Thursday, March 31, 2011

Card Of The Day - Artemis (upside down)

Well, yet another great card. Since it's upside down I guess it means none of my needs are being met and the worst is ahead of me. How nice.

Oh and it took me about an hour to cycle off a 5 km road. Super! Slow!

I better not be suffering cause of it

Okay, last night I discovered that I'm all out of my antidepressants. And when I went to the pharmacy today the woman there said I don't have any prescriptions either. Erm....right.
The last time I bought my pills, was two months ago, I know cause I had two boxes.
And back then before I went to get my pills I thought my prescription had expired and I rang my doctor to get new pills. When I got to the pharmacy the woman told me I had one box of tablets left from my old prescription. So I took that one and one box of pills from the new prescription, meaning I should have two more boxes left cause the prescriptions are for three months - three boxes.
Anyway because there is some stupid fuck up in the system I cannot take my tablet today either and I better not be suffering cause of it!
Ughhh...and I'm seriously getting fed up with not being able to eat. It sucks monkey butt so much! I don't give a damn about any anxiety or ulcers I wanna fucking eat!

Yahh....I'm back out now, to ride my bike. The ground is kinda crappy but the weather is lovely.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Lucky One

Oh wow, I think I left the gorgeous Alison Krauss out when I did a post about amazing female singers. Unforgivable. This song is sooo amazing! She has one of the most beautiful voices ever.

Card Of The Day - Abundantia (jumping, upside down)

Eh? What? Second day in a row. Okay, I still have no clue what this is meant to mean, not when it's upside down or when it's jumping or when it's normal.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

the basis of the myths that teenage girls bring out the poltergeists in houses

Well, well, yet again I got reminded how evil teenage girls are. :D
Seriously, this is the basis of the myths that teenage girls bring out the poltergeists in houses and shit cause they have no souls. I swear it's fucking scary and spooky sometimes how heartless those little bitches are :D
And I cannot believe I'm working my ass off for someone like that and spend hours and hours, days and weeks on working on the forum and shit. Wow...I mean that's just nature but it makes me even more certain that when I have a baby I want a boy. I had enough battles when I was a teenager and lived with my mother and my grandmother. The only woman and bitch in my family is going to be me.'s fucking scary and I don't think I like it or want to be around it anymore. I mean I was happy to provide a place for chat and help but when they're so carnivorous towards each other I want to get the hell out.

Man, am I glad I'm not in my teens anymore

 Well, I posted stuff in my earlier entry but since I don't have any text to go with the following pics I put the text from my earlier post in here:
Man, am I glad I'm not in my teens anymore. It's a weird weird world. Like, when you're a teen then it's like everything inside of you and right around you is shit and the rest of the world is like heaven. And you're so desperately trying to place yourself somewhere out there where the grass seems greener. But when you get older it's like everything inside of you and right around you is the safest place ever and the rest of the world is super scary and you'll do whatever to protect your nearest and dearest from the world.

So my mum's dog had her puppies. It's all kind of...ugly

My little brother putting together this...wooden snake thingy.
 He's the weirdest kid. He doesn't like cheese or cheesecake!

Card Of The Day - Abundantia

Okay, the only thing that was poured on me today, in abundance was snow. I have no idea what this is meant to mean. said I might get extra time for something out of something. Um, better not be hospital talk again!

Wells, I read the biology book. I'm still not finished with the first book.Ughh...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Card Of The Day - Eireen (jumping, upside down)

Well, there's nothing like an upside down card jumping at you! How wonderful is it that a piece of paper cannot wait til the cards are dealt and has to jump out ot deliver the bad message? Well, looks like i really need to get down to business with peace-enhancing activities. Yeah, the bike ride today was not so peaceful cause there were many times when I almost fell over cause the roads are so slippery. Ughh...I don't know of any peaceful activities! Eh....what?! What. Am. I. Supposed. To. Do?

