bit of a chat, was nice.

But don't want a relationship in the long run.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

First offer

I got my first offer on the acting website.
I'm not chosen yet, but I'm so giddy.
It's only an extra position.
I'm not sure I can accept it though, cause I have no idea how to get to this one place they're filming at.
The offer is for a film about teenage love, they're filming from May til June.

Gah, I so want it!
Will get back with updates on this one. ;)

Sunday, April 25, 2010


I think Google Translate should win the entertainer of the year award.
It's so bad it's... so bad.
"Mis tööriist!"
"kurat paremale"
"Jah, ma olen lihtsalt tõesti jahutatud praegu."
"Check out my Sim lugu - Klahvid Vaimu."
"Gah, sibul on lits."

Thinking of auditioning for films, tv shows, but it's too scary.
Want to be an extra first and get used to the whole acting thing.

Mmh, maybe I'll go out to look at stuff I cannot afford.

Dang it, so bored.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Love Ellie!

Gahhh, how amazing is Ellie Goulding!?
She's got the sweetest and cutest voice ever!
I know I already fangirled about her (see post I've seen you in a fight you lost, 14th of April), but she's so super I have to do it again!

Why can't we speak another language, one we all agree on?

And here's a cover and a duet (Robyn's Be Mine, with Erik Hassle)

And this is a little something very special that I will purchase once I have money.
Ellie's album Lights.
Go look for it in shops or online and buy it!

On a personal note - was out with my... well boyfriend. I don't know what you call people based on relationships that are not so... easy to define.
Anyway, I called him out myself.
Spent about two hours in the park.
Was kind of warm at first, but got colder and windier by the river.
When leaving I gave him a hug and he was like, "What the hell does that mean?"
Dang, just because I break up with you, doesn't mean I hate you.
Anyway, we left on a light, kind of warm note.

Um, Katriona went to the races today.
She was all dressed up with a hair piece and all.
I don't understand why dress up so fancypantsyly when going to see horses run.
It's like going to a football match in high heels and some crazy hair piece.

Oh and a friend of mine sent me a pic of her with her lovely preggers tummy on show.
So cute. ;)
I want a baby now!
Seriously, if I had the man for the father position, I'd get pregnant in a blink of an eye.
And if the friend's reading, this is for you: click me!

Plus I have three new followers. Apprently I have more, but they're private.
Anyway, here's Pille-Riin, Taisi Tammur and ThatStaceyGirl:

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sorry for the colour, doing it with my eyes closed.

So yeah, my profile got set up on the acting website.
I got a bit busy filling in the sections there, so I couldn't finish my last post about it.
Anyway, today they also got my pictures up.
They're not the worst, but one's of me smiling.
Not a nice sight.
Luckily it was a closed mouth smile.
It looks more of a smirk.
And the non-headshot picture is bad.
I was wearing this light blue top with black little dots on it.
It makes me look like a pale wishy washy sausage!
Anyway, everything should be filled in now and I'm open for any acting work.
As of now - no offers.

Anyway, I've been playing the violin quite a bit.
Ugh, the rhythm is so hard when playing traditional music.
My playing doesn't sound anything like the tune is supposed to sound like.
Anyways, I'm working on a piece I can play ok, just have to get the rhythm right.
I found a video which will hopefully help me get it right, so I'll post my version when I'm done.

Oh oh, I put myself down as a musician aswell on the website, hopefully they'll accept my request.
I will try to get my self on the "decorated people" list aswell. Well, I have two tattoos.
Oh and there's a section where "ugly" people can sign up.
Like, I have wondered that how do they choose the "ugly" and "unpopular" people in shows and films.
I mean, wouldn't it be offending if you show up at the shoot and they just pick you out of the crowd to be the ugly one?
But now I know.
I was just talking about it, cause I will try to get myself on that list aswell.
Not very flattering towards myself but if it earns me money, I'm happy.

