Monday, May 31, 2010


I demolished my sim family's house yesterday to build a bigger and better one.
Went on sims website and it's down.
Been down ever since yesterday for me.
Well, I wanted to look at houses other chaps have built, you know to get inspiration.
Guess I have to make up something myself.

Oh and I have to draw another pic for my psychologist for tomorrow.

And on Thursday I'm seeing a woman about the courses.
Erm, I want to take a course in something so I'm just seeing someone who will tell me what is available and all that stuff.

And I'm not happy about my dodgy periods.
Come on!! Are yous on or what?!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Bring on the Big P already

Oh I feel like poop today.
Bring on the Big P already.
Yeah, I changed my mind, I don't want to have a baby, I'm not okay with feeling like poop beforehand.
I'm too tired to take a shower.
Think I'll just go to bed and die.
Laters... :(

Fun time with it

Hahaha, just saw Hayley Williams topless pic.
Bet McHale's having a fun time with it.


I'm up early.
It's because I had this terrible dream.
I was at a casting session/audition and had to  read two lines.
I totally forgot them and couldn't find them in the book.
And one of the lines had this weird word in it which I didn't know the pronounciation and meaning of. Someone told me that another word for that is "gaugly". Whatever that means.

And there was a stress test before the audition.
Anyway, when I got infront of the judges I didn't remember a word and was going through my book like crazy.

Thankfully I woke up and don't know how the audition went.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

To the people who look for sicky stomach remedies

Yeah, I'm rading my own blog.
I haven't been on internet that much so when I do get on it I go a bit mad.
Anyway, what was I gonna say?
Maybe the people won't come back to my blog, but I saw a few people find my blog while googling pantup, ulcid and gaviscon aswell.

Well, sorry to hear you have to look up such things.
From my experience gaviscon and zoton are crap.
Maybe if you have a mild one off thing they work but other than that, they're rubbish.
As for Ulcid and Pantup, well apparently Pantup is a "knock off" of Ulcid.
Pantup worked a whole lot better for me.
I think they're supposed to make you feel a bit sick in the stomach or give you diarrhea, but I was fine. Eventually. I've had to take one other of the PPI tablets, but can't remember the name.
Pantup has been the best for me.

a blurt

Wow, I'm so gobsmacked that I fail to express my sincere admiration and respect politely.
Mado Robin is a bitch.
And I'm jealous.
Okay, how's the bitch do?
With all due respect, seriously.

Friday, May 28, 2010

The lost battles of everyday life #1 and #2

#1 - a bitchy lady with an evil eye barging into the shop with a shopping trolley when you're on your way out of the shop. She won't let you out before she comes in or say thank you when you let her in first cause she's a bitch and if you through a sarcastic "you're welcome" at them, they'll chew your head off... with their evil eye. (K contributed to this)

#2 - when talking at a customer serving place about your actions and rights, the manager is always right. Not you, not the customers.

 - Went to SW, sort of got things cleared up, not sorted yet
 - Pre-paid for Ambitions
 - Paid 20 euros for my hospital bill from December
 - Oh and before all this, I almost had a nervous breakdown trying to find this damn letter from SW which I still haven't found. Don't you just love a good PMS?!
 - Went to Lifestyle and Champion to buy a badminton racket and a shuttlecock. Was told to go to Elvery's
 - Also bought Mystery Case Files - Huntsville (they didn't have the newer ones. Boo!)
 - Bought roast chicken in Tesco. Cooked rice, musroom sauce + veg - peas, beans, corn

Then played the sims. Wow, I have so much going on at the minute.

Have to talk money.

Ugh, have to go to Social Welfare and talk money.
1) My illness benefit will end in July - is this for sure? What will happen next?
2) I have to send in a monthly cert now instead of weekly cert - what's the deal with that and how often will I be paid then?
3) Will I go on unemployment benefit once the illness benefit ends - How long does it take to set that up? Can I start setting it up now?
4) Will I get the unemployment benefit even if I have a job but am unfit to work? * it's not my fault the damn healt system is so fucking slow and that they make me wait for months and months for tests til I lose my job and illness benefit.
5) What if I will quit my job?
6) Can I have a part time job when I'm on illness/unemployment benefit?