Oh and it's my brother's birthday today. Don't have any credit on my phone so I'll send him an e-mail.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Card Of The Day - Ostara and Ixchel

So since my brother was visiting me I kinda didn't have time to do cards. Anyway, here are my cards for today:
Ostara, the first one. Okay I gotta say when talking about fertility I very much think of pregnancy and shit. And this card indicates it but I think we're looking at something else here. It says my desire will fulfill in springtime which hopefully indicates my exams will go well and I will get into some good university.
If it doesn't mean that then it might mean a new idea is a very good investment or it's a good time to start something new and make changes. This made me think of riding the bike which I've been doing for two days
Another thing may be that "I will be involved with a successful child business". It might mean that my brother coming over meant our relationship got stronger which would be quite obvious.
Well, since it might mean so many things I thought it is necessary to pull another card, especially cause ostara might also mean a resurrection of the old. That made me worry cause I've had bad anxiety recently and I haven't been able tpo eat properly, very much like during the summer before and during the hospital. Ugh...and well....unfortunately the next card that was supposed to give some explanation is health related - Ixchel.
Man....back when I lived in Ireland and was very very depressed I constantly got this card. Sometimes several times in a row. I kinda used to think of it as a protecting goddess or card. Like when I did the energy cleansing course, Ixchel would always be on my mind. Not that I particulary believe in any gods or spirits but I take it as a symbol of a feeling/situation/etc. The card says either I'm being healed or should start a healing process. I really really hope it doesn't mean I have to go to hospital.

All this makes me think of the card I got a while back that said I was gonna be very sensitive and shit. I guess if you overthink and analyze it it kinda came true. And I guess the Earth card was thrown in there cause of Japan.

just put my foot in my mouth

Hhahahahaaaa...just put my foot in my mouth.
The wallpaper in my brothers room has planets and spaceships on it and they glow in the dark.
I just found and said, "Ma ei teadnud, et need pimendavad helendas", meaning "I didn't know they darken in the glow".
Whatever....think I rode my bike for too long today. :D

mp3 bike

Okay, today has been a little better. Or yesterday so.
Me and the brother went riding bikes. Yeah, it's not easy in the snow but we did it anyway.
Was fun.
The embarrassing thing was though that I couldn't remember what the bike was called that my brother was riding. I just called it a "trick bike". Later on when the brother talked about it, he called it bmx.
I was so glad I had called the bike a "trick bike" cause I could remember it had like three letters in the name but I thought it was called an "mp3". :D I swear. Not hip at all!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The sound of a firing machine gun

I seriously dislike shooting games. The sound of a firing machine gun annoys me! Both of my brothers are fond of those horrible computer games where some eejit runs around and kills people. So fun, like!
I just told my brother off for playing that horrible game and to turn down the volume. He said he didn't wanna play any "women's games". And I said those shooting games are not for men, they're for idiots.

life has turned into shit again

Well, my life has turned into shit again. What with being anxious all the time and able to eat.
My mother said it would be best if I went back to hospital but I so don\t want to becuase it feels like prison. And what is the point in going back if it doesn\t help. If it did then I wouldn\t be such a wreck right now.

Oh and what are the lifelines for when you ring on one of those numbers and nobody answers the phone? Well, eventually I got a hold of this man and we chatted and I told him my tranquillizers are not helping, they just make me sleepy and he said it's cause my anxiety/depression is too severe/deep.
Yeah and then I called the ambulance. Just to talk to a doctor cause I didn't want to be taken to hospital. Plus my little brother is over visiting me so I can't even go. I feel so bad about it though, I was too much of a wreck today to even cook for him, let alone do stuff with him.
The ambulance woman gave me some doctor's number adn I talked to her aswell but me credit went low so it was cut off.

Anyway, I'm full of diazepam and mirtazapine I'll try to get some sleep.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I might have retarded babies and I have to pay for them? No, thanks

Okay, I'm really not feeling the feeling sick thing for days! Ugh, I got my omeprazole, so it's time I started feeling normal.
I just can't sleep cause everytime I lay down I start feeling so sick. I got about 8 hours sleep last night so....that's kinda good.

Anyway, my brother is coming over today so hopefully we can do stuff together and I won't be feeling sick. His birthday is coming up so I bought him stuff which he hopefully likes. Will see.

