Monday, February 28, 2011

or else I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown from all the anger

Okay, I gotta stop watching Sex And The City or else I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown from all the anger.
So, here's the whore Carrie writing about twenty-something women and talking about them as if they had a mind of a three year old.
Well, she's the one who is unable to stick to one man and is acting like a fucking child. She is always complaing about her relationship with Big. Everything is a fucking problem. And then she acts like this stupid little wounded Bambi and whines about how Big doesn't worship her and kiss her shitty cunt ass. And then there's the whole bunch of those old saggy hags giggling their heads off when they're at a tantric sex lesson.
Wow, what sexperts!? So fucking grown up it's unreal.
And there is no way the main cunt is good in bed, she's only useful for drinking and smoking and her crappy cunt definitely resembles a sewage system cause she's a filthy skank and there is no way any one would ride that piece of shit.

soooooo itchy it's mad

I'm so itchy all over! :(
I've had hives for about 3 - 4 months now and it's driving me crazy!

I have no idea why I have them. Plus my skin is just itchy without any rash as well and that is because of the antidepressants I think.

Anyway, I'm just soooooo itchy it's mad.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Who is this show aimed at, nymphos?

Ughhh, so I'm somewhere in the middle of Season 2 of Sex And The City.
I'd call it pornography.
A really bad kind.
Every damn episode has someone shagging and if they're not shagging they're having those horrible girly chitter-chatters.
It's such a horrible TV show.
Like, you cannot watch it as a TV show cause there's too much sex but you cannot watch it as porn either cause the bitches talk too much of gibberish. Who is this show aimed at, nymphos?
It's like the problem of every episode is sex, it's being discussed over sex and the outcome is sex. It's all fuck fuck fuck. Horrible!

She probably knows about them cause of their album Motion In The Ocean cause she's a frickin' dolphin!

Wow, today feels like spring.
Yeah, I know I haven't been out in days but it looks like spring.
Last night I went to bed at two, this going to bed early business is really making me feel better.
Anywya, I was gonna go out but I've been listening to McFly's That's The Truth and it's keeping me inside.
And when I went on Twitter to check up on Kevin McHale, I saw that he had retweeted the Sasquatch's tweet to Tom Fletcher. Seriously, bitch, mind your own business. Why the fuck does she have to be everywhere she doesn't need to be? What the fuck does she know about McFly? She probably knows about them cause of their album Motion In The Ocean cause she's a frickin' dolphin!
Ugh, see how that bitch always ruins everything!?

My point for this post was that today feels great and super (minus the stupid fat Sasquatch).

Saturday, February 26, 2011

there are a lot of children out there with no parents and homes so I don't see a reason why one shouldn't adopt a kid

So today I had a quite an uncomfortable chat with my stepmother.
I had read stories about feral and stret children and I decided that I want adopt a child when I'm moderately successful work wise and have some sort of a man.
And I mean it for real like.
I have a brother who's adopted and I think it's the most wonderful thing. Having a baby is the thing, there is nothing bigger than that.
With my anxiety and depression I was actually thinking of going on a disability thing but I kinda think it might affect my life later on. I mean if I make it official that I'm not capable of working then who's gonna give me a baby?
When adopting one you need your papers from the psychiatrist, social worker, police, proof of salary and then the whole thing goes to court.
And when I get really successful and able to live my life well I want to adopt a teenager aswell. Mostly cause they're not adopted that often but they do want a family.
I thought living in an orphanage is like in kindergarten where you play all day and life is carefree and enjoyable. Well, apparently it's not like that at all.
There are a lot of underdeveloped children and people actually do adopt them so it is not an excuse to give a child away when you learn that they're not all healthy like they have to be.
Sure, it won't be easy but is it ever easy to bring up a child.
I mean...there are a lot of children out there with no parents and homes so I don't see a reason why one shouldn't adopt a kid.
Speaking of easy and people's attitude towards adoption - I cannot believe someone would be a shithead of a cunt to tell someone they're adopted.
Like, I have no idea what shitty little prick they were but that fuckface told my brother he was adopted and he came home and asked about it. I mean it obviously wasn't any of the children who thought about it, it had to be one of the parents who told their child.
What shitheads!

Yeah...and I'm certain I won't be living in Estonia my whole life but I will adopt an Estonian kid, then get it the hell out of this madhouse.