Yeah, that's basically it.
I hope they'll give me straight answers.
Ughh, really don't feel like talking about this shit.

And I had this weird dream of myself.
I was drinking tons of water, but couldn't fulfill my craving.
The water wasn't cold and wet enough.
Drinking water now, with ice cubes.
Can't chug it like in my dream, will be full after a half of the glass.

Gahhh, laters so.
Crappy stuff ahead.

My brain is fried.

So the boring guy won the competition?
What's going on with Americans?
Glee is popular, the snore-dude wins the show?!
Kelly was the only one worth listening to and she's gone crap now aswell.
Oh well.

Internet wouldn't work for quite some time so I played the sims forever.
I mean forever!
My brain is fried.
Off to bed now.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Well, well.
I've been all over Youtube listening to some amazing women.
It's unreal how beautiful some people sound.
Well, here are my exceptionals:

Cara Dillon
(21 July 1975, Dungiven, Northern Ireland)
Singer, songwriter
Genre - folk, folk pop/rock, pop, traditional, irish

The Parting Glass

Man In The Rain


Anna Bergendahl
(11 December 1991, Stockholm, Sweden)

Have A Heart

This Is My Life


Loreena McKennitt
(17 February 1957, Morden, Canada)
Musician, Songwriter, Producer, Singer
Genre - celtic, world, new age

She Moved Through The Fair

Dante's Prayer


Ellie Goulding
(30 December 1986, Hereford, England)
Singer, songwriter, guitarist
Genre - indie pop, electropop, synthpop, folktronica

Starry Eyed

Guns And Horses


Amanda Seyfried
(December 3 1985, Allentown, USA)
Actress, singer, songwriter, model

Little House

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Kick the Glee members' butts.

Just finished watching Glee.
Yes, on the stupid channel.
So this episode was about GaGa outfits and as always cheesiness.

Ohhhhh, I just don't know where to start.
Like, what the hell is going on with Finn and Kurt?
And the dad?
So the scenario was that Finn was being an ass cause he can't accept that Kurt is Gay.
And then comes the old fashioned dad to set the record straight.
And then, to keep reigning the Cheese Kingdom, comes Finn dressed all "faggy" and protects Kurt.

First of all, it is perfectly normal for a straight person to be pissed off and uncomfortable living in the same room with a (gay) person who has a crush on them when they don't like the person back.
Why is there so much emphasis on being gay?
How come a straight person has to accept that the other person is gay but the gay person doesn't have to accept that the other isn't?
That is complete and utter bollocks!
Finn should have called everything in the room faggy and kick Kurt's butt.
Then he should have got together with those dudes wearing those red jackets and kicked the Glee members' butts.
It is totally natural being gay, there's no need for special treatment.
If the damn father can give out to Finn (a mature person would have talked to Finn's mum) then Finn can give out to Kurt.
Well, when Finn was going on about things being faggy I already started to spawn some hope for him, but then he turned up wearing that stupid red dress and poured some extra cheesy cheesy sauce on extra cheesy cheesecake.
Finn is just a horribly cheesy character.
If I were the actor I would quit in a split second.

And then whatever is going on with Rachel and the mother.
Not heartfelt or beautiful or whatever it's supposed to be... at all.
Just blah. Mother today, gone tomorrow. "Let's sing a happy song!" the day after tomorrow.

And whatever happened to the Jesse guy.
And Puck singing that boring song to the pregnant girl who was all like... cheesy crying.
Since when did they get so close again.

The writers are just so bad, it's unreal.
It's like they're serving mashed potatoes in form of cheesed over potatoes that are in perfect potato shape and not mashed at all.