Talked to my "bf" today.
He's making me feel like such a bitch.
Anyway, the break should be on now and we'll text each other sometimes until I make up my mind.
Well, I got myself figured out during the session with my psychologist.
I know how I feel at the minute but I don't know what I'll feel later on.

And the cooking frenzy is still on.
I kind of missed the spot today.
Did a stir fry that tasted like water seasoned with chilli powder.
I'll actually go now and heat it up.
Also bought a cheesecake.
The vanilla one I bought once was like 4 euro or something.
Went back to the shop the other day, the cake's now 8 euro.
Nice. Not.
Bought a Tesco brand one today.
It's toffee and some nut one.
Very sweet.

Oh and I saw this pretty girl in Tesco and she had fake boobs.
I think it was the first time I saw anyone with those things.
I looked at her melons almost popping out of her top and I actually felt physically sick.
Never in the world will I get anything like it done on me.
I'd rather look like a pale wishy washy 32B cup sausage.
I got the kind of feeling like she was really ill or something, felt so disgusted and scared for her.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Half arsed...

I received a letter yesterday from the acting agency type of thing.
My profile has been set up. No photos yet.
Anyway, I have to fill in all sorts of information about myself.
Stuff like, my measurements.
I wasn't sure about them so went out to some shops to get measured.
Waist size: 26 inches
Inside leg length: 32 inches
Bust size: 32
Cup zize: B

Oh my god! I'm B cup! I was so sure I'm AAA like I was when I was about 11.
I've grown a bit, a cup size!

I'm not sure about my dress size, cause I fit sizes 6, 8, and 10.
Oh and I also need to find out my hat and glove sizes. Plus men need the neck size.
I can just imagine a director logging on to the site and thinking, "Oh I hope I can find an actor with a 14 inch neck, 7 inch hat size and the glove size of women large/mens small. The actor could be the next George Clooney!"

Oh, I just measured my head, the hat size.
It's so small, they don't have the number on the chart.
Huh, I guess it explains a lot of my test results back in school days.

Will update the post later on...

Monday, April 19, 2010

Feeling like I'm in charge doesn't feel too bad yet

So I have a bit of a soap opera going on.
I'm kind of on a break with my bf.
Ugh, hate all this hullabaloo.
Anyway, for a while, I want to feel like I'm single.
And I'm glad things are moderately civil between me and the bf.
Came over yesterday and had a little chat.
Was okay, but from now on, I'll pretend I'm single.
Even for a little while.

Other than that, maybe I already blogged about it, but I made a lovely dinner the other day.
I mean I cooked.
You can get four beef burgers for three euro.
That's a bargain!
So I fried those.
Added one grated red pepper, one grated er...yellow? onion (not the red one anyway), two crushed gloves of garlic and some mushrooms.
Plus salt, pepper, stakehouse seasoning/pepper, sweet paprika powder and BBQ seasoning.
Cooked mashed potatoes with barley to go with it.

Have to think of what to cook for dinner tonight.
Might go with chicken.
Have to leave the house in a minute, well once I get my hair dried and myself dressed.
Have to buy food and get the Social Welfare cert from the doctor and bring it over to the SW office.

Oh and I've really put the acting thing off.
Mostly cause I can't afford to go to any auditions or courses.
But I'm not throwing the thought out of my head just yet.

Alright, I'm off.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Shit happens

Eugh, having the worst chicken soup.
Well, well...the weather is nice.
I guess I could have spent a lovely day with my bf, but shit happens.
Will go out on my own.
Be miserable in the sun.


In addition:
Get this, I have a candle on the windowsill and the sun is so hot today it has melted the wax.
It could be be in the sun, getting a tan!
It's a bit chilly wind wise.

What if no one will ever measure up

So today's the day.
Thought of the unthinkable.
Started the waterworks and had to come clean.
I feel so so so bad it's...bad.
Scared now.
Thinking what if I'll be thinking, "Now what?"
"What if no one will ever measure up?"