They're freaks

Watching Sex And The City series.
What whores! Who can actually relate to that show? Not everyone's in the circle of famous and "important" people. And certainly not every woman is out there desperately looking for a man and sex all the time.
It's such a bad stereotyping of women.
And seriously, whoever says that a vibrator is better than a man has never actually been with a man. How can a vibrating rubber stick top a live human man? Ridiculous! But then again if I was one of those whores I'd better get used to the stick cause there is no way a man wants those kinda women. They're freaks.

they turned into robots and would freeze every now and then and beep "Error"

Had the worst night the previous night.
Felt sick and had nightmares, couldn't sleep at all.
Plus, I was freezing! Such a bad night it's unreal.
I had this dream/nightmare where I was sopposed to be like a babysitter or just helping out the family around their house but something went wrong and they turned into robots and would freeze every now and then and beep "Error". They were always smiling freakily and when having a conversation with them you could have said the worst thing to them they always smiled back and said something irrelevant. Oh and they never remembered anything at the start of a new day - "their data was deleted". I wanted to get the hell out of their household and for some strange reason I nicked the kid and ran away. The only way out was to use this train/rollercoaster type of thing, it kept going back and forth and higher. Then all of a sudden the robot woman was in her own wagon thingy and was chasing me cause in some way she remembered that I had nicked the kid.

Anyway, it was very very disturbing.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

There's no end to some people's stupidity

Okay, Youtube or Google mail or whatever sucks! I don't wanna link my accounts to anything!
It's like what if I had signed up to some porn site and had an acces to it via my Google mail and my child happened togo on Youtube with my account and wen to lurk around my mail box.
Dumbasses! I cannot stand this linking shit. How is that for safety reasons? So once someone logs onto one of those linked accounts they can access all of the other accounts too. There's no end to some people's stupidity.
Oh and now you have changed my password! It feels so much safer when the computer randomly changes my password. I feel like YouTube/Google Mail is like fucking Always Ultra Super Plus!

I have only two months left and I have to go through about 20 books for three exams. Ughhhhhhhh

Okay, since my internet connection has been a major bitch I've had time to study quite properly.
And I just don't get chemistry. Plus I thought geography would be easy but it's all about economy and shit.
I only care about like nature and natural goings on, not this political shit.
Ughhh, and I'mkicking myself so hard for not studying before. I have only two months left and I have to go through about 20 books for three exams. Ughhhhhhhh..... Okay, I know I have a tiny bit of internet connection nowbut I gotta study.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Glee Blame It On The Alcohol review

Well. It started off quite nicely.
They actually remembered what had happened in earlier episodes, ie them writing their own music. It must have been a first. Talk about learning on the go.

Anyway - the party...erm as I said in my earlier post I loathe anything to do with drinking, smoking and drugs. So again, I hated to see Kevin even acting all this kind of activity.
Other than that it was quite decent.
I liked Darren Criss' voice, Lea didn't fit the song.

Oh and some lines thrown at the party were quite amusing, aswell as some of the lines said when they had a hangover. And then it was ruined by Kevin cruising around with alcohol again. Gross!!! Ugh.

The song they sang on the stage there...sounded good. But as Will pointed it out that it rather glorifies drinking then yes, that is what it does. And so does the show. I highly doubt some younger people will be hearing any of that preaching about how bad drinking is when the song sounds this good. Glee fail.

Oh and I'm not sure about Heather Morris, I mean she looks nice and she can dance and all but she always looks kinda angry. But she is fit though. And she is waaaaaaaaayyyyy too hot for Artie type of guy. I'd ride her too though.

And I actually smiled when the Sasquatch pulled her dude away from Rachel. Which reminds me though - how are they like... outcasts and shit cause back in the day when I was something like it, without the singing and dancing, I cannot remember having a lot of guys to choose from or a bunch of them after me. If you're the underdog you don't have all these people to hang out with, you're alone.

What the hell was going on with the gray vomit?

All this Kurt, Blaine and Rachel business - Chris and Darren are excellent actors.

Right...I don't have much to bitch about cause it was a rather decent episode. I believe it has been the best so far cause it wasn't all childish, predictable an shitty. I think they should do more episodes outside the school/auditorium/choir room, their back and forth relationships and their mindless dialogues.

who picks the winners? Is it some idiotic critics or a drunk nation?

Okay, I know My Sister's Keeper isn't the best of films but how the hell did The Hangover win more awards than MSK?
This is insane!
The Hangover is like....about some idiots boozing and acting stupid. The character's problems are self-inflicted. It has a very weak plot, the characters are moronic and there is absolutely no humor in it.

And okay, MSK is not the best, but it totally deserved more awards or even nominations than what it got. Like, what has the world come to? If anything, this movie shows a very strong bond in a family (okay, the other two kids were left in the background but anyway) and it fucking raises awareness about cancer. I know the viewers cannot do much about it but like....what did The Hangover teach us? Get wasted and "have fun"? I cannot believe that people liked this shitty piece oh shit better or more what the fuck?