Ugh, it's just bearly bearable.
Anyway, besides all that shit I like Kurt and Kevin's hot.
And I do hope that those other guys will get their friends and kick the Glee members' butts.

King and Knights

Yeah, I wasn't really liking the old look so I changed it.
I know it looks pretty depressing and pale, but I didn't like the weird butterfly-flower-wishy washy colours combo.
I like it plain for a while.
Anyway, just in case someone starts ranting about copyrights - the layout is from, the music is from Google (yeah I uploaded them to another server, but I'm not sharing them downloadably and if sharing them even for listeningly is not allowed then please start off with Youtube by taking down those songs).
Anyway... Team Kevin! *Shakes fist in air* Woohoo!

Yeah and my elbows going crazy again.
It's so sore.
Talked to C.
She said when she had some fluid in her knee the doctor told her to take antibiotics and steroids.
I was hoping for some cream.
I don't want anymore pills.
C gave me Wild Tiger Palm.
Apparently they put real tigers' "pieces" in it or something.
How crazy!
Well, this one she gave me is all herbal.

Last night I was craving for crisps like mad.
I absolutely love King's cheese and onion crisps.
And Knights' Cheese & Chive flavour potato snacks.

Yeah... I'm off to eat my lovely omelette and watch this funny play some awesome person uploaded on internet.
And then eat my lovely vanilla icecream and go to sleep. :)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Come on, car drivers!!!

Oh squee!
I have a chance to be in a film.
I just have to get transport!
Come on,  car drivers!!!

It pretty much goes like this:

Well, well, well.
"Bf" came over yesterday.
Went for a nice walk and had a bbq.
My first one in Ireland.
The beef burgers were lovely.
Yeah and.... I think we're kind of apart now.
It pretty much goes like this:

We agree to be on a break.
He texts me and says I treat him like shit, not paying enough attention to him.
We get together and he wants me to give him the final answer.
I tell him I don't want to be in a relationship.
He asks if there any hope at all and suggests we don't meet as often.
So to be nice I agree.
We both agree on a break.
He texts me and says I treat him like shit, not paying enough attention to him.
We get together and he wants me to give the final answer.
I tell him I don't want to be in a relationship.
He asks if there's any hope at all and suggests we don't meet as often.
So to be nice I agree.
We both agree on a break.
He texts me and says I treat him like shit, not paying enough attention to him.

It's unreal!
Anyway, I hope this time will be final enough for him.

Yeah, I saw my managers today.
And as expected they made it look like it was all my fault.
Oh whatever.
I might quit altogether.
I want a little part time job.
And then the course starting in September.

Yeah and the weather is still super nice and warm.
Walked forever yesterday and had about 3 showers.

I'm off to Tesco now, to buy the Tesco vanilla ice cream.
It's cheap and there's loads of it.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Let's go over to the sidewalk... footpath.

Oh dang, dang, dang it!
I sooo want to be better at violin.
It doesn't even look that hard, but my fingers just won't do what I want them to do.
I really got to start practicing.
Well, half of the household is home now, so... I wasted all the time I could have practiced alone.

Yeah, I tried to sunbathe for about 20 minutes but the sun was too hot.
Came inside. Did nothing.
I took a shower earlier.
Put some lotion on, the one that gradually builds a tan.
Before bed I'll put the fake tan on top of it.
So hopefully I'll be all nice and toasty-looking tomorrow.

The last two evenings I've been feeling like poop, so I've been watching stuff a lot.
Mainly That 70s Show stuff.
I watched the earlier seasons on internet.
I only have the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th.
Oh, how sad was it when Kelso and Jackie broke up!
Kelso's a wreck.
Ahh, when I get money I'll buy all the seasons.

Right, if I remember correctly I mentioned this next man in my very first post on blogspot.
He's like super good.
He does lots roll-like stuff which I like.
The Lady GaGa cover is really amazing and I really like the Trust song so, it's all brilliant!