Oh and I heard the radiation from Japan has reached Finland, so I'm sure it's in Estonia by now aswell. Okay...I'm not happy with the Japanese. Okay, lots of people died and all but the rest of the world or the next generations of the world don't have to suffer cause of them. :/ And they want the rest of the world to donate money to them?! I might have retarded babies and I have to pay for them? No, thanks to both of those.

Okay, as a child I loved The Lion King but I've just seen the sequel and...well...I don't wanna say anything bad but it's waaaayy too violent. It was about revenge and killing all the time, so many negative characters.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Now, like!

Okay, I need to find a bike to buy! Now, like!

I'd sure like Artie non-superficially for his personality and nature when he looked like Kevin McHale

Erm...what a load of gibberish Mr McHale is talking. I'd sure like Artie non-superficially for his personality and nature when he looked like Kevin McHale.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

a magically bound ideas day

Okay, besides feeling like gagging for the most of the day and having that bastard dog chasing and barking at me while I was out for a walk, the day has been quite productive. More so theoretically.
So I finally decided to go with my plan to peddle to Tartu, about 90 kilometres. I asked my mother to send me some money so I can buy a bike, but in the meantime I'll be exercising on my stepmother's bike.
My father wasn't too impressed cause I'm always at home, not moving. Even today, when I was out for a walk for about three hours he rang me and asked if I had got lost someplace.
Well, I don't care. I gotta get to Tartu and the best way to get there is on the bike. No bus panic, no car stress.
Plus, if I'll be staying at my mother's place right outside the town then I can use the bike to get to Tartu. I mean, it's healthy and doesn't cost me my nerves.
Speaking of nerves, I actually went and sat outside and read my biology book. I was reading about mitosis and meiosis and it said nerve cells don't divide. So....theoretically it was a magically bound ideas day.
Anyway....I'm off to find a bike I want now.

properly nauseous

Okay, I have no idea what is going on but I've felt properly nauseous all night. And a little for a few days.
I hope it's a bug or something, I don't want it to have anything to do with anxiety.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Proper lose lose

Heh, what a great line! Sums up puberty very well.

Plus, been watching Everwood. And while it's not my favourite and I cannot really relate to it and I'm not properly feeling it, it's rather good. I mean Gregory Smith is kinda hot and all but Ephram's character is really annoying. But the whole thing is very accurate. Like seeing the girls on my forum complain about their parents... It's like when the parents don't pay them attention they complain that nobody loves them or cares about them or nobody cares what happens in their life. But when the parents pay them attention they feel like the parents are invading their personal space and are too restricting. You can't win. Proper lose lose. And that's what Ephram is like.

Well, I lost a follower. Guess they died in one of the catastrophies or during the end of the world yesterday.

Well, I lost a follower. Guess they died in one of the catastrophies or during the end of the world yesterday.
I mean, the moon was closer to the Earth than normally and all sorts of catastropihes were supposed to happen - tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions. I'm glad it's all over by now and by the time I got up this morning. So that's what people should do, go to sleep when the end of the world is happening cause you'll sleep right through it and can go on with your life from the moment you wake up.
I must say this post-apocalyptic world is very similar to the one before it all, I was hoping to gain a super power in form of extra fast learning skill but I guess I got my hopes too high up.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Card Of The Day - Sarasvati (upside down)

Well, well. This card goes for 18th of March. Since it's upside down I can find two explanations: 1) I'm not writing enough. Writing as in doing biology.
2) I'm guiding my overly creative mind in a totally wrong direction. That as in my brother fell ill today and was gonna get sick. And my fobia obviously kicked in and I was scared to eat for the whole day. Super! It freaked me the hell out. Hopefully he feels better during the night and tomorrow. For him and myself.

Other than that, I watched a couple of films - Beauty And The Briefcase and Labour Pains.
Oh dear, what sad crappy Sex And The City rip off Beauty And The Breifcase was. In addition it was very awkward to see Hilary Duff play a woman. She will always be a child in my eyes. And honestly, I laughed out loud when she said "sex". It's just funny when little kids say totally inappropriate things, very funny in the wrong way.
I wasn't a big fan of Labour Pains either. I don't really mind Lindsay Lohan as an actress but her...reputation and shit is just gross. Plus, all of the times in the film when she was apologizing for lying and stuff it kind of reminded me of how she had lied in court about all that drug business. more Lindsay Lohan films for me.

