Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Paid for

Well, the ticket is paid for.
"Bf" paid for it.
Then had one of his weird moods again.
Probably cause I have to pack my stuff today cause some people will be leaving the country before me and they can take some of my stuff with them.
Anyways, I have loads of stuff.
Have to give away loads of clothes and leave stuff behind.
I'm leaving my computer for the "bf".
Dunno what to do with all of my CDs and DVDs.

...back to packing now.

Nerve-wracking to say the least.

Well, looks like I am going back to my homecountry.
Nerve-wracking to say the least.
Have to go and get some things sorted now.
Just in case.
Then enjoy the last few days I have in Ireland.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Doesn't sound too bad, but I dunno...

Talking to Dad online.
He wants me to go and live at their place.
Study over in my homecountry and all.
Doesn't sound too bad, but I dunno...

Monday, June 28, 2010

I know what I thought and I said it. And I acted that way

Okay, I'm sure I pissed someone off yesterday, but what can I do.
Like, I said he can come over for a little while, just for a walk.
So he came over. For 4 hours.
I've never spend that much time with anyone in one go.
So what's there to be pissed off about?
And I very clearly said, several times, that when I'm in my house I want to be alone and that I'll be playing the sims.
When I let him come around I don't mean it in let's-shag-all-day kind of way.
When I say a little walk, I mean a 40 minute walk or so and that's all, nothing else.
It's not my problem what he thinks, I know what I thought and I said it.
And I acted that way, if he got pissed off it's his own fault for not listening to me.

Anyway, just got a text off my landlord.
He will be coming over later on.
I hope it's not for rent cause I don't even have money for food.
I only have 30 euro for the next10 days.
Then hopefully I will get some money.
Not this week, but the week after, on Thursday I'm seeing the man about my money business.
He said he's gonna have to pay me some money til Social gets sorted.

The someone who got pissed off yesterday said I can ask him for money if I'm stuck.
But there's no I'll do it.
I don't want to owe him anything.

Dunno how it works out.

Anyways, I had to replay some bits in my sims game cause just as I got it working it fucked up again.
And I finally decorated the house properly.
Well almost.
Some rooms look weird, but... meh.

Erm... yeah, that's all.
It's raining today. Boo!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

No, not like the princess, it's like the goddess

So I started reminiscing old times yesterday.

I was just chilling out at my Dad's place when I was about 16 or 17.
Back then I was really into metal music and rockier stuff.
You know like some angsty teen.
One band that I listened to was Godsmack.
So there I was chilling out, surfing the net on my mobile phone.
I decided to look up some Godsmack's lyrics and interviews.
I came over this interview with Sully Erna.
He was talking of this religion called Wicca.
I had never heard of it.
I cannot remember the exact quote but as much as I do remember I believe he said something like that the religion is about creativity. Or like celebrating the arts or something.
Anyway, whatever he said, I liked what I was reading.

So I looked up this Wicca thing on my mobile.
And when I found out it had to do with Roman and Greek mythology and the gods, I was hooked.
Especially cause my name's Diana.
And I've always thought that normally when some sleazy people ask for my name and I tell them what it is, they're like "Oh, like the princess" , then in my head I'm like "No, not like the princess, it's like the goddess".
I'm not sure why my parents went for this name, but here I am stuck with it for my whole life.

Anyway, I was reading about the religion and was very interested in it.
Then as I knew back then I thought there must be some horribly clouding "rules" when you want to follow the religion.
I found the Wiccan Rede.
And the idea of the religion is that do whatever you want as long as you're not hurting anyone, including yourself.
I was seriously surprised when I saw it, cause my motto at the time was exactly that. Pluss "and don't embarrass your family".
I was really very into it just as soon as I first learned about it.

After reading about it on my phone, I got my father's wife to go to the library with me (I didn't have the library card myself).
I got books about the Roman and Greek gods and mythology.
While reading I would write down all the gods and other figures that were mentioned and an explanation who they were and what they're purpose and impact was.

The gods I found most interesting were, well obviously Diana, Apollon, Zeus, Aradia, the Titan Kronos and the Grace Euphreyne.

I don't think I ever actually called myself Wiccan, but I sure agreed with a lot that was in the religion.
And that what i liked about it - I didn't have to change my mind or myself and my beliefs, the religion just fit into my life and me.

The only thing that I didn't like was that I believe depending on what path of the religion you choose you "have to be" vegeterian or just one of those people who really have to limit their eating somehow.