Oh and I cooked this mad lunch/dinner.
Two chicken breasts with chargrilled flavour seasoning, chicken seasoning.
An omelette - 2 eggs, packet of mushrooms, 1 tomato, some grated cheese.
Boiled rice.
Tomato, cucumber salad with sour cream.
Plus a drink of Exotic Fanta mixed with Tesco vanilla ice cream.

Yeah and out on a walk the other day, me and K got talking about British and American English.
All that because I said, "Let's go over to the sidewalk."
I think British word for sidewalk is er... footpath? It was some other word anyway.

Yeah and I'll try out for another extra part.
They're looking for sick looking young women.
They have to be skinny and bald.
I thought I could fit into the skinny requirement,but yeah as I've said before,
my ass is nothing but skinny. :D

And, yay, I have a new follower: Social Dullard
And to the ones who have unfollowed, bye bye.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Watched American Idol

Me and K watched American Idol last night.
There was nothing else half decent on.

I was really hoping for the long haired blond dude.
I'm sorry but the other, the dark haired dude is so boring.
And as for the woman..well the only thing noticeable was her son.

I had only seen one show before last night and the blond man was the only one I remembered.
And he looked so much better with short hair.

Oh well.
There's too many of those shows anyway.
It's like... it's not special anymore when you're on it or win it, cause no one will remember you anyway cause there's been to many  popular contestants and winners beforehand.

Yeah, but other than that I guess they're a good craic, the shows.

I've been out quite a bit.
Yeah, I feel really awkward in summer clothes.
I'm way too jiggly.
And I feel bad about my arse.
I know I said it already but... yeah, I haven't got used to it yet.
And some guys kept staring yesterday.
Not cool.

Yeah and I'm planning to do a little manicure and pedicure once I really feel like it.
Too lazy.

Right, off to surf on the net and maybe practice the violin a little.

Loving the first tune!

Buying a tomato

Aw, I lost a follower - ThatStaceyGirl.
Oh well.

Anyway, went for a walk with K.
Was nice, tired now.
I know it's late but I'll go to the shop now to buy a tomato.
Want to cook an omlette.

I started feeling kind of bad for not saving money for the "bf"'s birthday.
Oh well, maybe next week.
I'm not sure when his birthday is actually.
It's either the 24th or 26th.

Oh I just remembered now, it's on the 24th.
The last time he was over he said he'll be 24 on the 24th.

Maybe I'll send flowers.
I don't actually know his address.

I wanted to get something for him, but it's like 50 euros or something.

Anyways, I didn't spend all of the money on myself.
I finally got to send the parcel with baby clothes to my friend.
Fucking 10 euro!?

Yeah..okay, I'm off to buy my tomato now.
And yeah, I'm not really a bad person, I hate the Polish for a very valid reason.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Getting all jiggly

Unfortunately the ugly racism bug in me got set off today.
I went to Lidl.
The cashier was Polish.
And there was a couple in front of me. They were Polish.
So the cunts kept talking some bullshit in their stupid language while the queue was building up.
And instead of stopping talking in her shitty language and serving all the customers, she pressed the little buzzer so that the other cashier knew to go work at another till.
The bitch could have taken all the customers herself, really.
But she's lazy, stupid and Polish.

Anyway, when I got out I was ranting to Colette about it.
She knows it all too well.
Next time something like that happens I'll talk to the manager.
I saw one manager there, she was Polish aswell.
Well, no wonder noone's working then.
I swear I'll be chewing the heads off some Polish idiots next time.
It's impossible to like Polish people, it's like they have all the negative personality traits there are in them.
You hate them with pleasure.

Anyway, I also went to Penny's.
Got some summer clothes.
Three tops, a pair of leggings and seven pairs of socks.
Liking the tops.
I went to try them all on.
God, my arse is so big it's unreal!
And my belly's getting all jiggly and terrible.
I've never had to worry about the shape of my body cause I'm fairly skinny.
I've always been really unfit though.
And now it's starting to show.