Friday, March 18, 2011

It kinda takes away the mystical aspect but adds a lot of clarity or reality to it

So this is like a scientific fact that everything one dreams about, she/he has actually seen in life before. So there was this crazy dream I had in my teens and it was about this church. It was quite a clear image but I couldn't think of any place where I had seen it before. So while watching Everwood I saw this church in one of the episodes and I reckognised it straight away! This is the church from my dream! It kinda takes away the mystical aspect but adds a lot of clarity or reality to it.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Card Of The Day - Athena (upside down)

"You know what to do. Take appropriate action without delay". Indeed and indeed this needs to be done. Been reading this glycolysis and photosynthesis thing for a few days and got my stepmother to help out cause I didn't understand anything myself.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Very very freaky Card Of The Day - White Tara and Mawu

Oh dear. So my card reading has become quite the popular thing amongst my family. I did my stepmother and my brother's cards today. Didn't do mine in the morning cause I was busy watching Glee. Anyway, I got into the swing of card reading and did mine aswell.
First card was White Tara and it says I'm gonna be super sensitive to stuff. It lists different things and it got me worried. I wented to know what I was going to be so sensitive to so decided to pick another card and this is what I got:
Is this fucking freaky or what?! And what makes it freakier is that when I did my stepmother's cards she got this one as well. Before all the card reading we were talking about Japan and all the nuclear business. And I said what kind of an idiot builds something like this on this kind of crazy land where there's tsunamis, earthquakes and shit. I said I wanna have a perfectly normal baby, not a fucked up one that I myself didn't fuck up but some Japanese morons. I totally wish I had had a baby a looooooong time ago cause I don't wanna have one of those creepy Chernobyl babies. I know of someone, well knew, whos father had to go there for some business and their daughter came out with...sick legs. She is fine but she has problems with her legs and it was confirmed it was cause of the father's trip to Chernobyl.
And while I take the whole Japan thing quite rationally I am still a bit worried. I mean, the humankind is not ready for disasters like this and you can relay on the government and I bet if the Earth blows up all of the politicians will be living on a spaceship or something and watch down on Earth and laugh as all the little people suffer and die.
Ugh, it's just frustrating knowing that all these people in charge of countries think they're god and treat everyone like shit, Earth included, but when stuff like this happens they don't know jack and keep on talking shit about how they fucking control everything and how everyone has to bow down to them. Like what kinda idiots raise prices at this time? Everyone is so goddamn greedy it's sickening. Cause of that I wouldn't actually mind if something truly horrible happened so that the world's economy would flat out collapse and all of the politicians would be kicked off their stupid high horses.

Glee Original Song review

Okay, LOL, I won't bitch as much then.

Well, the starting song was quite good. And I must say Darren Criss is quite a likable actor/character.

Only Child scene - woah! What's going on in the Glee offices?! They've actually managed to bind a story line into three consecutive episodes! Plus I liked the last line of the song - "the only Berry on my family tree".

Okay, what happened to the cheerleader's uniforms!? Why everyone's wearing regular clothes all of a sudden? Plus some clothes look like the kinda clothes the actors/actresses wear on their own time. Er...

Okay theis smitten look Blaine gave Kurt when he was singing the bird song - ughhh....if I knew it wasn't in this gay gang bang show or written by a gay gang bang show master then I'd think it's quite nice but now it's just like....ughhhh, enough of this damn gay business!

Erm, not that it really matters or anything but hasn't Lea Michele gained weight?

Sasquatch! Off my screen!
Damn, typed too soon. Now she's playing the piano! Okay, I might rethink about starting piano lessons now cause eurghhhh...think I might vomit when I put my hands on those keys and have a flashback of this monstrosity tainting the beautiful instrument.

And is the word "ass" allowed on the show that's aimed at underaged kids?

Okay, this Mercedes song - "get your ass out of bed"? Dudes, your damn show is aimed at little brainless kids! Don't you fucking curse!

Okay, I wish there was a way to block that Sasquatch! She is so fucking annoying and stupid looking.

Ahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, oh my god! I actually laughed for the first time when watching Glee! Ahahahahaaaaaaa, the stick throwing was the best ever!!!

Oh yes Tina Cohen-Loser sounds good! But Jenna Sasquatch is so much better!

Oh god, here we go with the hideous preaching again "first it hurts then it makes you wanna win". Uhh...whatever.

This Rachel and Quinn scene - erm...I seriously don't know who was with whom so....blah! Meaningless girl chitter-chatter.

Wow, this big show came fast, no build up or anything.

Okay, I don't understand theseb facial expressions again during the Jesus Is A Friend Of Mine song. That song sounded good and no where near as cheesy as Glee. So take your scoffy faces and stick them up your butts! Oh and why is it that they always go on last? That is so unoriginal, predictable and just blah.

I don't like the Kurt Blaine duet. It's sounds like a...horrible wailing. The Pink song, yeah I've said it before but Darren Criss is excellent, too good for the show. But a very clever addition cause I believe he has the potential to save the show from a massive failure.

The uptempo song - sounds good but who gives a crap abuot the lyrics. Like, I can say back, yes when you're as cheesy you are, you are a fucking loser to me and you can "hit me with the worst you've got" in a song, I don't care. And what is wrong with car washers? Are yous saying cause you sing you're better than a car washer? Please! Singing does NOT make you a god. And the only point I could see in this song was that when you're not a successful performing artist and work as a "crappy" car washer you're shit. Which very much contradicts (yet again) Glee is supposed to stand for. When someone doesn't like singing or likes cars or something the Glee kids don't they're automatically shit and at war with Glee clubbers. What a load of bollocks! And yet again the Sasquatch is majorly annoying me with her over done stupid facial expressions and idiotically overspazzy body language

Okay, the nun judge is yet another little Glee fail. That reminds me of how in That 70s Show Pastor Dave was in casual clothes when he came to visit the Formans not in his pastor clothes. These kinds of little mistakes are one of the big reaons why Glee fails as a TV show.

Agree with the politician.

And what is up with the blakc people on Glee talking all ghetto? Racist much?

Kurt and Blaine's funeral scene - ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....are we all reliving Ryan Murphy's childhood or  watching his sick pedophilic fantasies? He has absolutely tainted same sex sexuality.

Okay, I swear I made this as tame as possible!

Card Of The Day - Lakshmi

Well well well...this card was drawn in the morning. My father decided to be a total ass again so this is a father related card. And like it says everything should be fine. Eventually.
He was complaining about how "nobody" does anything and my stepmother has to do everything. He totally meant that I'm not a slave like her, or a woman. At first he was talking to the brother about cleaning up and stuff but he was saying like...he knew I could hear him but he made it look like he was giving out to my brother. Anyway, I told him I was studying and then he started giving out to me about that. I just thought it was really funny how he thinks that women have to do all the cleaning in the house and nobody was doing it for him. I told him he's not doing anything either. And he is not. He could've gone and hoovered the house or wash the dishes but no, he just complains about how nobody does anything around him.
Anyway....I totally missed Glee today, will watch it tomorrow and write a review.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

This just in.

This just in.
My mum's dog went to labour this morning.
10 pups at first, 9 pups now. The dog sat on one of the pups and killed it.
Oh and my father's family doesn't want a dog so...

Ugh, I don't really care for dogs and puppies too much but I soooooooooooooooo want to go to Tartu!'s been four fucking years since my last visit!

Weirdest shit ever!

Okay, I'm either going crazy or the moon is riding all over the sky.
About two nights ago the moon was soooooooooooooooo low and now it's back up high again.
Weirdest shit ever!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Card Of The Day - Sige

Well, well. A normal card for a change. The question was what lesson or what moto should I follow today to have a very productie day. And since this card says I'm sensitive to loud noises I'd say it means I shouldn't be listening to music all day and should actually study. And maybe I'll finally get to do one energy cleansing session.
Anyway, last night around 10 I asked my stepmother to revise with me and she did. And in comes my dad and starts blaming me for leaving studying til so late and shit. Erm....I did it all day and revised in the evening, smarty pants!
And a good thing happened last night - I finally got the pattern/background image for my forum's new look. And I've been messing around with images and shit. I swear if anyone says one bad word about the new look, I'm gonna tickle someone to death!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Never trust anyone who breaks into your home!