I easily would have given the two girls in My Sister's Keeper an Oscar or whatever big awards there are. Like, who decides which movies can be nominated or who picks the winners? Is it some idiotic critics or a drunk nation?

Anyway... I've been trying to download Justin Bieber's film. Just wanna see what happens in it. Erm...isn't that the reason why one watches films anyway? Anyway, it's hot stuff at the minute and I gotta see it.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Jesus, write about something else for the love of handicraft!

Okay, I'm not sure I'm really liking the Next Blog thingy on Blogger.
Like....every blog here is either about Jesus or handicraft.
If yous don't believe me, try it yourself.
I know I don't have the most interesting blog/life but Jesus, write about something else for the love of handicraft!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

To moon with it! we, me and my stepmum, figured it might be the moon that causes my anxiety.
I cannot remember January, but I know that in December and November I didn't feel my best around full moon time and this happened now, in February aswell.
Gah, I swear! To moon with it!
I don't like this kind of thing having an impact on me, especially that strong of an effect.

And I was hoping today would be a no internet kinda day cause I need to read my chemistry books and here I am... on the internet.
Okay, I will take a shower now and then read. I have got to do it!

Plus, I like it how friendly some girls are on my forum, the seem to get on so well. On the other hand, I wanna strangle the fucks who sign up to make fun of the girls' problems and post links to porn sites. Um...I think those people are actually boys. Like....hahahaa, you have a small dick and you're only just now starting to produce sperm, you pubertious fuck! Congratulations and happy diddling your tiny penis and hairless baby balls. You're not a man and you're not a bitch, you're just a shitty freak who no one likes or cares for.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Blame it on the McHale

Okay, I must say I don't like Kevin McHale singing about alcohol. He probably drinks like any other degenerate that is nowadays youth (or social bunnies or whatever they call themselves) but... I don't wanna hear about it.
It disgusts me. I loathe drinking, smoking, drug abuse.

Plus! I gotta start studying for my exams! Geography doesn't look as easy as I thought it would. Uh oh.

Friday, February 18, 2011

a lil weak and easily overwhelmed

Okay, I think I'm getting a bit freaked out. My Dad just told me that it said on the news that there had been a solar storm a few days ago. I know it might be just a coincidence but my anxiety kicked off only a few days ago. I have been taking the tranquilizer drops for three days and the solar storm took place on the 15th.
Ughhh, I don't like it when nature messes with my health like that. It better just be my crazy mind. mind is fine, it's just the nervous system is a lil weak and easily overwhelmed.

Going back on Xanax.

Going back on Xanax.
As long as I'm not going back to hospital, I'm good.
The psychiatrist told me I can either take Xanax or take a higher dose of Mirtazapine.
If I took higher dose of that (half a tablet in the morning and a whole in the evening) I'd be sleeping all the time.
And I've had really really bad experience with Xanax before so I made sure the doctor would do a proper withdrawal on me. I dunno if I talked about it on my blog but once when I was going off Xanax I had about 4, 5 day long panic attack and it wasn't nice.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What or who does a girl have if not her mother?

Just had the best sex talk with my mother. What or who does a girl have if not her mother?
I just cannot understand how the young girls on my forum can't talk to their mothers about stuff. stuff. It's is forming some sort of a bond but it can be done without the bond aswell. Like, how can a girl talk to her mother about food, money, tv shows, homework, the colour of the wallpaper, doing laundry, whatever and not health? Or periods for that matter. Like, what is so unearthly about periods? Every person has a body and health, every single human being on earth. So why the fuck is it so unrealistically hard to talk about it? Especially to mother? Surely every mother on earth brings up her children cause she has to and puts a lot of hate, intolerance, indifference and misunderstanding into it cause...what else has she not to care about other than her child's wellbeing?

Plus, just started watching You Again and bam! they bring up called life philosophy: you cannot control the things that happen to you in life but you can control the way you react to them. I mean there is no truer saying. All sorts of shit can happen but if you don't think of it as shit then it really is not shit. Simple as that. And I've handled the subject before, in my earlier posts, where I talked about bullying. I said that it's impossible to stop the violence cause it's so deep in the mankind's nature, the only way to deal with it is to work on the "victim's" perception.

It was just a regular scene

Got my biology exam book. Now I know what to learn for the exam. Everything.
Ordered the geography and chemistry exam books lat night. Ughhhhh...I'm dreading chemistry so bad.
I won't even study for the english exam. I know I'm not perfect but I can do it on the secondary school level so I should be good.

Oh and I bought this stress tea to lessen my anxiety. And I learned that you cannot put honey in tea that is about 40 degrees or above hot. If it's that hot or hotter then the honey won't work cause the environment's temperature is too hot for the honey's good bits to survive.