Yeah, hopefully when K gets home we'll go for a walk.
It's super warm today.
Was absolutely roasting before.

Yeah, I'm off to the pharmacy now to get my antidepressants.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dream on about even a half decent sitcom

I couldn't wait til Friday for Glee.
Yeah, I won't watch it on TV3 on Wednesdays anymore since the idiotic channel decided to show football, news and old people's society talk show last week.
Anyway, yeah, I watched Dream On online.
Ughh, I don't want to bitch about the show at all cause Kevin's on it, but...
It's just a big old pile of poop.

Seriously, what kind of a normal person sees anything sincere in it?
Except the sincere cheesiness.

So I read some previews of the show.
Big words were thrown around.

There is just no plausible emotion in the show.
It's all fake and all over the place.
They ram way too much stuff into one episode and it's just...shit.
Sorry to say.

Kevin's still hot.

And how dare they say the show is about not fitting in?
I've probably said it before but it's obviously not about that. Judging by the episodes so far the show is one long music video and the people working on it obviously have no idea what it's like not fitting in.
Maybe there is someone who knows what it feels like (and it's certainly not a cheesy, happy song kind of a feeling), but they're not in a position to throw their two cents in.
And if they wanted to represent emotions with songs then why the hell are all the songs so happy?
When I was going through hard stuff I listened to Slipknot and other bands like that, not sing along to Madonna's Like  A Prayer.

I'm very sure it's not me and that it's the show.
I'm not the only one who thinks it's crap.
And in comparison, That 70s Show is very very relatable and I could find this little but very very true clip from the show to put Glee in its place:

Well, the song's are still okay so I won't say anything bad about them, but everything else is just... ugh.
Oh and another positive thing - I'm glad they show Kevin quite a bit in this episode, makes the show watchable.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I give Heidi Montag a run for her money

So, I discovered Photoshop.
I'm not a pro just yet :D, but I managed to create a very lovely version of myself after I've had a couple of operations:
It's really me, not Heidi!
 Hopefully, I won't give anyone nightmares.

Yeah, :D, I'll try and do something nice on it though.
Recolour some pics.

(I just realised the mocky pic looks nicer than the original. :D

Monday, May 17, 2010

The crowd sounds so good!

Nice tunes.
Cory actually sounds decent on that tune. But yeah, it's most probably not his natural singing voice.
Seen a few videos of Glee tour.
They're not too bad actually.
And I don't know if I said it already or not, but Naya Rivera has a really good voice. Like her better than Lea.

Love the second video. A classic song.
The crowd sounds so good!

Oh yeah and my friend had a baby.
Mmh, how I want one aswell.
I don't want a man though.
Only for my entertainment, that's all.
I don't want anyone hanging around being all... boyfriendly and fatherly.

And! My psychologist is stuck in Rome because of the ash cloud.
So, no therapy tomorrow.
Yay, I have 7.70 euros to buy crap.
Food probably.
Yeah, I've been eating a little.
Cooked omlette with tomatoes, mushrooms, frankfurters and garlic. And cheese.

Right, off to take a shower and go out.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

It is a striptease show, right?

Okay, hopefully my stomach problem is solved for a while.
Okay, so the Kevin pics - sexy or what?!
He's so yummy it's unreal.
Hubba - giggity!
I'd love to see the Glee tour.
Mm... seeing Kevin in person with my very own eye.
It is a striptease show, right?

I've been watching the special features on That 70s Show DVDs.
Damn, how lucky are all of those people?
There will never be a show like that ever again.
It's just one of a kind miracle of sincerity, wholeness and attunement.
I'm so super jealous of all the people who ever worked on the show.
Well, excluding Jessica Simpson and Lindsay Lohan. Erm...that's pretty self-explanatory.
Laura Prepon is so good. Totally role model material.
So is Claire Danes.
Well, she's not on the show, but I do admire her.

Yeah...that's about it.
I'm not eating again so...the antidepressants make me really tired and sleepy....Zzzz...