Never ever did I think I'd be the one saying something as horrible.
I am very ungrateful.
Yes, I am a bitch.
And I too hope I will have a nice life.
I am very, very, very sorry.
My loss 100%.

R :*

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Six sexy seconds

 Squee! (I'd totally buy the DVD and CD if I had the money!)

How good is Lea Michele?

2:41 - 2:47 Seeeexxxaaaay

Okay, today I have to get the pics taken and sent.
Hollywood, here I come. :D

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fuck rock

Gah, here I am again ranting about people who like rock.
Like, whatever.
Who gives a fuck if people write their own songs and play their music on instruments themselves.
Some people play an instrument, some people sing.
Some can do one thing and others can do both, with or without the ability to write songs.
Like for example, Justin Bieber.
Okay, he sounds squeeky, but so what?
He's famous cause people like him.
You can play your damn shitty guitar and write your crappy rock songs and not get famous and it's not cause Justin Bieber is in you damn way but because you're not fucking likable.
If you're any good you'll get recognition no matter what.
Just because Justin Bieber is famous doesn't mean any rock band cannot get famous or successful, no need to blame Justin for your shitty song writing talent and inability to make it big.
It doesn't mean Justin Bieber is just eyecandy without talent, it means that your damn rock band is shitty. Take some goddamn responsibility for your own damn mistakes and start making good music to get somewhere.
And I'll be damned if there is any guy out there who wouldn't like a herd of girls running after him.
Jealous much?

And if you're such a big rock music fan then what the fuck are you doing listening to the radio?
It's really a common knowledge that radios play popular music.
If you're such a fucking rocker how on earth do you even know who Justin Bieber is?
God, it's just the narrow minded assholes rock music lovers who are so damn intolerant towards other music styles.

I fucking write poetry and like classical music and I have nothing against Justin Bieber.
I value songwriting and instrument playing, but like... people who like rock are just damn shitheads.
Get bent with your U2 and Led Zeppelin.

There was music before that cunt of a genre and there's music after that.
So if nowadays music is crap, then well... I like classical music and I can say yeah that era is good anything after that is crap, especially rock - you know, the "new music".
Jaysas, what shitfaces you are, you rock music lovers!

Like I said before who gives a fuck that rock music is "hard to compose", because it sounds shit.
There is no aspect that makes it hard to compose, maybe just the fact that it's so shitty and boring that the composers feel like it's such a drag.

Justin Bieber is absolutely normal as a singer. He can sing and he's likable. If you cannot top that or raise to the same level then shut the fuck up and start working, you jealous pricks.

And if it's just a listener who has a problem with him, well, what's it got to do with you?
He's not fucking releasing music for you, so don't fucking listen to him.
And as I said earlier, radios play popular songs and if you're favourite band is not played, again, it's not Justin's fault, it's just that your damn band is too shitty for radio. If you're not happy about it, rant to your goddamn band about it not Justin. He's doing his own thing to his own people.

In addition

I believe you become a musician or a singer for the love of music and want your lyrics to be heard heard. If you so love it then keep making your soundslikefart. Noone's fucking stopping you.
If you want to make it big, then you're after the money. And if you're saying Justin is so talentless and what not then well, he's doing something right, he's got money making people behind him.
Making Justin still better than you.

I've seen you in a fight you lost

Wow, a psychologist's job is a lot harder than I thought.
Had this weird session on Tuesday.
Very confusing and all over the place...with emotions and thoughts and what not.

Anyway, I've been so tired and sleepy.
I dunno what it is, thought my body would be used to the tablet and the dose.
Or maybe it's just that I'm not used to walking around and doing things.

Yeah, the acting course didn't start so.
And my profile isn't up yet.
And received another letter from another place asking for photos.
I was gonna get Katriona to take pics of me, but she had a tooth ache, so I left it.
Might take the pics tonight.

Boring stuff, I know.