And I never supported marriage. But if I were to get married I'd do it the pagan way.
The trial marriage makes so much sense.
And I'd love to do the jumping over the broom thing and just to add some of my nationality in to it, I'd jump over a bonfire aswell. :D

So as much as I agree with everything that the religion is about I wouldn't call myself Wiccan. If anything, maybe eclecting Wiccan or just pagan.
I just believe in energy. I believe in it in a scientific way.
And I do love a lot of things to do with the Earth.

I know I sit on the inernet for too long and that's bad for the Earth and I'm too lazy to put recycable things into the special bin - that's why I wouldn't really call myself anything or anyone - but I'm really into anything green. That's why I want to go and do biology. I want to do so much I cannot pinpoint anything in particular.

Yeah, that's just what I remembered yesterday.

I also remembered this one time when I was talking to a friend about Wicca.
He said that I'm just calling myself one cause I want to be popular or something and that it's really not a religion is just a bunch of people who like to show off.
Then he told me what he believed in.
He said him and some of his friends (9 to be precise) had a motto that goes like this: "Have fun every second cause you might die at any time".
So I asked him how was that - the 10 people motto -  "more legit" than Wicca that has a lot more followers.
So I asked what his motto was called.

He said it doesn't have a name, you just believe in it.
I guess every religion is like some kind of motto that has a name so people can define themselves more easily.
So I went ahead and said, "I know what you're religion or motto is called. It's called puberty."
I believe he kicked me in the legs for that.
Then I said, "If it makes you feel any better then it's not just you who's hit puberty but all your 9 friends aswell".
That resulted in a smack over the head.
I thought it was funny and I still think it's funny.

But I think that's actually one of the reasons I don't follow any religion.
Cause people change.
And if people want to call Wicca as Neo-Paganism then I guess it's okay.
I don't think there's anything wrong with renewing a religion, more so in ideas and points of it, traditions of celebrating it can stay the same, just to honour the base of it all.

I wasn't trying to preach or anything, just put in my two cents.


Yeah, that's about it. I'm free. And poor.
Especially poor.

And I still have the headache.
I think it's cause of the antidepressants.

And I'm so craving something very very bad for me.
Like crisps or something.
I would've gone and bought cheese and eat that but the shop's closed now.
The local Spar sells Gouda for 1.59.
Gouda's the best cheese and since the Irish people like Cheddar they don't know they're giving good stuff away at a very low price.

I'm either going to play more sims now or watch a film.
Maybe do an update on my sims story page.

Oh and I love Justin Bieber's Somebody To Love.
I love pop music!
I love music, except the narrow minded people who like rock.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Alejandro pattern

So this new thing came out: CAP
At first, as espected with an EA product it wouldn't work, but luckily I got it sorted.
I've been busy on it for the most of the day.
My brain is, say, medium rare.
Here are some of my creations: My Sim Page
They're not the best but it's okay, I'm not the most creative person when it comes to visual stuff.
And YAY! I have two recommendations.

And I happened to watch Lady GaGa's Alejandro video.
Dang it, I have the song in my head now.

Anyways, I'm off to create patterns now.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Watch and learn, you retail jobbed little people!!!

As of now I'm fucked when it comes to money.
Okay like there's this system thing that allows you to have some social welfare benefit.
The thing is you're only allowed to get it when you live in the same country with your family.
So, basically it's like when you have people around you who can financially support you, you're allowed to get the benefit.
If you're all alone with no one to support you you're fucked, you're not entitled to any benefit at all.
Oh yes, yet another fair law.
Seriously, all the people in the position to create and change laws are super humans - I mean they have shit in their heads!!!
Why don't you cunts go and get bent!?

Anyways, no more paying rent from now on.
And no eating either.

Oh and another thing.
Went down to Social Welfare for rent allowance.
They told me to go down to the Health Board.
People there told me to go to another office in another town.
Luckily I didn't go.
Went to the Health Board today so.
A man there told me I should've got a rent allowance form from Social Welfare.
Oh my god, how organised are those people?! Spectacular!!!
Watch and learn, you retail jobbed little people!!!

And one more thing.
When before I had to fill in some forms and get pissed off cause they ask about my marital status and stuff about my spouse then now they're asking about the people I live with, their names and salary. Talk about nosy!

The only good thing is I got my sim game to work.
Without Ambitions of course and the shitty update.
I found a receipt for the game.
Unfortunately it says you can take the game back in 7 days time.
Well, since I'm short of money and the game doesn't work I'll try to bring it back.
I just tell them I was waiting for an update that would fix everything but since there's nothing I want my money back.

And I so want to eat crisps!
I adore crisps!
I haven't bought any cause I don't wanna feel sick.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

56, 4 kilos. Yeah, bitches!!!