Have yous not seen a (half) naked man before?

Okay, just noticed I've got a lot of views from the Sims 3 forum. And those pervs have been looking at the McFly entry.
Erm....why is that so popular? :D Have yous not seen a (half) naked man before?

Plus, I've been watching Everwood. I'm somewhere in the middle of the first season and I don't have anything to bitch about. Doesn't mean it's the best ever thing, it just doesn't rub me the wrong way.

Plus plus, I found some good stuff that I can use for decorating my forum! Whoop! I just need to figure out which background pattern I'm gonna use. It's doing my head in.

Card Of The Day - Abundantia (upside down)

Okay, I'm not feeling the whole upside down business! What the hell am I supposed to do then!? This card is meant to mean I have nothing to worry about and everything will be fine but since it's upside down I imagine it means nothing will be okay and I have everything to worry about. And also that I'm running out of time. Nice! Isn't it just so damn motivating!?

Plus, I had a terrbile anxiety attack last night. I just started shaking and my hands/arms were in cramps. Rang my mother to calm down cause I didn't wanna take any drops or pills. Found out my mother's dog is preggers and about to pop. Might get a puppy off them for my father's family. I dunno how the intercourse happened cause the female is a labrador and the male is a dachshund. Hahahahaaaaaa
Yeah, anyway my arms are all sore from cramps last night. Ughhhhh!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Card Of The Day - Maeve (jumping, upside down)

Well, been feeling a little anxious and poo poo lately. So it was about health and studying. I always take that as having to go to bed earlier. And maybe for anxiety, find some activity to releave it.

The glorious day I lost my virginity on, years and years ago

Oh damn. It's already 12th of March and I haven't even finished the first biology book and I have about 5 books to go through before the end of the month.
Plus :D it's the 12th of March. The glorious day I lost my virginity on, years and years ago.
Ah....good old childhood.

Oh and it'll be school holiday soon. My brother might come and visit me.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Card Of The Day - Mother Mary

Okay. This card is also biology related. And I was thinking of motivation. I don't really think there's gonna be a miracle happening any time soon (or ever, for that matter) but.... it's just that I just gotta study harder myself. Or maybe that's what's called a miracle. Cynical much, Mary?

Addition: Although, I received a letter from the geography teacher saying there was a spare special exam book in the school library, so maybe that will ease things up a bit. Although I already bought me exam books. Maybe the one in school is different.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Card Of The Day - Freyja (upside down)

Well, I've done some card reading recently. And while I don't particulary believe in it, it's fun.
So if I can keep this up I will be doing a daily card reading, like a daily card.
So cause I've been trying to do biology all day I set my mind on biology when doing my cards and got Freyja, upside down.

My interpretation of the card: Well, since it was upside down I think it might mean I've been putting the studying off. And the big life change or bold step has been not so big and bold. I gotta start studying harder so.

I most definitely will not take that kinda crap from my 11 year old brother

Okay, I think I'm in for a bollocking cause I just gave out to my brother.
He was cooking and left this crazy mess behind and I made him clean up the oven, pan, table and floor (cause instead of cleaning up the crumbs he tossed them on the floor).
My father is a strict believer of the fact that women are cleaning machines at home. Plus he always defends the brother in a really ridiculous manner: like one time I told my brother two, three times to do his homework and he didn't cause he was too busy watching TV with my dad or playing in his room when dad was playing on the computer. Anyway, then around ten o'clock I went to check his homework that should've been done by that time and he hadn't done a thing. Then my father strted giving out and blaming me for not reminding him about his homework earlier. Seriously?! Like, it's my fucking problem whether he gets the darn thing done. And another time when I wanted him to do homework the father was like, "don't bother, he'd rather watch telly". Like, instead of giving out to him he told me not to bother and let him watch tv.
Okay, I don't give a fuck about his homework anymore but I won't let my father boss me around in his idiotic chauvinist manner and I most definitely will not take that kinda crap from my 11 year old brother.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Glee Sexy Review

Well, since I watched the stream I missed a lot of the visual stuff cause it kept freezing non stop.
I also missed quite a few words, syllables and letters cause of it but I got the point of the episode.
I'm not sure I like Holly Holiday and although I agree with the thoughts she's made to say but it's all kinda forced and overdone with "cool".