Oh, it was my Dad's and his wife's birthday on the second of April.
Rang Dad.
Was working so couldn't really talk.
His wife rang me today, had a little chat.
Very lovely woman.

And it was my mother's birthday yesterday.
Sent her a text.
Oh I got a mail off her.
They got a pet dog.
A dog?!
I think it's name's Nopi.
She said the dog makes my brother happy so ...I guess dogs are useful for some things.

Uum...yeah I forgot why I came to write an update to my blog...

Anyway, this Friday is Glee day. Yay! :)
This season apparently will have another Artie episode.
Oh I love the sound of that.
Kevin's the shizz!
He's a bit too pretty and clean cut though.
I'd like to see him when he hasn't had a shower or any grooming for about 4 days.

Oh and this girl's got a lovely voice:

(There's a video on Youtube if you look for it)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Bed now.

Oh god, I'm so tired.
These antidepressants really know their way to make you feel like poop.
Have no strength whatsoever.
Was out for food.
Bed now.

A couple of reasons to why

A couple of reasons why I don't live in my homecountry:

How's a girl supposed to get a man over there? I'm not even sure how men get by... self seduction, I guess.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

This just in: a tan

Gah, me and Anette planned to sunbathe in the back garden but went for a walk instead.
Anyway, I only noticed now that my shoulders are red.
If the weather is the same tomorrow, I'm outside in my bikini all day.

Wow, I was not expecting that to happen now. :)

Do not and never

Wow, so about 2 weeks ago it was snowing and I was absolutely freezing when outside.
Today, on the other hand, I was roasting.
And I was only wearing "this certain cut" jeans and a tank top.
Went for a walk with Anette for a change.
Went all the way up to Curragh. Yes, where the sheep poo lays all over the ground.
Got bad blisters on my feet, Anette gave me  three plasters.
One with some Disney princesses and others were blue with yellow fish on them.
Yeah, had about 5 or 6 cars honking at us.
Got a text from landlord. He wants rent. Ugh.
I so hope the course isn't on next week, I have no money and I want to do the course so bad.

Um, oh I think I've gained weight.
I weighed myself a few weeks back and I was the same as usually, but I feel fatter.
And when Katriona took pics of me I looked meatier than normal in them.
And I had difficulties getting my jeans on today.

Had chicken stir fry with rice.
Stuffed and sleepy now.
Still nice and sunny out, maybe will go somewhere again.
Bare foot though, my feet are too sore for shoes.

Oh and the other day when I was in Dublin, there were people gathering signatures for some racism business.
It was to do with black people and racism.
I took a leaflet, but didn't sign anything.
I guess I am quite racist towards polish people, eventhough it's their own fault.
They're the ones acting like their better than everyone else and like they own the world.

And there was a person giving out leaflets about abortion.
If I could have signed something against that I would have.
Like the leaflet says, "Abortion never saves a woman's just kills a baby".
And, "Abortion is the intentional killing of an innocent unborn child" and, "There are absolutely no medical conditions which require an abortion to save the life of the mother" and my own quote: the excuses for abortion - "having a child at a young age or when you're not financially or maritally stable" are just bollocks. Gibberish.
I do not supprt abortion and I never will.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