Oh and I want to get a new skin for the blog. Don't really like the one I have now.

I'll squee! some other time

Well, well.
To my big surprise the "bf" came over in the morning.
He didn't get my text where I said I was still feeling weird about us.
Anyways... didn't get up to much.
Spent a bit of money.
Bought new violin strings:

Good strings

And a huge thank you to Dave Hill for these 17 glorious pics:

Yeah the pics look nice and I was gonna be overly excited about them, but my stomach's in bits so... I'll squee! some other time.

Friday, May 14, 2010

I'm in a really really bad mood today.

Mhh, so I've been reading about acting auditions all day.
I cannot wait to try something out.
I read out loud a few monologues and all.

Gahh.... just want some experience.

And I'm in a really really bad mood today.
Maybe it's because it's been raining all day, I don't know.
And I had to tell my "bf" that I still felt weird about us when he asked if he can come over tomorrow.
He never replied.


I'm just in a mood for something creative.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Yikes, I have no clue what to call this post, thoughts are all over the place

Yeah I find it very disturbing when people post stuff every five minutes on Twitter.
Yeah, I'm on Twitter - just as a follower, I don't post anything there myself.
And this bastard kept posting so much I missed all of the acting agency posts.

I had been waiting for about a fortnight to hear from them and I missed it all cause someone felt it was necessary to post so much that all the other peoples' posts disappear from my page.

Anyway, I unfollowed the mad poster.
I don't care you're famous, you're annoyingly computer addicted.

Yeah, so as far as I understand I didn't get anything I applied for.
I'm not disappointed cause well...I have no experience and I'm a foreigner in Ireland's okay.
That doesn't mean I never want to get a part, even an extra part one day.

There's a casting session for extras this Friday - tomorrow - but it's down the other side of the country.
It's for some new crime series or something.
One of my housemates' parents live near the place.
If I get to know how to get there I might go down.
It's about 2 hours of travelling by train.

Mmh, I just want something for the experience.

Oh that reminds me, I had a weird session with my psychologist the other day.
I had to act there.
Well, I couldn't cause it was weirdly personal and...just weird.
I have to draw a picture of the situation as well.
Once I have it done I might post on here as well.

Yeah... Oh apparently there's going to be a big week for extras soon.
It's for a soap.
I wouldn't mind doing that at all.
There was like a to do list for it and it made me a bit nervous but I think I can handle it.

Friday is the new Glee day

Oh dear, TV3 is officially one of the worst channels ever.
First there's  some pointless football gibberish.
Then some crappy news.
Then some old people's show about society or something.
I cannot believe I had to see that shit with my very own eyes and waste my very own time on doing something as mindless as watching rubbish on TV.
Well, I won't be watching that channel anymore.
I hope your ratings drop, TV3!

Friday is the new Glee day from now on. :)

Bring on Glee!!!

Argh! Who's gives a rat's arse about football?!
Bring on Glee!!!
I hope they won't be showing the news once this football rubbish is finished.
Some Euro Cup-Premier League my ass.
I don't care. Not a bit.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

So, they're making it look like I'm avoiding them.

I received a letter today.
From work.
They're already trying to turn things against me.
The letter says that I rang to see if the manager I had to talk to was working.
Yes I did that.
The letter also says that the other manager I was talking to said that the manager was working later on and that I said I'd call over.
Well, I did talk to another manager but I never said I'd definitely go over and talk to her.
So, they're making it look like I'm avoiding them.
God damn, I've said it on here before but I rang them three times last year in October and the manager said, "don't ring me cause I won't talk about you on the phone, I'll send out a letter to arrange a meeting". Yeah, she never did and I bet when I tell all the managers that they'll be like, "No, we never said anything like it, you're avoiding us."
They're pricks, I swear!
Anyway, have a meeting with them on Monday, 24th of May at 12:00.

I won't leave anyway.
I hope they'll fire me so I can get money off them.
There's no way I'll ever be working there.