Okay, I don't know if it's a cold, PMS or just a first ever thing, but I have a headache.
I've had a bit of a sore head before but it's always been cause of a cold.
Today I have a very odd pain and I'm not sure what it is.
Plus the previous night was a nightmare.
I think I woke myself up by making some sort of noise.
At the time I was kind of thinking that I heard a little boy's voice and that woke me up.

The second time I randomly opened my eyes and saw a little boy standing in the middle of my room.
I think it was kind of like a dream or something cause I know I woke myself up again by screaming and waving my hand to tell the boy to get away from me.

I was spooked though.
I turned on the ceiling light and put on a film and tried going back to sleep.
I kept waking up and feeling funny though.

Maybe I've read too many ghost stories lately and it's having an impact on me.

I even took a painkiller for the pain but it didn't make a difference.
That kind of makes me quite sure it's a cold.

Ugh, I was gonna bring in the resignation notice to work today, but I don't really feel like going out.
I haven't even taken a shower yet.

Oh and I got to weigh myself yesterday.
56, 4 kilos.
Yeah, bitches!!! :D
I'm getting there.
Ehh.. to my normal weight.
The last time I weighed this much was when I was 16.

Give me another few months and I'll be 60 kilos.
That's my goal.
It makes me very happy when all my clothes are very very tight and I struggle when putting them on.
Like there's this skirt I wore when I didn't weigh as much and I could pull it down a bit to make it look longer.
Whereas now it just looks very very short cause it gets stuck around my ass.
K said it's a bit slutty and that she could see my butt cheeks and all, but the skirt was so tight on me it kept my arse in place, it wasn't all jiggly like normally.

Oh while typing this I got a phone call from a woman who's involved with the volunteering business.
I'm meeting her next Wednesday at 2 to talk about some garden I'll be working at.
Meeting her at a restaurant called Cupcake.
I don't even know where it is. Have to go find out before next week.

Anyways, I'm off to... try and cook lunch and shower and just in case I'll cleanse my room with my Californian sage. I don't want to see that little boy again.

User rating 2.9/10

Oh and another thing, I bought the film Material Girls.
Oh dear, I wish I hadn't.
It's so so so rubbish.

It's not funny, it's not dramatic, it's just rubbish.
Even the girls' outfits/make up/hairdo's are not cool ro whatever they're meant to be.

I only bought the film cause I wanted mindless comedy, but it's too mindless and as I already said not funny.
Nothing against the girls themselves, but... ugh.
Well, got this bit of statistics off The Internet Movie Database website. 2.9 indeed.

Oh and I've got a new followe, llasunshine:
Very nice. At least I know who this person is, a lovely young lady.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Glee: Asian incest erotica

Well, well, well.
What do you make of the "Glee: Trailer Sex Ban" article?
I know what I make of it.
I think it's Asian incest erotica.
And Glee is promoting it.
Well, the girl's Asian.
And she herself said that they're like a family.
And come on, any normal person acting like that is riding.
I mean each to their own, but seriously who wants to see those two kissing and shit on their TV.
1. It's like watching someone's personal sex video. Get a room or even a trailer, one without a camera in it.
Or if you want a camera don't put the video on inernational TV.
2. Don't get all touchy feely and say you're family, you're feeding the kids a very wrong idea.

Whatever otherwise.

I found this good looking guy on internet but I don't really know his name or anything about him at all.
But I'll do my homework and find out. ;)
So today has been a bit better healthwise but still a bit weird.
Ugh and the psychologist sessions are so bad.
Too much exposure!!!

Will be handing in my leaving note tomorrow.
Oh and I'm not sure how my money business goes.
Things are very uncertain.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Thank god, someone in the crew has some sense

Okay, I think my skin is officially anti-tanning.
I don't seem to catch any sun at all.

Just seen the Alan Carr show with the three Glee people on.
Thank god, someone in the crew has some sense.
Matthew Morrison has got to be the most normal out of them all.
Er...whatever the Jenna girl was talking about.
Positivity and underdogs and what?! Try cheesiness.
Well, as it turned out the girl has never been bullied so how dare she talk about "underdogs".
Go sing your happy song and be cheesy!
And whatever Kevin was talking about.
Glee memebers are real people!?
There is no one like that among the people I know.
The show is pure cheese so stop talking about some shitty positive impact and the realness of it.

I have to agree with Matthew though.
The show is as good and popular as it is cause of the songs.
Full stop.
Nobody cares for the story or the characters.

Anyways, I hope I'll feel better today and can go out.
I should have some friends coming over.