I think the dudes' song is the first Glee song I don't like.

And fuccckkkk! I just opened a bottle of soda and the thing splashed all over the place!! we go again with saying what you feel with a song (Brittany, Santana, Holly scene). These kinda lame scenes make the show revolting and gag-worthy.

Oh and I heard Qwyneth got a record deal or something, okay she's spent waaaayy to much time on Glee. She seems to think she's a better singer than she is or that singing is more than....just making noise.

What the fuck!? I'd kill that friend who talked to my dad about my sex life or preached about safe sex to him! Oh and what is wrong with putting fingers in your ears and singing? Doesn't it cure cancer?

About the Sam's gay comment to Artie - ughhhhhhhhh, this show is sooooo over sexed! It's all gay, lesbian, hetero and now bisexual shit. Okay, I'm so not the first to put down sex but the gay shit is just sickening.

Oh and what the hell was going on with all the mocking faces on the Glee club kids when the others were performing in the blue shirts. They thought you can get pregnant or a disease from a cucamber! Plus, this was the best song of the show so far.

Okay, so the point of the sex talk was that if you have sex you don't matter. There is nothing wrong with sleeping around but you gotta place yourself somewhere inbetween Glee and Sex and The City.

Okay, this Naya and Brittany thing is totally in the Kurt boat and it's shit. And while Naya Rivera is hot, I'd stick with Kevin too.

Okay so...all in all, was quite a crappy episode. Was okay to get a look at other characters, not just Rachel and Finn. But the show still has this something really....bad to it that makes it really a low quality show for me.

Okay, off to bed, it's four o'clock.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

the little awesome gear that made the box alive has broken all of its cogs and the music don't play no more!

Oh noes! Just heard the horrible news of Doubie Poynter checking into a rehab.
How sad?
I feel like McFly are this cool happy musicbox and now the little awesome gear that made the box alive has broken all of its cogs and the music don't play no more! :(

Monday, March 07, 2011

Daaaayyyuuummm! since I found this god

Okay, since I found this god on YouTube (and yes, I will most definitely just download these videos off of it so I don't have to waste my time on thsi shitty website) and I gotta have him on  my blog. And checking him out is mandatory!!!

Daaaayyyuuummm! He's so good it's unreal! I love the violin, it's just the best instrument ever!

Everything eukaryote is rocket science!

Oh dear, why is it that the smallest things are the most difficult?
Knowing everything in detail is too hard.
Everything eukaryote is rocket science!
The same old same old

Sunday, March 06, 2011

She should be locked away, in a bawdyhouse!

Okay, more complaining about Carrie Brainshag.
First off, I'm so glad Aidan left that crazy bitch. Aidan is the most normal character on the show.
Oh and there was  a great scene where the cunt had to apologize to Aidan. First! And it was like the biggest fucking thing in the world and while others apologize to her firs tthen she acts like a fucking self righteous shithead.
Oh and I've just seen another hideous scene where Carrie is giving out to Charlotte for not offering to help her out with her money business. Seriously, do we all have to be so fucking self righteous and idiotic and be mad at everyone we know cause they're not taking the time to live our lives and making our decisions for us? And she just stands there like a fucking glorious old cunt and shouts at the woman and goes into her shitty little Bambi mode again where she talks how she is the best and the goddest and the most hurt thing on the planet. Yeah and she rights and justifies her wrongs with other people's wrongs that have nothing to do with her. God she is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo self centred it's DISGUSTING! She is a major bitch!
I've seen the end of the show and it totally ends the wrong way, that Carrie cunt is so stupid she should die alone. Seriously like, she does not belong among other people. She should be locked away, in a bawdyhouse!


Okay, I dunno if I posted about this or not but I got a new follower: MeMissI
Woo! 19 in total, um not sure what has been the most.
Okay, I gotta start studying now.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Carrie Bradshaw has to be the worst protagonist ever!