Saw Black Swan last night. Well it was rather gross at times. I wasn't that blown away by it though. It reminded me of The Soloist which I liked better, maybe cause cello is closer to me than dancing. And what I liked about The Soloist was that his "mad state" was very much brought out and handled. Handled with naturality while Black Swan was just a "sublime moment" type of film. Mila Kunis is super hot though and her character was quite likable. Plus, at first and throughout most of the film I thought the dance teacher was a dick but he was so right about the girl's passion thing, she was too timid. I liked how he gave out to her for apologizing and her being a wimp. That's about it though. Oh and I have no idea why there was so much hassle about the girls' sex scene....erm....what was so hot about that? It was just a regular scene.

Oh and while I'm at it...the articles I read about Kevin McHale's drooling over women at the Grammy Awards - he so needs to get laid.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

anxiety's back

Ugh, my anxiety's back. Hopefully I don't have to go back to hospital. :(

Glee Comeback review

Oh here we go with singing saving lives.
If it's so goddamn powerful why don't yous stop global warming. And why in the world would the kids in Glee be against footballers and Sue joining the club? Again, aren't they supposed to love everyone or something?
Plus, if I were Sue I would have chucked the Sasquatch through the fucking wall and kill that bitch.
Oh and a week at the glee club will cure depression? Damn, I must join then and beat the crap out of all of them, except Kevin, I'll shag the crap out of him....that is the only way I can imagine a person getting rid of depression in the club.

Oh and what clothes are they wearing? Are they from the nineties or the catwalk cause normal people don't dress like that.

Oh and yes! I have yet more reasons to despise Glee - the making fun of Bieber. Oh my god, like Glee is so much cooler than Biebs, I mean it's got so much meaning and emotion and is the truest fucking thing in the world! It cures depression for Bieb's sake!

Oh and the Sasquatch bitch going, "This is actually a really good song and I'm a cunt" (okay, I definitely heard her say the last bit) shows the idiocy of Glee even more. Prejudiced fucks - crew, cast, fans - congradulations!

Ughhhhhh, kissing Sasquatch! Get the fuck off my laptop screen!

Were the orgasming girls supposed to be funny during Somebody To Love? It made me want to rip their clits off so the bitches would never know how truly crappy their men really are.

Okay, how can they say/sing "damn" on Glee? What about the target audience - all the three year olds who watch the show?

LOL, hate is not the point of Glee club. Okay, whatever yous call it - nature, essence - the thought stays the same.

Oh, now Glee and singing cures cancer aswell? Wow! Okay, all doctros retire! Or learn to sing.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

internet connection is officially fucked

Okay, my internet connection is officially fucked.
It was working just fince for months since the day I got it and it got fucked up about three or four days ago.
Called the computer dude and he said that the problem is my operating system, that Windows 7 and Vista have problems connecting to the internet we have here. What a load of bollocks!
How the hell did it work perfectly for 6 months and then realise it is not supposed to work and get fucked up?
The dude said he has to wait for a couple of weeks for some computer related parts and maybe after he sets those thing up my internet might be working normally again. I bet he was the one who messed up the system in the first place.

Okay, I better post this quickly before my connection is gone again.

Monday, February 14, 2011

About Grammy 2011 Awards winners

First off, I'm so glad the Gaga didn't win that many awards. She just doesn't deserve to win.

And Bruno Mars!!?? Okay, I think I've already talked about him but if not then here I go:
Bruno Mars is just a sleazy pig who sings cute lyrics to get into girls' pants. And that's the truth.
Plus, he's a tyrant.
Okay, first off, what kind of a normal woman would be in a relationship with a dude who says he'd catch a granade or would lay his head on a blade? That persona is very unstable and suicidal and he doesn't need love, sex or a relationship, he needs a psychiatrist. And what makes it creepy is that he says he would harm himself for another person. It's very stalkerish. Can you imagine if you broke up with someone like that dude? He'd flat out kill himself. Hell, he'd kill himself if you didn't go out with him or wouldn't sleep with him.
And he blames the woman for not doing those crazy things for him. Well, I'm sorry, some of us are still human and have hearts and brains and we are not all tyrants.
I hate it when people demand other people to feel the same for them as they do about the others and if they don't they come from hell and are the best friends of the devil. Bruno Mars is such a shitty and disgusting douchebag.
And the other song where he sings about loving a girl just the way she is... well, isn't it just easy to sing "you're beautiful" to a model? And everything else just screams "I wanna shag so bad and I love every woman on Earth, please someone SHAG ME or else I'm gonna kill myself cause I'm so fucking desperate!"
Yeah and that kind of a man just won an award for stuff like that. Well done, America, well done.

About Lady Antebellum - um...yeah I heard the song once and thought it was good. But when I listened to it for the second time I really didn't care.