Oh and I reinstalled my Sims 3 game all over again last night.
Just as soon as I go to play mode it crashes.
I'm done complaining and giving out about it cause well the EA people are naturally shitheads and shitheads they will be til the day they day, which is pretty soon I hope. And hopefully they'll release a permanent fix before they drop dead.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Not that much going on.

Well, since you cannot get a picture of Kevin without that black haired "best friend" these days, I've decided to find someone else to fancy.
I seriously don't wanna see those two slobbering all over each other in their "best friendly" manner. It'll give me nightmares, I swear.

So I've been looking at pics of some chaps.
Well, first in line was Topher Grace.
Yeah, he's like good looking and in my favourite TV show, but I just don't fancy him.
I also looked up Charlie Simpson who I used to fancy.
Nope. He's not doing it for me anymore.
I was quite desperate for a while and even looked at pics of Zac Efron.
Er... no. I don't care how big of a Hollywood eyecandyt he is.
Oh and the lad from Skins.
No, not doing it for me.
Oh and Harry Judd.
He's decent, but no.

Well, maybe I'll get lucky and find someone realistic to fancy.

Oh and I just gotta advertise it more:
I just love the game!!!

Been watching some films over and over again.
Went for a walk alone, texted people.
Not that much going on.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Home Sheep Home

Okay for some stupid reason I feel like shit today.
My stomach is killing me.
So when my friend came over it was all rubbish.
I couldn't even talk to him normally.

Anyways, I've been playing different games online and found this one: Home Sheep Home
How adorable is the game?!
I love the sheep.

Friday, June 18, 2010

So what she's got pretty hair, that doesn't make her a good person.

Yesterday was fun.
"Bf" came over and we played badminton.
We played in the trees so it wasn't as windy.

Was so tired and sore by the evening.
We bought the lovely beef burgers we had for BBQ before.
I made the salad aswell.

Oh and I wore a dress when we played.
Haven't worn one in ages.

As for today, we got a new shower.
It was broken for a few days.
Will go and take a shower now and see what it's like.

Should have a friend coming over.
The really clever one who went to study in China or some place like that.
I think I talked about him in one of my earliest posts.

Anyway, I haven't seen him for quite some time so should be fun! :)

Oh and I happened to watch Friends yesterday.
Yeah, I don't like the show.
I especially don't like Rachel.
She's so annoying!
So what she's got pretty hair, that doesn't make her a good person.
It was the episode when her and Ross were on a break and he slept with another girl.
For some unknown reason Rachel got really pissed off about it and gave out to him.
Er... why!?
That's so not her business.
And then Ross was like apologizing to her for half of the episode.
I would have kicked her out of the room, down the stairs and infront of a passing car.
Then would've got into my own car and run over her a few times.
She's majorly annoying!!!
I'm glad Ross "cheated" on her.

Yeah... off to take the showe now.
Then play the violin.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

He said he needs to respect me more as a friend

So yesterday was a mess.
Was supposed to meet the woman in the evening but as I said the "bf" came over.
And everything turned to shit.

The badminton wasn't too bad.
But afterwards it was so so so crappy.
I absolutely cannot stand it when I've made plans and there's someone who's messing everything up.
It grinds my gears so much!!!
So much!!!
At least he said he needs to respect me more as a friend.

Luckily I got to talk to G today and we're sorted.
I should be meeting another girl today.
The one who got kicked out of the house by her mother.

Yeah, that's about it.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I don't like people who are all business,

Well, had to get up early today.
About half ten.
Went to visit a woman I used to work with.
She's Lithuanian. Very nice.
Had a little chit chat.
Oh my, she has a kitten!
I've wanted a cat for so long and now I got to see one cute little one.
The woman got the kitten for her 4 year old daughter's birthday.

She said she's been looking for about two months for someone to go swimming with.
I agreed straight away.
I'll be going back to her place later on today.
She's doing some business and there'll be a another woman there aswell doing the business.
Plus she works at the hotel where we want to go swimming so we can ask her stuff.

I'm not sure if I've given out about that before, in my blog like, but I don't like people who are all business.
I like humanity in people.
Like the woman I saw today, I'll call her G from now on, she said the managers at the workplace were so pissed off with the women who are pregnant. Like, whatever.
I've talked about pregnancy quite a bit with the girls from my house and loads of women have had miscarriages recently, well the women who know people who know people I know and so on.
And to think some absolutely extraneous people come and get pissed off and give out to you about something that just isn't their problem.
I know the women have to go on maternity leave and the business will need someone to cover them but it's so not a matter of giving out to people.