So my statements "I hate dogs" and "Dogs are annoying and stupid" were proved very right last night, by a dog.
A neighbours bastard kept barking all night non-stop so I was up til around half three.
Then I went to sleep downstairs in the living room.
I really needed a good sleep though to look fresh and bright cause I had the photo shoot today, for the acting agency type of thing.
Yeah, I found the place ok, wasn't hidden anywhere unfindable in Dublin's dodgy grotty ghetto.
Had to fill in a form, was just basic information.
For availability I ticked the "anytime" box.
I didn't tick the "anywhere" box. Have to look up where all the places are before deciding on them.
Payed 99 euro, so.
It'll take up to three weeks to get my profile set up on the website.
If the pics come out nice and I have some acting experiences to write down there, I will post a link here. :)
I got really nervous though and I didn't even have to do any acting yet.
Will see how next week will go if the course is still on.
Oh, I was sitting next to an older man and he said he was on a soap two days ago.
Wow! :D Not.
Well, he said it like he was showing off.
Anyways, afterwards I was walking around Dublin.
Went to McDonald's, got filet-of-fish with full slice of cheese and mayo instead of tartar sauce.
Saw a few people from my own country, well heard.
Then some French people, Germans who were feeding birds, British woman at a bus stop with a cello (or maybe double bass, I can't tell by the case) and loadsa other nationalities.
I also saw a monk.
The men in Dublin are so fashionable and done up they look down right ladylike.
There were a few lookers.
Anyways, got back to my hometown.
On my way home I stopped by the neighbour's house who has the damn loud dog.
Talked to the son first. He looked and sounded a bit of dope head.
I mean he probably is an easy person to get on with, but you cannot sort out a loud dog business with him.
Talked to his mother and father - apparently other neighbours have been complaining about the dog as well.
Yeah, home now and totally wrecked.
So excited about the photos, want my profile to be up already!

I heard the song somewhere in Dublin, plus I adore the girl (I've possibly posted the video before)

I had a little squee moment when I saw I had someone from USA, Plano looking at my blog.
Ha! :D Whoever it was, they reminded me of how fit Kevin McHale is. He's so sexy it's unreal!

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Corazón a corazón

Wow, I received a letter today asking me to send in pictures of me or my video-reel.
And talk about my acting experience.
For immediate consideration.
I have nothing!
I'll have Katriona take pictures of me when she gets home.

Okay and today I have to go down to Social Welfare to talk about my money business.
Ugh, and my landlord's back from holiday tomorrow, hunting me down for rent money. to do all that. Hopefully it won't be all bad news.

Some light heartedness:

Nice energy and vibe!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

People suck!

Yeah, people suck.
I'm not gonna be put down.
And I'm not gonna let people put down my ideas.
I've gotta do what I've gotta do.


Yeah, bitches!!!
I'm so giddy at the moment it's unreal!

So yesterday I caught the acting bug.
Today I have the fever!

I was on internet all morning doing whatever.
Then thought I should eat and went downstair.
There was a little piece of newspaper on the fridge door.
It was an ad for TV and film workshop!!!
Basically a course to prepare you for film and tv auditions and such.
How amazing!
The thing is, I have very little money.
Have about 40 euros left.
The photoshoot this weekend will cost either 59 or 99 euros.
I will get social welfare money this week - 190 euros.
Will have to pay rent, at least 100.
So I'll have 130 euros.
And more than likely I'll go for the 59 euro photoshoot (59 is for 6 months contract, 99 for a year)
Then I'll have 70 euros for the week, minus travelling costs.
And then there's the workshop that gave me the fever.
That's around 190 euros.
I have to beg someone to lend me the money.
The course only lasts three days, four hours a day.
But apparently it's really full on and intense.
Oh and it takes place in my bf's hometown.
He's been trying to get me to go over to his place and now he better have me over!

Didn't ring work yet, I don't want to talk to them.
I was thinking of going down to social welfare and dicussing me being fired and money business, but this is so much better!
I don't care I won't have money to buy food or pay the rent.
I have to do this!
Oh, I was told if they don't get 10 people to sign up it'll be pushed back a bit.
Might actually work better like that.
Anyway, I'm giddy and happy.

Hopefully it's not the tablet making me feel like I "can conquer the world" as the doctor said.

Hello, I'm the sun.

Hmh, so I'm trying out something out of the ordinary.
I've been in three school plays in my life.
First was a play in English, it was called The Turnip.
I was the sun in it. Was the first to speak.
I remember a couple of lines from it, "Hello, I am the sun" and "Grow, little turnip, grow".