And what is this facination with Eminem? I really don't see him as a rapper and he fails as anything else.

Plus, my father has to be at least nominated for the next Inventors Award cause he invents new things to complain about every day. Like yesterday he started saying how the food in my room makes the room smell bad. The thing is I cannot eat in the kitchen with him cause he irritates me so much I lose appetite. I must eat in a different room from him. God, he is such a woman!

drool over Kevin at the Grammys

Okay, I felt like shit yesterday. Dunno what the problem was.
I haven't eaten today yet so I dunno how I'll feel.
And I totally didn't get to drool over Kevin at the Grammys.
He kinda looks a bit lost going to those kinda things with his family, he totally needs a woman for those things.
And that bitch of a Sasquatch was not it.
Got a photo with  a watermark off the net so I imagine that's where it's from.

Anyway, the black suspender things kinda make him look like a horse, but he's hot nevertheless.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I nearly did biology

Okay, I think I'm pretty much a 100% certain that my family cut the internet connection on me today.
Boo! I nearly did biology.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Fucking word!

It is the brain freeze you get from eating cold stuff.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Kevin could just be sneezing and it would be enough to make me orgasm

Oh yessssssss!
Just heard Glee do Somebody To Love of Bieber's.
Realistically, the music is so much crapper than on the real thing but....meh.
Okay, Chord Overstreet has got a totally awesome voice and Kevin could just be sneezing and it would be enough to make me orgasm. This is the best thing ever this horrid crap of a TV show has ever produced!

But this song is thr shizz!

Wow, I haven't listened to McFly for forever. But this song is thr shizz! Ahhhh, reminds me of good old days of being a moderator on a McFly forum.

The best photosopping is no photoshopping

Okay, I've officially seen all of the episodes of That 70s Show.
Um... what am I gonna watch now?!
It's just the bestest TV show ever. At first I wasn't liking Randy too much but seeing all of him in the Season 8 episodes I really like him.

Oh and wow, are all of those photoshops good or what?! I mean I get such a satisfaction out of downloading them and littering my computer with them all and finding out you cannot install them at all. My pictures are looking better than ever because of those glorious programmes. The best photosopping is no photoshopping.

I wouldn't really care that much about the programmes but I have to make a pattern for ym forum's background. Boy, is it hard?! It has to be pink and I have no idea how to decorate it or what kind of pink to use.

it makes you look like the biggest motherfuckers and father suckers in the world. Yes,worse than George Bush - the man who raped the world

Well, well, Glee is doing Bieber.
And I hear Glee fans complain.
What two faced bitches, as you'd expect Glee fans to be.
I think I already said it before but...Bieber fits a gleek definition very well - he's a young kid who dances and sings.
And again... while the gleeks go crazy with their preaching about accepting everyone for who they are, they so fail at being the gracious and noble people they think they are when complaining about Bieber.
Bieber is very much a kid who sings and dances, if yous have a problem with it, fuck you and please shut the fuck up about fucking "underdogs" and "fitting in" cause you shits have no idea what you're talking about and it makes you look like the biggest motherfuckers and father suckers in the world. Yes,worse than George Bush - the man who raped the world.

Plus, I hope they do Somebody To Love cause that's the decentest Bieber song. And ideally I'd have Kevin sing it and mean it like he meant Jackson songs. If he has a problem with Bieber he's all of the above aswell. I love him anyway cause he's hot.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Glee Silly Love Songs review

Well, the only thing I can say is that a fat woman does not mean curvy woman.
And I have nothing against the actress or overweight people but fat is fat and curvy is curvy.

Monday, February 07, 2011

oxygen but sugar is so much better

Okay, I just had a weird feeling where I realised my teeth are clean.
It's like this piece of white chocolate is melting in my mouth and my tongue is sliding all over the smooth teeth tasting the sweet life of a poisonous body.
Okay, sugar is not that poisonous actually, your brain needs it to work, along with oxygen but sugar is so much better.

Glee The Sue Sylvester Shuffle review - Glee makes me hate music, dancing and Kevin McHale: Glee sucks balls, fucking disco balls

Okay for whatever reason I've been sleeping for forever today, about 12 hours.
I'm about to watch the superbowl Glee and will be writing stuff down as I watch the show. There better be a lot of Kevin. If not...then I'm gonna sleep some more.

Okay...the BMX stuff. I don't like it. And I hear there's some sort of a competition, premier league, world cup...whatever thing going on here in Estonia. I cannot stand it when  people deliberately put their health in danger. I wouldn't mind if the fuckers took care of themselves once they got hurt but no...all the nurses and doctors have to run around for them. The same goes to all the drinking people, drug addicts and other extreme sportsmen.