Anyways, "bf" just texted, wants to come over to play badminton.
Right, I'm off so.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Taxi driver's partner

Just after eating.

Had a terrible session at the psychologist's today.
Too much exposure.
And there's more to come.
Well, if I want to get better.

Was taken to the psychologist by this taxi driver whose partner is of the same nationality as me.
She said she'll be going home soon and since I'm scared to fly on my own I might go with her.
She's a nail technician or somethig.

Today was super nice out my body's a bit sore from all the skipping.
Think I'll go for a walk now.
Will see if K wants to go with me.

Yeah, that's about it. Off now.

Monday, June 14, 2010

I too wanna be Kevin's "best friend"

Okay, hula hoop is out.
It just pisses me off so much that it doesn't stay up.
I swear I'll kill my back picking it off the floor before it does any good to my midriff.

Oh and I've had four packets of crisps today.
Oh no! I hope I won't feel sick.

Just cooked nice chicken stir fry. Yum.
Yeah, off to skip again.
Maybe I'll go for a jog again later on.

Oh I cannot remember if I've addressed it before but I lost a follower.
Whoever it is, sorry I'm lost.

And yeah, I know it's Kevin's birthday today.
But... since I got a pretty good confirmation he's riding the black haired girl, I'm going off him.
Or if they're just "best friends" then I too wanna be Kevin's best friend.


I bought a skipping rope.
I gotta start moving myself before it's too late and I'm a 40 year old single fat arse.
I'm taking up hula hooping again.

Well, it's just that my "bf" told me if I want to put on weight all over my body, not just my belly and bum, then I have to exercise.
And since jogging was a bit too much for me, I'll be using the rope and the hoop.
If I'm gonna lose weight then I'll start drinking protein drinks, cause I like the way all my clothes are getting a bit tight for me. I'm always walking around with the button on my trousers undone.

And was talking to K last night.
She said she's thinking of buying skipping rope cause some girl back home lost loads of weight using one.
Well, since I got money today, I went to Spar and bought myself and K skipping ropes:
The purple one is mine.
Hm, I think it's a bit too small for me cause when it goes over my head it slides across my hair. :D
Not everytime, but it does.

Yeah and I think I got my volunteering thing sorted.
I'm waiting to hear from a woman who works in a garden.
I'd have to weed and stuff.
Sounds fun.

Have to ring the health board and get my money sorted.
And the course thing aswell.

Okay, I'm off to skip again, had to stop there cause my ankle started hurting.
I could only do about 50 skips. How unfit?!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


 Warning! "Severe" cursing!

Oh my god, I've done something monstrous.
I called EA people cunts.
I mean oh my god, what a bitch am I?
The cheese dicks banned my account.
And damn you, you shitty little fucker who reported me!

Ah well, I guess I saw it coming.
You can never say what you really think cause you'll be... ignored.
Damn, well my "bf" wanted a get away holiday.
Looks like I'm willing to let him pay for my holiday and we'll go to America.
(No, no Spain or anything like it. If we're doing a holiday, we're doing it big)

Damn, I gotta go to the EA offices and really show them what an unsatisfied customer looks like.

Well, here's the post that got me banned:
Ah well, I'll give them a ring and see.
I won't be wating on hold though - too expensive.
If I don't get sorted straight away, I'll hang up and... cry tears fo
They're such c u n t s for treating you like that, damageincracing.

Hey, why don't you try and sell the games on ebay or some place like
that. That's what I'll do. Sell them for a tenner or so, at least you
get some money back.

And this is me "appealing this sunspension":
Well, hello!?
Why do I get banned just cause I call someone a cunt?!
EA people are treating their customers with problems like shit.
I don't mean it in a "cursing" kind of way, but in a literal sense.

I wasn't even talking to anyone of yous EA people or said some guru was a cunt. If you can treat people like shit then why can't your customers say what they think about you?!

So, now what!? My game isn't working, I cannot complain about it, I cannot get a refund. Wow, you're like the best ever people. Thank god, at least
you know how to click a mouse and ban someone cause you sure can't release a working game or a decent update.

Get me back on the forum, I'm well aware of the rules.
Do you know how to create a working pc game?
Hm, does it sound like I'm getting back on? Er... don't think so.
Yeah, keep the fuckers on the forum who kiss your filthy arses.

It is not my bloody job to fix my computer in order to play your broken game!
In the words of Eric Forman impersonating Red Forman, "You fix it, dumbass!"
Anyway, here's the lovely thread.

And what it so bad about a cunt? Would I have been banned if I had called the people pee-pees?