Yeah...the illness benefit will end in Julay so I have to do something.
I can get a new job or go on unemployment support.

Or if things go unexpectedly great I can start doing a course before all that.
I have a meeting with a guidance councellor on 3rd of June, at 11.
It's the kind of course that you do while getting paid.
I want to do science (biology) or something similar.
Or maybe drama.
Don't know yet.

Oh I got a massive envelope today.
I can put all the baby clothes in it and send it off to my friend.

Yeah, that's about it.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

So you say you're under a curse, so what? So's the whole damn world.

So I got asked who my favourite artist was on formspring.
I said Naohisa Inoue.
I think he's brilliant.
Anyway, it reminded me of the film Whisper Of The Heart.
Oh, how I love that film.
I learned about Inoue from this film.
The screenplay is by Hayao Miyazaki.
I love love love Hayao Miyazaki.
I haven't seen that many of his films, but from what I have seen I can tell I love him.
One of my favourite ever films is Mononoke Hime.
I would buy the DVD if I saw it anywhere. I have it downloaded, on my computer.
I've seen it quite a few times and recommend it very much.
My favourite scene is one at the very end of the film, with a little kodama hanging around the saplings.

Spot the spirit!
Speaking of Whisper Of The Heart - I love the city it takes place in.
I don't know what the cities really look like down there, but it looks so magical and amazing in the film ... or anime.

I also love the fact that the boy in the anime is making violins. Don't see that every day in a film.

I feel kind of awkward saying such unremarkable things about the animes since they're both quite the masterpieces. I'm not feeling my best (after cheap chips and a chicken burger) so I just recommend watching the films and having an amazing experience for yourselves.

Monday, May 10, 2010

It's the best cheese ever!

Texted "bf" on Friday.
Just asked how he was on stuff.
He said he'll come over for a while.
So he did and stayed at my place for three days.
So much for being on a break.
I can't say I particularly liked him being over, but I just couldn't kick him out.
I thought he would realise that we are on  a break and when I say I want to be alone and feel like I don't have a boyfriend I don't mean "come over to my place for half a week and act all boyfriendly".
I just don't want to remind him we're on a break.
If I have to say anything again, I'm gonna have to break the whole thing off, completely.

Anyway, we moved the furniture around in my room yesterday.
I felt a bit weird going to sleep cause it felt like I was at a different place.

Yeah and my appetite's gone again.
It started when I didn't have money to buy food.
Now I have the money but no appetite.

Oh and I have to write a story for my psychologist.
Don't want to do that.

And I have to find a box where I can put all the baby clothes for my friend.
Thought of sending them things out in small packages but thought it's handier sending them all together.
A little sneak peek:

Anyways, I'm super bored and feel a bit blah...and my Sim's is getting a bit slow so can't play that either..
I'll just go and take a shower.

Oh I have one thing - back in the day when I didn't know much about cheese I would have watched She's The Man and think, "Yeah, Channing's looking kinda hot", but now I'm thinking I really agree with Amanda Bynes when she says she likes Gouda. It's the best cheese ever!

Friday, May 07, 2010

Cat up a tree

Hmh, I'm looking for a few films I saw as a kid.
One's called Cat Up A Tree or something. It's a cartoon where two girls, one blonde and the other brunette, live on a farm.

One's a film I saw when I was about 3. All I remember is a big monster with one eye and a horn. There were about three eggs - dragons hatched from them. Think the big monster was grilling people.

And the third film is where there were two "heroes" in it. There were two man like creatures - one was all white, the other was all black.
The white one died in a car when something pierced it's tummy. Some white goo came out of him.

It's absolutely impossible to find these films.

How do people do it?

Grrr, stupid help forum moderators!
I can see why people don't like me cause I'm the admin on my forum.
Who likes authority anyway?
I admire those people who work away genuinely all smiley and happy when they have a demonic manager breathing down their neck all the time.
How do people do it?