The locker room fight - yes, please. This I like. Although, it looks and sounds more like a hot girl fight. Oh and I'm totally with the big guy...but I just know the writers of Glee will get him back and will do it in a really smug and self righteous way. I know I'm right. Oh and when you're a boy and don't have a girlfriend or when you're a girl and don't have a boyfriend you're definitely homosexual, that's what Glee teaches us.

Lol at the cannon dude - he's made to look a bit bummy but he sure has white teeth. Fail.

Oh so the football team is joining the choir. Dang, I'm so right it hurts! It's fucking perfectly fine to be intolerant, you asses. Why the fuck cannot people accept that? Glee is the fucking show that preaches about tolerance and here they are riding the ass of a single homophobe. Let the damn guy have an opinion, don't force yours on him if you're so fucking tolerant. And not everybody thinks singing is "cool" as the teacher said it. Fucking deal with it. Glee at it's best bullshit!

Sue kind of person does not belong in a school but a madhouse. But Glee is so damn noble it let's mad people be a teacher and shows it in a funny way while a person who doesn't like buttsex gets all the hating. Nice work.

The Thriller concept - okay I have no idea what Youtube video they're talking about or if it actually exists but if it does then FUCKING STOP COPYING YOUTUBE VIDEOS! It's not the first time. But I guess it shows how uninspired and talentless the writers are.

All this Finn, Big Guy, Sam business - that's right. Keep all your negative feelings bottled up. That's the way to deal with things. And yet again, them damn labels are thrown out there. Why the fuck stereotype this thing so much? If the show is popular and some idiot young people find the crap relatable then it's gonna make the labelling thing stronger and lessen the togetherness. How can the writers be sooooo damn retards that they don't realise it?!

Okay who the hell were the other footballers? I thought the team was in Glee. And anyway, here was the shitty self righteous shit. I mean, all the footballers in the world are the mean ones who hate gays and throw drinks at people. And the only good people in the world are fucking singers and dancers. My god, how amazing is Glee!? What valuable lessons are the viewers learning?!

Okay, I hope the Big Guy quits the damn team of pussies and Glee for real and will never go back.
Ughhhhhh, I swear Glee is so ridiculous it's making me hate Kevin McHale and I've totally loved him for years!

About Bills Bills Bills - okay, I love a cappella but this awfuly production has to go! It's totally over done and doesn't sound natural. It's like they're singing in a tin can. The beauty of a cappella is the beauty and naturality of the voices but obviously the Glee people don't know that since everything about the show is soooooooooooo fake.

About the football game and choir thing - I remember when I was in school and our choir teacher was yapping about how everybody needed to be in the choir cause we like..fucking represent the school or shit like that. Yeah we all got a piece of paper signed it and gave it to the music teacher. We quit the choir like that. I cannot believe the terrbile light Glee shows the sportsmen - if it comes naturally to them (like singing to the Glee fucks) then they wouldn't quit it so easily and they most certainly wouldn't be that weak and stupid to do a fucking dance number. How retarded can Glee get?

I bet the fuckers will win the game. And if they don't I bet they'll be like "the most important thing is that we stuck together"

Ahh, I almost got my hopes up that the dolphin was finally off the show.

Ughhh at Finn, Quinn, Santana and Brittany thing - Finn is the Cheese King. Period.

Oh there it was said - if you're not in Glee club and a fool for others then you're nothing. So all the people who watch Glee and have not been in the club themselves are nothing. And people still love the show and think it's ground breaking. It's fucking ground breaking alright, it's fucking ground breakingly stupid and evil.

About the Thriller performance - I bet all the people decide that singing is the base of all living in the world and don't really care that the fucks can't play football and they will win because of the performance. And then the Sun gets spazzy and starts revolving around Glee.

Awww...isn't this nice? The team is back together again. I might shed a tear. Of disgust.
Now I'm more than sure they'll win. Or again if they don't they'll have this big goddamn speech about what a great team they are and probably will sneak in the "being part of something special makes you special".

I bet there'll be slow motion and a few seconds til they score the winning points.
Oh my fuck, they cannot be serious with the chanting. I swear Glee makes me hate music, dancing and Kevin McHale - Glee sucks balls, fucking disco balls if you wish.

Oh no they won. How unexpected! I'm sure the damn bollocks speech won't be cut, it'll happen. And they'll probably say something like "we won cause we stuck together".

Well...the only good thing is...I know now why Dianna Agron doesn't fit the show. She is too good for this mindless bullshit. And that goes to show again how the people in  charge of the show have no idea what they're doing, wasting good talent on shit. Yous are not as good as you think you are and you're only feeding people what they want to hear but not what is true - societally, emotionally, naturally. The show is fake through and through.