In my baroque era in my head

So, YouTube is being normal.
They banned dsharptheviolinist's account.
Like what!?
God damn, some people spend forever uploading videos and practicing then along comes some eejit on their stupid high horse and ban all the talent.
Well, since I couldn't enjoy any jaslady or dsharp's pop music, I had to listen to classical stuff.



Yeah, those ditties are like... my little warm up excercises before I start playing. ;)
Anyway, in all seriousness, amazing talent and amazing pieces!

Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue is so amazing!

Yeah, I got out all of my classical music CDs now, so I'll be in my baroque era in my head.
Hm, maybe I'll put some of the music on my blog aswell.
I'm having difficulties uploading the stuff.
It takes forever and then it says there was some error. Yay!
Mh, I got s distracted by the music I forgot why I started writing the blog in the first place.
Oh well.

You can't win

Just got in from a jog.
Went around my estate.
Tried to be healthy but started feeling so sick.
Not used to moving around so much.
I could have run all the way - my legs were fine - but was so out of breath.
A little shower now.
Hot water bottle.
And the rest of King Kong.
What a brilliant film!
As in "my" film, not a "brilliant film" film.

Oh and maybe a little work on a survey for my forum.
Those chaps are unbelievable.
You make a skin for the place yourself, everyone complains.
You let them choose a look, everyone complains.
You can't win.

Oh well.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


So yesterday was a stupid day.
Today isn't that much better.
Was gonna go out last night.
I dunno if it's the make up or the fake tan I sprayed in my face (which isn't supposed to be sprayed in the face), my eyes are killing me.
They're so sore and heavy.
And to top all that I got quite a bit of er... cum in my eyes this morning.
Some people just have really bad aim.
Anyway, because of that I was walking around with blood shot eyes most of the day.
And yeah, where ever some people got the "anal makes you cum" from, like... that is like... all wrong.
I hope it was a joke.

Yeah, so my eyes and head are killing me.
Maybe it's cause the weather is changing, I dunno.

Anyways, I was supposed to go out last night, but didn't.
"Bf" came over for a few minutes.
He said he was gonna go out in the same town as me and I thought it was very awkward.
I was like what if one of us gets talking to some randomer.
I was just thinking more so about me and what he would do if he was drunk and saw me.
Yeah so we had yet another "Is there any hope? No." moment.
And then I started bawling and all that shit, like a soap.
And that kind of put me off of going out.

And the night before, me and K rented some films.
Precious, The Road, It's Complicated.

We got It's Complicated cause I thought it would be good cause of Meryl and Alec.
And well, that's pretty much that was good about the film.
It wasn't a disaster, but was expecting a lot more from it. But the whole thing was based on Meryl and Alec's talent. Oh and my heart totally went out to Alec when he started crying. I know it was only a sleazy trick, but I felt so bad. Meryl is amazing!

The drama. We only got it cause the lady in the shop suggested it.
Well... it was a bit harsh yeah, but nothing too much.
Well, I don't think I'm too off when I say me and my mother had pretty much that kind of relationship.
The difference was that I wouldn't slave around as much and would talk back more and my mother worked and yeah, that's pretty much it. Oh and nobody threw a telly! Or a baby for that matter.
The raping didn't shock me too much either.
Well, I guess it was quite like... a dramatic film, but again, like with some other dramatic stories I didn't feel the heartfelt emotion. I felt it a bit more than with My Sister's Keeper, but it didn't shock/scare me as much.
And The Soloist was a lot more emotional for me.

The Road.
I didn't get to watch it.
K watched it and said it was really boring and lacked action.
I take her word for it.
Although, the film was my choice.
I like adventure and disaster - as in nature disaster, not as in "a disastrous film".

Oh and I saw a man about volunteering.
The man had a stutter.
It was quite an experience.

Anyways, I have to register online and will see then what happens.
And I have to get over with the course thing aswell.
It's just a matter of putting effort into finishing these things.
Will do it next week. Felt a bit poorly with my sore neck, back and head this week.

Yeah, guess I'm off now.
To... do something.
I don't even know what.
I cannot go out looking like that, I'll scare the kids. :D

Fuck June 11th

Fuck this day!
Seriously, this might be the worst damn date in the whole year.
Can't remember last year but the year before, I think, I got a loan for some eejit.
And all this today!
Just fuck it!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Seeing green at it's greenest shade

Okay, I gotta avoid internet for a while cause...
If I don't I'll post super bitchy stuff.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Monster House

Made my first ever chowder.
Not the best.
Bought all natural vegetable cubes.
All natural is never good, it always has a weird taste.
And I put too much pepper in it.
Anyway, here's the ingredients:
4 - 6 medium potatoes
1 medium broccoli
1 tray of bigger mushrooms
1 can of processed peas (the mushy ones would be too mushy I think)
2 small carrots
a handful of barley
2 small/medium pieces of chicken
2 cubes of vegetable bouillon
(may add onion or garlic)
some salt
some pepper (I used steak house pepper)

Chop them all up and cook them together.
Once they're done, work them with blender.