Okay, watching season 3 of SATC and I just cannot believe what a tyrant Carrie is.
She expects everyone to approve of her and her actions.
Plus whenever she has a fight with someone she expects everyone to apologize to her.
God, Carrie Bradshaw has to be the worst protagonist ever!

fucks up big time and everybody hates her

Well, here's my hair after the hairdresser. Um, not sure I like it. I think I should've gone flat out blonde.

Oh and I'm a proper masochist cause I keep watching Sex And The City. Damn, do I like how Carrie fucks up big time and everybody hates her. Too bad she ends up with the Big cause she should die alone like. In the gutter.


There's no end to some people's stupidity volume 2

So I joined my Google account with YouTube.
I signed out by accident and now to get back on I have to send some sort of a text to someone/something and actually waste money. Seriously, YouTube and Google, fuck you so hard in your non-existent brains! What a bunch of twats!

Yous, greedy bastards asked for it. Now I'm legit gonna download every song off of YouTube, dare you father suckers complain about it or accuse me of illegal activity cause you're false advertising!

Friday, March 04, 2011

I foresee yet another and very predictalbe but nevertheless a foreseekable Glee fail.

I foresee yet another and very predictalbe but nevertheless a foreseekable Glee fail.
Do You Wanna Touch Me?, I predict will go down the Blame It On The Alcohol road.
Again, who is gonna listen to the preaching when the only thing worthy about this show is the music? And while they're preaching they are very much selling sex with their songs. If they really wanted to teach a lesson they wouldn't release singles and sell all this filth sugarcoated with preacing of "underdogs, acceptance, singing cures cancer" and other shit.
And yes! While I quite enjoyed Blame It On The Alcohol, I guess mostly cause the writers actually found a subject for themselves which they can relate to and know what to write and therefore make the episode half decent, it was voted as worst TV show of the week or whatever. I think they seem to forget their target audience is like....whenever it is when you don't have a brain and the parents will most likely to raise their voice yet again. I just wish they had done it right after the first episode and prevent this monstrosity of the show being nominated for big awards, albeit some actors are great in it and deserve an award (I mean, you gotta be like really good to look good on a show like Glee)

Wish You Were Here

Okay, something utterly positive for a change.
I love Avril's Wish You Were Here.
It's so pretty!

Thursday, March 03, 2011

it pisses me off more than Glee

Okay, I haven't been able to stop watching Sex And The City and Carrie is a total whore. She doesn't deserve the men she gets, she doesn't deserve any men at all. And she doesn't deserve any of the other whores either.
Gahhhh, I hate her! Like, the plot and shit s quite decent and it's pulled together really well but other than that it pisses me off more than Glee.
Plus, I don't think I wanna do chemistry exam, it's so damn hard and confusing!

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

there shouldn't be any gray at...if not 25 then at least 11

Okay, just got back from the hairdresser.
The lighting is kinda crap now in the evening so no picture.
And the picture is not the most important thing anyway.
What's important is that I've got gray hair. Now, I dunno if it's cause of my depression or genes (my dad went gray pretty early on too) but... whatever the reason is I don't fucking like it.
Who wants to have gray hair at twenty five? Plus, the hairdresser said that kids even as young as 10, 11 have gray hair cause there is so much stress in the world. What with homework and relationhsips with fellow pupils and shit.
Damn, this is not right, there shouldn't be any gray at...if not 25 then at least 11.

something here is a before

I should be going to the hairdresser's today. I was thinking of doing high- and lowlights along with my own colour. Also get the usual haircut, the ends and a bit of fringe.
Anyway, just in case I decide to do something here is a before picture:

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

The dawn is so fucking early in the morning and this liiiiiiiight, this liiiiiight...

Ahahahaaaa, check this out!
Tarnishe D'Silver
Oh man, this cracks me up so much! This is so brilliant!
Here's a link to the film (Dirty Movie):
(00:02:33 - 00:03:33 )
It so owns all the screamers (except Demi Lovato, she was very very good).

Plus, oh my god! It's March already, gotta start studying now.