I look like a damn vagabond. I put on my crappiest and warmest clothes

I'm finally getting round to making thingy for my parents.
It's about life in Ireland. I filmed it a couple of years ago. Unfortunately some of the video footage is missing.
But I did find some really really nice pics so I'll post them.
Looking at it now makes me scared cause heights freak me out

That's not the worst outfit yet

I look like a damn vagabond. I put on my crappiest and warmest clothes

There's some more but it took me hours to upload these so I couldn't be bothered with the rest of them.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Man, I love them animals!

My wilderbeast for a drawing competition on my forum. Man, I love them animals!


Christianity sucks balls.
Jesus's balls if you wish.

Laughter, weight loss and sex

Here are some outtakes from some articles I was sent:
7 Reasons Not to Diet
1. Lack of nutrition
Contrary to popular belief, most diets are not healthy and may actually border on malnutrition. Many urge us to do extreme things, forgo our favorite foods or cut major food groups in order to lose weight. Healthy eating requires ALL nutrients (carbs, fats, and protein) and a minimum number of calories in order to maintain health and proper body function.
2. Your body's opposite behaviour
Limiting your eating shocks your body into losing weight, but once it gets over that shock, it adapts. How? By slowing down your metabolism, going into unhealthy physical states or stopping weight loss. So, even if you have the mental willpower to diet forever, your body doesn’t.
3. "Yo-yo"
When you starve yourself to an extreme, you end up craving to an extreme. One day you’re “extremely good,” the next “extremely bad.” You may have heard this called “yo-yo dieting.”
4. Life doesn't support dieting
Diets often require us to change our eating habits in such a way that normal life becomes difficult. Eating out, going over friends’ houses for dinner, special occasions all become “problems.” These things, however, are the very things that make life worth living! Most of us are busy and can’t always shop, cook, and calorie-count the way many diets require.
5. Lack of energy
Dramatically reducing your calorie intake can result in reduced energy levels and fatigue. Instead, it is important to understand which foods provide you with quality nutrition.
6. Quantity vs Quality
Dieting doesn’t really teach you how to eat for the long term. You may be counting calories while eating foods that actually make you hungrier or cause you to crave more.
7. Uni-dimensional
In order to truly lose weight, you have to eat well and be active. As we get older, our metabolisms naturally slow down. The more active you are, the more calories you burn and the higher your metabolism will stay.

Original article

What helps to lose weight though?
Can you laugh your love handles off or shag yourself skinny? It sounds too good to be true. But according to a study about laughter, and a separately-authored book about sex and dieting, the answer is “yes, oh yes!” So what if french fries and ice cream are bad for you…if sex and laughter are good? Nature may not be so cruel after all.
Laughter experts Dr. Lee S. Berk and Dr. Stanley Tan have discovered that laughing helps maximize many functions of various body systems. Berk and his colleagues were the first to establish that laughter helps optimize the hormones in the endocrine system, including decreasing the levels of cortisol and epinephrine, which lead to stress reduction. They have also shown that laughter has a positive effect on modulating components of the immune system.
Their studies have shown that repetitious “mirthful (very happy) laughter,” causes the body to respond in a way similar to moderate physical exercise. Mirthful laughter enhances your mood, decreases stress hormones, enhances immune activity, lowers bad cholesterol and systolic blood pressure, and raises good cholesterol (HDL).
Berk explains, “Laughter causes a wide variety of modulation and that the body’s response to repetitive laughter is similar to the effect of repetitive exercise.”

Much like laughter, there are many health benefits associated with sex – including longer life spans, better cardiovascular health, higher pain tolerances, an improved immune system, and a lower rate of depression.

Aerobically, a half-hour roll in the hay burns approximately 150–250 calories – and even up to 350 calories if you are especially…acrobatic. (Ahem.) This is about the equivalent of briskly walking, running, or lifting weights for thirty minutes. According to Forbes magazine, having sex just twice a week for a year will burn off the equivalent of seven hefty pasta dinners. And that doesn’t even address the muscle-toning that occurs.

In The Ultimate Sex Diet (True Courage Press) author Kerry McCloskey confirms that: sex is a great exercise, and the more exercise you do in general, the better your sex life will be. Researchers at the University of California at San Diego found that three to four one-hour workouts per week helped men achieve steadier, more satisfying sex sessions with their partners. And in a Harvard School of Public Health study, men who worked out vigorously for twenty to thirty minutes several times a week reduced their risk of erection problems by half.

Meanwhile, researchers at the University of Texas at Austin discovered that women’s genital blood flow after watching an x-rated film was much greater after exercising than it was without the workout. So essentially, the more you exercise, the more sex you have, and the more sex you have, the more exercise you are getting.