Went down to parish centre about the volunteering business.
Got a phone number, website and email address off them.
Will get in contact tomorrow.

Watched Monster House last night again.
What a great piece of animation!
I'd give it all the Grammys and other awards Slumdog Millionaire won.
I cannot believe such a good project goes so unackowledged.
Just read about it on Wiki and some person has caught up with the house not turning into a monster at certain moments. Well, why didn't Titanic sink before Rose and Jack could get jiggy?! That's just the way the story goes. If you're looking for illogical things in films go for 2012 and write an opinion on how the people so "logically" get away from everything right at the last second.
Plus, Jenny said, "Smart house" at one point when it didn't turn into a monster.
That's a pretty good explanation to me.
And well done Kil Genan and team!

Anyways, off to ExtraVision with K to rent a film.
Probably It's Complicated.

Okay what's a review of Glee if there's no bitching?!

So I have a bit of a cold thing going on right now.
I rushed filling the hot water bottle so I could see Glee right from the start.
Anyway, I got there in time.
During breaks I kept closing my eyes and trying to stay awake cause the heat was making me sleepy.

Yeah, but I managed to see all of Glee.
Okay what's a review of Glee if there's no bitching?!
Any scene that has Finn in it is bad.
Like he was saying how he has a role model who shows him how to be a man.
And I'm like, "So why the hell haven't you learned anything from him!? You're a cheesy wuss!"

And I didn't like it how it was... teary all over the place.
I mean like, let the audience decide whether it's a teary finale or not.
Don't make the audience cry for/with you, if you're worth it they'll cry.

Other than that it was a lovely end to the first season.
I didn't cry, no.
I didn't even get teary eyed.
I had a little "aww" moment when Sue wrote New Directions to the first place, I admit it.

And I was quite pleased with the giving birth scene aswell.
I thought it was gonna be a bit more happy and sing-a-songy, on Quinn's part, cause the other group was singing at the time.

Speaking of singing, I still think Naya Rivera has a lovely voice.
She should just sing A LOT more.
Out of the girls she's my fave.
I'd even listen to her if she wasn't on the show.
Hm, has she ever been in a group or something?!

I like the counsellor's character aswell.
Although I think it was a bit out of her character to yell at the principal.
Cause like she needed pretty good pushing by Sue to give out to Will.

Don't have any bad words about Will.
He's cool.
Except the freaky Sue alluring.

And what the hell was the dance with those pregnant women about?!
Jaysas, where's the human rights people when you need them?!
Those babies have seriously disturbed mothers.

But anyway, back to the finale.

Um, yeah, that's about it.
I liked some songs that were in the show.
I don't know yet what they're called.

Oh, since I was being fairly nice about the show cause this episode wasn't as irritating I have to say I'm totally with Olivia when she was mocking Glee. Totally. All the way. And... bring on season 2!

Yeah, finito so.
Drinking Lempsip.
Will watch Glee online now.
I just didn't catch all the jokes Sue was telling.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Acknowledge it

Okay, I better do this before I forget.
I've kind of lost track who's unfollowed and who's started to follow me, but I'll try my best to acknowledge it.
Thanks to Vari and I think Argo1101.
I'm not entirely sure who's new and who's not.

Yeah, it's about 40 minutes til Glee.
The season finale.
I hope it's good.
I hope there won't be too much of Finn in it cause you know it'll be overly cheesy.
I'll write my opinion here as well.
If it gives me any kind of emotion.

Oh and my neck is sore.
Damn the rainy weather!

Oh and I've been reinstalling my Sims game and updates like crazy.
Changed settings on my computer and all.
The game still won't work.

Yeah, I'll be back most probably.

I think

Watched King Kong last night.
If that isn't my kinda film then I don't know what is.
Well, I just like adventure and disaster.
The film had quite many crappy bits in it, but since it wasn't awfully cheesy I didn't mind.
It wasn't a good film as in "a good film", but it had elements in it that I really enjoyed.
One of the "crappy bits" was that once the people fought off the natives, the creepy crawlies and the dinosaurs they never came back. Like that's all the natives, creepy crawlies and dinosaurs the jungle/island had.
Also there's no way the woman when kidnapped by the big monkey would be in such a good condition.
The gorilla was throwing, shaking her around which would've resulted in her broken back or a very very severe concussion.
I also didn't like how the gorilla was too much like a human being, like when he got mad cause the woman wouldn't put on a puppetshow for him.
And I also didn't like that Jack Black was in it.
I mean, he was too modern for that film.