Then there was a Christmas play and I was supposed to be a snowflake.
But the girl who played the witch fell ill so I took over the witch role.
I had to yell "Shut up" real loud and say a few other things.

And the third play, I was a mushroom.
I was just squatting there.
Oh well, beats being a fir tree.
My baby brother was one. :D

Oh and my class had to do another play for Christmas and everybody in the class had to take part in it.
I hated the idea of acting or performing, cause I was too shy.
So what I did to get out of performing, I wrote the play.
While my class was performing it, the audience kept talking and nobody really paid attention to the play, but I was happy that I didn't have to be up there myself and ...was kind of proud of my play, didn't matter that people weren't interested.

Anyways, I'm not gonna act just yet, but I will be signing up with this one agency type of thing.
So, just for the experience, even an extra part would be brilliant. :)
I'd like to do television or films, think you need to be really talented for theatre.
I have no talent whatsoever, but a little interest and want to do something....sort of offbeat.

And why I decided to go for it is cause I recieved a letter from my manager from work today.
When I had been on sick leave for 3 months (that was in October), I rang my workplace.
I wanted to know if I had to go back to work or if I could stay on sick leave cause I still didn't have a diagnosis.
Anyway, my manager said she'll send out a letter to arrange a meeting to discuss it.
Waited for a couple of weeks then rang again.
She said she'll send out a letter, she won't discuss anything on the phone.
Fair enough.
I did ring the third time aswell.
Same answer.
So today I recieved a letter saying how I never contacted them and what the story is.
What eejits!
If they want to fire me, then it's quite...bollocks.
I really don't want to be unemployed.
Think I'll do one of those FAS courses where they'll pay you when taking the course.

So yeah....hopefully the acting thing will make my life a bit more interesting.
Fingers crossed!

The only thing is I don't want to go there alone.
I'm hoping Katriona will go with me.
She might have to go home to help her parents and all.
This weekend.
Will see.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Vanilla cheesecake

So first time in ages I managed to take a shower before noon.
And I think I broke the shower. It started making weird noise.

Anyways, it looks nice out, sunny, so hopefully I'll be able to go out.
Preferably not alone.
Katriona's with her friend Sarah.
Wonder what they'll be doing today.

Yeah and I have to place an hour for the relaxing exercises somewhere in my daily roster.
I'm too lazy to relax. Honestly.

Will have my gorgeous dinner for breakfast.
Gah, onion's a bitch.
You'll  have irritated eyes for the rest of the night once you're done with it, seriously.

Yeah, not much has been going on, so I'll just post a couple of videos of songs I like:

Lovely song, lovely lady

Dang it! Miley's not the worst singer, but come on, you gotta admit, some of her songs are too good for her. I guess it does the job

Oh, Marks & Spencer have the loveliest vanilla cheesecake. Yum.
I might go buy a new one if the shop's open.
Damn holidays. I don't like any of them that allow shop assistants to have a day off.
Who cares that some dude with long hair was born, I'm still hungry and need to be fed.

Yeah, I'm just really chilled

Had a bath.
Soaked in herbal tea water.
Hair's shedding green crumbs.
With crystals, candlelight and my yoga/relaxing music.
Then cleansed my room with sage.
Oh and I did clean up the room before. Hoovered and all.

Katriona's friend Sarah came over.
They asked me to go out with them.
I was about to cook so I didn't go.
The food came too peppery, but okay.

Plus my antidepressant that I take at 24:00 makes me sleepy.

Yeah, I'm just really chilled at the moment.
Will play a bit of sims then go to sleep.
Check out my Sim story - The Keys Spirit. Not much has happened yet, but there's still time.

Night so.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

I'm getting pretty serious...

Blah, gotta clean my room.
Cannot be bothered at all.
Will be cooking later on. Beef burgers. Like, organic ones.
With mushrooms and onions, seasoning and all.
Yeah, I'm getting pretty serious about cooking.

Anyways, I'm off to tidy up my room so.

And yeah, Kevin's hot.