Original article

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Nimeta üks sind iseloomustav mõttetera või tsitaat.

Ma võtan siis vana hea "everybody's looking for somebody's arms to fall into...that's what it is".
See on pärit Mark Knopfleri laulust What It Is.
Esiteks on see laul super! Teiseks see laul on mul juba aastaid lemmik ning oli minu ja ühe mu mehe nii öelda "meie laul".
Kogu see laul paneb mind tundma väga mugavalt, koduselt ning endana.
Ning see tunne ning laul ise, mis on sõprusest, meenutab mulle mu lemmikraamatut "Kuristik rukkis". Ning selles raamatus on koht, kus Holden räägib, kuidas üks raamat/kirjanik on hea siis, kui raamatus on nii nuttu kui naeru ning kuidas peale raamatu läbi lugemist on selline tunne, et kirjanik on su parim sõber. Vot just nii see raamat ning see laul panevadki mind tundma. Selline tugev samastumise tunne tuleb peale.

This thing was asked me on Formspring.
I didn't answer it for quite a few days cause I just didn't know how. So I was asked to post a quote that describes me best and I couldn't think of one.
The one thing that describes me best and is of that nature is a Mark Knopfler's song What It Is.
And that song is so special to me. It's not cheesy special like Glee which makes cheese blush with shame cause of the lack of its cheesiness, it's special special.
The first time I heard this song I worked in a restaurant. We had just closed and I was cleaning the public toilets. When I heard the song I instantly knew it was Mark and I loved the guitar but I didn't know the song.
So I went on my holiday, the first and only time, I came to Estonia when I lived in Ireland.
While in Estonia I bought a Mark Knopfler album. And to my delight What It Is was on it.
But it was my favourite thing ever since I first heard it.

Anyway, later on when I was back in Ireland this dude moved into the house I lived in. He played the guitar and I really didn't care much about it. He played stuff and I tried to guess what he was playing, I never knew though, I got it all wrong.
And then one time when I was in the kitchen minding my business I heard this faint guitar sound play What It Is in the sitting room. I went straight over to the room and tokd the dude it was my fave song.
Fastforward, me and the dude started dating. And it was never officially an "our song" but it poked its head out several times throughout the relationship.
Like, he'd play the song for me quite a few times. Plus, he once played it naked with the guitar on his back...ahahaaaa.
And one Valentine's Day me and him stayed in and had a dinner while Dire Straits played in the background. He said he thought it wouldn't be appropriate for the night but it was perfect!
Then later on as a gift for him I made a movie with Sims 2 and had the song play in it (along with two, three other of some songs that we both liked).
Plus, I think I've already talked about it on here but the song reminds me of The Catcher In The Rye. Just cause it makes me feel very homey, comfortable. Just like Holden said in the book that the you know a book is good when after reading it you feel like the writer is your best friend and you wanna pick up the phone and give them a call. I love the song and the book.
Just perfect.
And the quote I picked was "Everybody's looking for somebody's arms to fall into...that's what it is". Cause it's so... he sings it so effortlessly and genuinely while the line itself is quite...subtle, gentle and emotional. It's jsut so sincere. And that feeling is what I feel closest to and that's why I choose that line as the quote that describes me best.

Stepmom's watching Glee in kitchen

Stepmom's watching Glee in kitchen. :D
Heard the people sing and ran over.
Wanted to show Kevin to her.
Yeah, they didn't show him and a beak came on...couldn't be arsed to wait and watch - the ad nor Glee.

Well, I got my change.

Well, I got my change.
I'm not entirely happy.
Mostly cause I lost my FlagCounter thingy.
Oh well....lost about 9 thousand views but meh.....

Thursday, February 03, 2011

ugh...I want a new look for my blog.

ugh...I want a new look for my blog.
I was actually thinking of moving to another website but I can't get my blog transeferred.

Plus, I think I've found my fave actor. There's quite a few actresses I like but no males.
I mean Leonardo DiCaprio is quite decent.

A lot of pics

So I've been surfing the net and seen a lot of pics. Downloaded some to upload on my blog:
Poor little elephant. Hopefully it got away


So cute

Somewhat scary

Perfect measuring device

The likes of this are the work of Chema Madoz

If only it was this easy

Pretty. The horrid side of it would be if it was another Gaga's outfit in the making

LOL, this is what it's like being in bed with a Scorpio woman

Aw, I've created something like it. A long time ago. Floating along the river.




Clever ad




Don't get what is wrong with the door

Not even in her dreams

Super cute

Oh yes, that's how it's done
Cannot get any cuter


I laughed so hard at this

There's plenty of pics like this

How green!? Perfect!

The cutest behind

So egocentric it's funny (click on if not moving)

Love it!