I don't think he's like a very good actor or very funny but I like him.
And I think he fits into very specific films.
I don't think he really fit into The Holiday either.
I just don't know what to expect from him when he's not in a comedy.
I'm kind of used to laughing when I see him so it's a bit weird when he's not in a silly role.
You just can't take the "serious" character seriously.

Yeah, anyways.
I'm supposed to meet this lady I used to work with.
I've never hung out with her outside work, so...
Should be interesting.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

50 years my ass

Okay, this will sound pretty judgemental, but I don't care it's my blog.
If Jehovah's Witnesses can go from door to door to try and introduce (read violate a person's personal space with it's own beliefs and traditions and try and turn it all into a political bullshit) heaven, then I sure can express my own strong beliefs about abortion in my very own blog.
Well, I received a spam letter saying that the pill is 50 years old now.
Okay, first of all, damn the sender.
I don't like spam.
And I dislike it even more when it's about something like that.

I don't support any kind of abortion.
If a woman is pregnant but doesn't want to be, then why kill the baby? Kill yourself, dear. (Equivalent to if you don't believe in Christ you'll burn in hell)
It grinds my gears so much.
I know it would be better if there were no children if the mother was such an ass.
I mean it's like, okay the mother is willing to kill a child, what would her children be like then?
There is no excuse for abortion.
There is only one reason - the stupidity of the mother.

I don't care how much distress an abortion can cause to a woman.
I mean, damn right you feel bad.
You should!
You're a murderer, for Christ's sake.
Feel bad for the rest of your life and feel very guilty for not spending your life in jail.

Right, I'm gonna stop here.
This is my general thought of the whole thing.
As I've said before I know women who've had an abortion and I've never said one bad thing to them about it, cause it's not my business.

Take a note, Jehovah's Witnesses!
Keep it to yourself, people!

And as for the pill itself - it just makes you sick.
If you're not sick why take a pill?
It's useless when it comes to profit and benefit.

Monday, June 07, 2010

Crawl away!

So it's been pissin out for quite a few days.
Which makes me feel a bit better for wasting the weekend on refreshing the sims 3 website technical discussions page every two seconds.
I swear, if I was checking on a person's website this much I'd be jailed for stalking.
I've been waiting forever for a fix that would let me play the sims.
I'm just lost without it.
Come on, you EA tools, fix it already!!!

And when I took a break from the Sims 3 website I checked Kevin McSex's twitter page.
Gah, that person was in London some hours ago. That's like... 45 mins or so away from me!!!
Dang, would it kill him to pay me a visit?!
Totally rude of him.

Oh I'm gonna have to stop watching Glee cause he said if you don't watch the show he'll crawl out the screen and make you watch it.
Hell yeah! I won't be watching Glee in my bedroom in my bed in that case.
Crawl away!

Yeah and I haven't had much to eat cause I've been unable to leave my computer.
I'm about to go to the shop now.
To buy the lovely cherry and almond pies/muffins.

Maybe I'll write something more later on.
Oh I might finally watch King Kong.


Sunday, June 06, 2010

Bad EA

Huuhhh, I've been messing around with my sims game.
Can't really complain that much on the official site cause the peeps there might ban you.
Er... thanks I'm sure it'll solve all the problems with the game.

I just cannot believe how uppity some people are.
Like, haven't the EA people heard of customer care?!

I mean, it's very very obvious they're releasing faulty products.
They are.
And when you complain about it they won't admit that it's their game that's not working.

They're like "you're computer doesn't meet the minimum requirements".

Well, if I was still working in McDonald's and I say to a customer, "Well, if you had more money and would have bought a more expensive meal the food wouldn't taste this crap. It's your own fault for being so damn poor" I'd get fired. On the spot.

Or when EA say "remove all your CC"

Well, again if I told one of my customers "Go get your taste buds checked, the food is fine!" I'd get fired!

How on earth is that allowed at EA?!
It's unreal!!!

Or the ever so believable "we apologize for any inconvenience caused/we're working on a fix".
"I'm sorry you're so poor and have bad taste in cuisines/we'll try and get in touch with a free range chickens farmer and put less rubber in our "beef" burgers"